Program Requirements and Expectaons
And Master Plan of Instrucon
CNC ProducƟon Specialist
Trevor Misegades, Instructor
The mission of Lake Technical College is to be an integral component of the economic growth
and development in our communies by oering a variety of high quality careereducaon and
training opportunies.
Lake Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, naonal
origin, gender, genec informaon, age, pregnancy, disability, or marital status in its educa
onal programs, services or acvies, or in its hiring or employment pracces. The district also
provides access to its facilies to the Boy Scouts and other patrioc youth groups, as required
by the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act, or any other youth group listed in Title 36 of the
United States Code as a patrioc society.
Program Requirements and Expectations
Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and should be academically, physically, and emotionally capable of meeting
the demands of the chosen program. Applicants make initial application through the Admissions Office. A minimum skills
evaluation is part of the admission process.
The Career and Technical Education programs have the following minimum admissions requirements:
1. Complete an LTC online application.
2. Take the basic skills examination, if required.
3. Meet with a career advisor.
4. Fulfil additional entry requirements as needed for individual programs.
A high school diploma or GED is not required to enroll in most programs. However, it is recommended that all students
complete either a high school diploma or a GED prior to program completion.
All applicants for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs 450 hours or more, with the exception of Florida Law
Enforcement Academy and Paramedic applicants, take a state mandated basic skills evaluation prior to enrollment.
Basic skills evaluation scores must be valid at the time of enrollment. Testers must be 16 years of age or older.
If a student has met or exceeded standard scores on one area of one test, they may use another test to meet the
additional skill area requirements. It is acceptable to combine test scores from more than one test. (Rule 6A-10.315,
Assessment instruments meeting this requirement include:
Per 2020, FS 1008.30 Common placement testing for public postsecondary education and Rule 6a-10.040
No expiration date:
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE), Forms 11 and 12, 2017;
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS), GOALS 900 Series, 2019;
2014 GED
Tests: Reasoning through Language Arts and Mathematical Reasoning where a minimum score as
required in Rule 6A-6.0201, F.A.C
(eff. 3/23/16), has been attained on each test.
Good for 2 years from the date of testing:
A common placement test where a minimum score has been achieved pursuant to Rule 6A-10.0315, F.A.C
PERT, SAT, The College Board, ACT, Next Generation, ACCPLACER, The College Board
Per 2020, FS 1004.91, FS 1008.30, and the 2021 CTE Basic Skills Assessment Technical Assistance Paper
Requirements for career education program basic skills Programs 450 hours or more
An adult student with a disability may be exempted. (per Rule 6a-10.040(eff. 2/16/21), FS 1004.02(6)
(eff. 2020)
must follow LTC policy and process);
A student who possesses a college degree at the associate in applied science level or higher;
Any student who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year
thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma. (Graduated 2007+)
A student who is serving as an active duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Services;
A student who passes a state or national industry certification or licensure examination that is identified in State
Board of Education rules and aligned to the career education program in which the student is enrolled;
An adult student who is enrolled in an apprenticeship program that is registered with the Department of Education
in accordance with chapter 446;
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A student who demonstrates readiness for public postsecondary education pursuant to s. 1008.30 (see testing
chart below) and applicable rules adopted by the State Board of Education. If a student has met or exceeded
standard scores in one area of one test, another test may be used to meet the additional skill area requirements.
It is acceptable to combine test scores from more than one test;
A student who was previously tested and referred to developmental education at a Florida College System (FCS)
institution college may be reported as meeting basic skills requirements once they successfully complete the
required developmental education and will not need to be retested.
Students enrolled in school district or FCS institution law enforcement training academies are not subject to basic
skills exit requirements in s. 1004.91 F.S. or Rule 6A-10.040 F.A.C. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement
(FDLE) has designated the Florida Basic Abilities Test (FBAT) for use with these students; please refer to
943.17(6), F.S., for more information.
Applicants transferring appropriately leveled TABE, CASAS GOALS, GED® test sections, or other common placement
tests must do so by having an official score report sent directly to the Admissions Office prior to enrollment in the program.
Scores brought by hand will be accepted only if the document provided by the outside testing center is in a sealed
Remediation of Basic Skills
Students who do not meet the basic skills exit scores set by the Florida Department of Education for their program must
begin attending remediation classes prior to or at the time of enrollment in a Career and Technical Education program and
make acceptable progress as determined by the ASB faculty member. Lake Technical College follows vendor guidelines
for all retesting. Students with an approved early testing waiver may be permitted to test early. It is highly recommended
students meet state mandated basic skills requirements by the time they have completed 50% of their program. Students
who do not meet state mandated basic skills exit scores may not receive a certificate of completion as per Florida
Department of Education rules.
Some basic skills test scores are good for two years and must be valid at the time of enrollment. Basic skills test scores
that expire during continuous enrollment remain valid until the end of such enrollment. Under continuous enrollment,
students must be enrolled at least 50% of each semester. Continuous enrollment applies to attendance in a single
Federal and state legislation requires the provision of accommodations for students with disabilities as identified on the
secondary student’s IEP or 504 plan or postsecondary student’s accommodations plan to meet individual needs to ensure
equal access. Postsecondary students with disabilities must self-identify, present documentation, request
accommodations if needed, and develop a plan with their postsecondary provider.
Students desiring accommodations or updates to their accommodations are encouraged to self-identify before or as soon
as possible to the special populations staff and provide documentation that clearly shows evidence of a disability and
applicable accommodations. The special populations staff will schedule a meeting with the student and faculty to discuss
the documented disability and applicable accommodations.
Accommodations received in postsecondary education may differ from those received in secondary education and are
reasonable as they relate to the industry or field. Accommodations change the way the student is instructed. Students with
disabilities may need accommodations in such areas as instructional methods and materials, assignments, assessments,
time demands, schedules, learning environment, assistive technology and special communication systems.
Documentation of the accommodation requested and provided is maintained in a confidential file.
Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the special populations staff to arrange
appropriate accommodations. Students are required to give reasonable notice (typically 5 working days) prior to
requesting an accommodation.
Tuition is charged to adult students at a rate established by the State legislature. Current fee information is available in the
Admissions Office. Tuition is waived for eligible high school, career dual enrolled students. Tuition is due prior to the first
day of each payment period based on the Lake Technical College payment calendar. Failure to pay fees at the time class
begins may result in not being able to attend class and/or clinical.
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Personal injury/school accident insurance is required for all Career and Technical Education students. This insurance is
provided through Lake Technical College at the rate of $1.50 a month. The accident insurance fee will be charged to
students per payment period.
Health programs with clinical experiences require liability insurance in conjunction with requirements by the healthcare
facilities. The liability insurance fee is charged to students at the time of enrollment.
Guidelines for All Students
In an effort to develop professional skills, regular attendance is required of all students. Students are expected to be in
their class promptly in the morning, after break, and after lunch. If it is necessary to be absent due to illness or
emergencies, all students are to notify the faculty member as soon as possible prior to the start of class, as is expected in
the workplace. Students may be eligible to have up to 10% of the hours in a program per pay period as excused
absences. LTC employs a Student Retention Specialist who works with students and faculty to track attendance, assists
in developing strategies to improve attendance, and coordinates make-up time.
Enrollment Periodperiod of time a student begins his education and training in a CTE program (i.e., August 15
January 3
) through the date of withdrawal or completion.
Payment Period a set block of time in which a student pays for program hours (i.e., 300 hours, 450 hours)
Excused absence one that is unforeseeable, unavoidable, and/or unusual. Examples of excused absences include
but are not limited to personal illness, court appearance, medical appointment, insurmountable conditions such as
extreme weather conditions, religious observances, communicable disease outbreaks, and local conditions
determined by LTC, and death in the immediate family. Documentation may be required. No more than 10% of
program hours per payment period may be excused.
CDE students are responsible for maintaining attendance in good standing at LTC. Should a student need to miss
class due to mandatory high school activities or tests, the student should give notice to their instructor and meet with
the Student Retention Specialist to document the absence. Approved absences may be set to attendance neutral so it
does not count against the student’s overall attendance average.
Unexcused absence Absences that fall outside of the excused category. Students may make up a maximum of 5%
of unexcused absences per payment period. Unexcused absences exceeding this amount will remain unexcused and
may result in discipline and/or dismissal from the program. Make-up time must be completed within a reasonable
amount of time in order remain in pace with the class and to remain in good standing with Lake Tech.
Make-up time Students are required to successfully complete hours missed via attendance during designated hours
outside of the regularly scheduled program hours. Failure to complete make-up time may result in withdrawal from the
program. Make-up hours may not exceed 5% of the scheduled hours in the payment period. There is a $25.00 make-
up time fee per payment period.
Students in non-licensure programs must have achieved a minimum of 85% attendance at the end of each payment
period. If the student’s attendance does not improve but drops below 75%, the student may be withdrawn unless
documentation regarding extenuating circumstances is provided to the Student Retention Specialist. School Intervention
Team (SIT) meetings will be held as necessary to attempt to alleviate issues resulting in excessive absences and to
counsel the student of possible alternatives and consequences. Students may be placed on attendance contracts.
Students on attendance contracts are deemed to be on academic probation.
*Note: licensure program attendance policies may be more rigid due to licensure requirements and supersede this policy.
Regularly scheduled class hours will be reported for attendance. Coursework completed at home will not count toward
hours in a program. Students will be enrolled in additional hours if needed. Current tuition and fees will apply.
Excessive absences - A student who is absent for six (6) consecutive class sessions will be withdrawn from his/her
program. A student must petition and be approved in order to return. Students exhibiting a pattern of consecutive
absences of less than six days will be subject to dismissal as determined by a School Intervention Team. A School
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Intervention Team will review all petitions for re-enrollment. No additional fees will be charged if the student returns
during that current payment period, provided fees have not been refunded.
The excessive absences policy also applies to the adult education student. If the student requests to be re-enrolled during
the same enrollment period, he or she will be assessed a $10.00 re-enrollment fee. This may be waived depending upon
mitigating circumstances.
Students with excessive absences will face the possibility of the loss of financial aid, lower professional skills grades and
the ability to continue in the program.
Leaving Campus During School Hours
For safety reasons, students will notify their faculty when leaving campus early. Students may leave campus for lunch
provided this is done within the allotted time.
1. Students are to log out /in when going to lunch or leaving campus, but not for scheduled breaks or restroom breaks.
2. Logging in early does not add time to hours present.
3. Logging out after the scheduled time of class does not add time to hours present.
4. Taking less than a 30-minute lunch break does not add time to hours present. The computer will still take out 30
minutes for lunch.
5. If a student accidentally logs out, he/she should log back in immediately. If done within a minute, there is no reduction
in hours present.
6. It is NOT acceptable to log in or out for other students. Log IDs are to be kept confidential as stated in the Acceptable
Use Policies. Violation will result in dismissal from the program.
7. A student must notify his/her faculty member if it is suspected that someone is tampering with another student’s log
ID. The faculty member can change the log ID at any time.
8. Faculty can perform overrides to correct attendance errors. However, teachers are only authorized to perform ONE
override per student per year due to a student’s negligence (i.e. forgetting to log out to go home, etc.). Additional
overrides must be approved by an administrator in writing.
9. There is NO limit to the number of teacher overrides if NOT due to the student’s negligence. Instructors must record a
reason for the override.
10. If a student’s log ID does not work, he/she should see the faculty member. This indicates that he/she is using the
wrong log ID or that he/she is no longer an active student.
11. Log IDs are NOT case sensitive. A student can use either upper or lower-case letters.
12. 30 second rule On the INITIAL daily login, if a student logs in within 30 seconds of the previous student, he/she will
inherit that student’s log time. This is to not penalize students who may be waiting in line to log in.
13. Lunch break starts at the time a student logs out for lunch. Students are expected to return and log back in within 30
minutes of the logout time. Students will be marked absent for each minute past the 30 minutes allowed.
Teaching Methods
Lecture, demonstration, discussion, group interaction, verbal and written quizzes, skill practice, individualized instruction,
computerized tutorials, interactive learning, web-based learning, textbooks, workbooks, projects, journals, reports,
simulations, hands-on computer experience, collaborative learning, video-taped instructions, guest speakers, field trips,
customer service projects, program job shadowing, cooperative on-the-job training, interactive learning, and web-based
learning are among the teaching methods utilized.
Among the provisions made to allow for individual differences are pre-testing to determine entry level, workbooks and
study guides for progress at individual rate, progress grading, individualized instruction, individual project assignments,
and referral for basic skills remediation.
Online Access
Technology is an integral part of our daily lives. From smart phones to electronic tablets, these devices are becoming
items that many cannot function without. In addition, the Internet is changing the way education is delivered. Lake
Technical College strives to ensure that our students are able to compete in this technology driven world. With this in
mind, it is recommended that students have an online presence and access to the internet.
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It is also important that students have an email address that they check on a regular basis. A lot of information may come
to you through your email, so it is important that you check it regularly. If you do not have an email address, there are
numerous services that provide FREE email addresses. Please make sure your faculty have a current, working email
address for you. See your faculty for more information.
Social Media
The advent of social media has created a world-wide communication medium for persons of all ages. While extremely
popular, these websites have also created their own set of “not-so-popular” problems such as cyber-stalking, identity theft,
cyber-bullying, cyber-cheating (posting of exam, or other course material), and a host of other nebulous challenges that
users may face. Another reality associated with social media is its far-reaching consequences for those who share posts
that may be seen by others as inappropriate.
Potential employers, current employers, civic, or educational organizations you may be associated with, and many others
are looking at social media sites for information that may tell them things about an individual. Students should also be
cautioned on how private their social media content really is despite the settings on an account. All social media sites
are potentially vulnerable. A simple search of how to view pages that are set as “private” for a popular social media
website yielded numerous responses for ways to view the content. Everything from blogs to online videos offer to explain
how to accomplish this task.
Students in all programs need to be cognizant of the fact that most professions rely on great moral character. It is
recommended that when using social media, assume that all posts will be seen/read by everyone with access to the internet.
Class performance, quizzes, tests, attendance, portfolio assessments, completion of project assignments, decision-
making, professional skills, achievement of entry-level competencies, and other methods are used for evaluation. See
“Grading Procedures”.
Work Based Activities
Work-based learning activities play an integral part of the curriculum of LTC’s career-technical training programs. These
activities are planned with two objectives in mind. First, the activity provides students with the opportunity to develop and
apply a “real world” experience using the knowledge and skills attained in the program. Second, the activity provides the
faculty with objective input from potential employers or customers of program graduates. Each work-based activity has a
written instructional plan outlining objectives, experiences, competencies and evaluation required during the activity.
Work-based activities are program specific and may include:
Unpaid in-school shop/lab activities to provide customer service opportunities under the direct supervision of the
program faculty.
Unpaid job shadowing experiences that may include in-school or off-campus employer-based experiences under
the supervision of a qualified employer representative who is working closely with the program faculty.
Paid or unpaid cooperative training experiences conducted at the employer’s work location under the supervision
of a qualified employer representative and under the direction of the program faculty.
Cooperative Education
Cooperative training is available for students and coordinated by the faculty. Cooperative training is for students who
have shown competence in program training that indicates readiness for placement in an on-the-job program. High
school students participating in the cooperative job placement program must be in at least grade 12. Students must be
enrolled in their last course of their program in order to participate in Co-op. In addition, basic skills exit levels must be met
and the student can have no outstanding debt with the school. Students must be approved for Co-op prior to beginning,
including clearance through financial aid.
Students may be returned to the program for additional training if they do not function satisfactorily on the job or when the
cooperative agreement is terminated at the request of the student, parent, employer, or program faculty.
Veterans will be accepted into the program in accordance with the Department of Veterans Affairs approved program.
Additional information regarding co-op opportunities may be obtained from the program faculty.
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing experiences, or volunteer experiences, are available to students as part of their program training. These
experiences are designed to give the student actual hands-on experience doing a variety of related tasks. Length and
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type of experiences will vary. The program faculty determines appropriateness of the experience. Additional information
regarding job-shadowing experiences may be obtained from the program faculty.
Career Dual Enrollment Students
All students enrolled in Lake Technical College are expected to function as adults. High school students will be held to
the same behavioral and performance standards as adult students.
The grading scale for LTC is as follows:
90 100 A (4 quality points)
80 89 B (3 quality points)
70 79 C (2 quality points)
60 69 D (1 quality point)
< 59 F (0 quality points)
I Incomplete
NG Not Graded
Note: passing thresholds may vary by program based on industry standards. Separate program requirements are listed
in the Master Plan of Instruction.
Lake Technical College is a postsecondary institution designed to provide trained individuals to industry. The grading
scale for this program reflects industry standards. The approved postsecondary program grading requirements must be
met if the student is to receive a certificate. In determining grades, most programs evaluate students equally in the areas
of skills (33 1/3%), knowledge (33 1/3%), and professional skills (33 1/3%). This structure should be included in the
Master Plan of Instruction. A few programs do not use this structure due to State licensure, board and/or curricular
Program Progress
Students are expected to complete the program of training within the hours allotted by the State of Florida for completion.
The student’s rate of progress will be closely monitored by the faculty and the Student Retention Specialist to ensure
program completion in a timely manner. Most tests, projects, and similar assignments must be completed in class under
the direction of the instructor.
Requirements for a Certificate
All competencies specified in the State of Florida Curriculum Framework for the program must be successfully completed
with at least a passing grade in the areas of skills, knowledge, and professional skills. Students must also meet minimum
basic skills requirements prior to graduation.
Professional Skills
Effective professional skills are the cornerstone to successful employment. Students are expected to demonstrate
productive professional skills during all phases of enrollment. Faculty will work with students who need assistance in this
area to improve the overall possibility for successful employment.
Attendance: Attends class for all scheduled hours assigned, arrives/leaves on time, contribute to class
discussion and is actively involved in all activities.
Character: Displays academic integrity (inclusive of not committing plagiarism), trustworthiness, dependability,
reliability, self-discipline, and self-responsibility.
Teamwork: Respects the rights of others; is a team worker; is cooperative; ensures confidentiality in all
classroom, clinical and other matters; demonstrates professional behavior in interactions with peers, preceptors,
and faculty.
Appearance: Displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene, and wears full regulation uniform of the day.
Attitude: Displays a willingness to cooperate and accept constructive criticism; sets realistic expectations;
approaches assignments with interest and initiative.
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Productivity: Follows safety practices; conserves materials and supplies; maintains equipment; stays on task
and utilizes time constructively; demonstrates proactive learning through involvement in activities and
contributions to class discussions.
Organization: Manifests skill in prioritizing and management of time and stress; demonstrates flexibility in
handling change; completes assignments on time; uses work time appropriately.
Communication: Contacts faculty to report concerns; notifies faculty of tardy/absence one hour before start of
class; seeks clarification and understanding through appropriate, pertinent questions.
Leadership: Displays leadership skills; appropriately handles conflict and concerns; demonstrates problem-
solving capability; maintains appropriate relationships with supervisors/faculty and peers; follows the chain of
Respect: Deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity; does not engage in harassment of any kind to include
but not limited to verbal, nonverbal, and written; addresses faculty and peers in appropriate tone and with
appropriate language to include but not limited to electronic (email, text, etc.) communications.
Students who attend Lake Tech shall dress in a manner appropriate for the job in which they are receiving training,
including any special protective gear and professional uniforms. All clothing, makeup, and jewelry must be clean, neat,
modest, in good repair, appropriately sized, and be neither distracting nor offensive. Students are expected to display
their valid student ID, or have on their person when unable to display due to safety in the program, at all times. Shorts are
not permitted in CTE program areas.
The Executive Director or designee has the final authority for determining whether or not a student’s apparel conforms to
the dress code. If it is determined that it does not, students will be required to change into clothing which will conform to
this code or leave campus. Students may return to campus when they have changed into appropriate clothing.
Students will wear the designated program uniform each day to class and while on a Job Shadow experience, Co-op or
clinical assignment. Shirts may be worn with pants or skirts. Shorts are not permitted. On designated days, some
programs will require students to dress in business attire suitable for a job interview. This is defined to be clothing that
would be acceptable for most job candidates to wear to a standard job interview.
NOTE - Remember that you are preparing for employment in a position in which public relations may be a factor in your
success. Individual desires cannot always take precedence.
Campus Safety
Lake Technical College makes every effort to provide a safe environment for all students, visitors, faculty and staff. Basic
safety standards, which will include fire drills, weather drills, equipment usage, and traffic regulations, will be covered in
the program orientation. These basic safety standards will be reinforced throughout the program enrollment. See the
current school catalog for additional campus safety information.
Follow Up
Lake Technical College is proud of its graduates and celebrates the next step graduates take whether it is employment,
military or further education. Prior to completing, students may visit the Career Success Center for assistance with
employability skills such as resume writing. In addition, faculty may provide students with employment leads. However, it
is up to the individual student to actively pursue employment opportunities. We like to hear how our graduates are doing
and want to celebrate your successes so be sure to communicate with your faculty any employment, military, or further
education you enter. Students are required to participate in an Exit Interview prior to their last day in their program.
Food and Drink
To protect equipment and furnishings in the classroom and laboratory areas, only water, in closed, covered containers, is
permitted. No other food or drinks are allowed, unless specific permission is granted by the faculty. However, under no
circumstance may food or drinks be in the computer lab areas.
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Food services are provided on the main campus in the Lake Tech Café and are available during breaks and lunch. Adult
students may leave the LTC campus during the scheduled 30-minute lunch break as long as they return to the program
on time.
Parking Regulations
Students may park only in the south parking lot in spaces not designated as staff or customer service parking. For safety,
loitering in or around vehicles once the vehicle is parked is not allowed, and a 5 mph speed limit is enforced. In
consideration of the neighbors and classes in session, loud music in vehicles on campus is prohibited.
Lake Tech is a tobacco free institution. The use of tobacco products of any kind, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted at
any Lake Tech location. This includes the parking lots.
Policies and guidelines for the administration of all financial aid are established according to federal and state law.
Applicants complete an information form, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and furnish documentation needed to
verify eligibility. More information on the application process may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office.
The Financial Aid Office will assist students, where possible, with access to financial support offered by federal agencies
(U.S. Department of Education Pell Grants, Department of Veterans’ Affairs), other state and local agencies and local
organizations (scholarships).
For the most recent book list for any program visit Lake Technical College’s bookstore located in the Business Office.
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CNC Production Specialist
CNC Production Specialist is a 600-hour program and is responsible for training individuals to attain an entry-level status
in the manufacturing field. The program covers a broad range of instruction in CNC machining. An appropriate amount of
time is spent in each area to thoroughly cover needed instructional material as well as to gain manipulative skills
competence. The program utilizes both theory and practical application of material to help the students gain needed
knowledge and skills. Each student must successfully complete written test material on theory and related topics as well
as successfully demonstrate the practical application of this information in the shop environment.
The students will learn shop safety procedures, the history of machining, CNC programming (Mill and Lathe), CNC setup
procedures, blueprint reading and measurement skills. After students have seen a demonstration of each unit, they practice
all skills using simulation software and CNC machines.
Students will be evaluated by the faculty on their machining skills, their ability to work safely, and their professional skills
(e.g., appearance, dress, attendance and compliance with school and program policies and procedures).
ter completion of all program competencies, students may elect to test for an industry certification in the following areas.
Autodesk Certified Associate in CAD for Mechanical Design, Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM 2.5 Axis Milling, or
This program requires basic skills exit scores of Reading/Language 9 and Math 10.
The mission of the CNC Production Specialist program is to prepare students for employment or advanced training in the
manufacturing/ machine shop industry.
We believe in assisting the student in the development of his/her ability to get along with others, show integrity, develop
safe professional skills both on and off the job, evidence personal and job cleanliness and demonstrate the ability to become
a better adjusted, more productive citizen.
Physical Requirements
Ability to:
1. Reach
2. Exhibit a high degree of manual dexterity
3. Stoop
4. Crouch and/or bend
5. Exhibit a high degree of finger dexterity
6. See (near acuity)
7. Lift 50 pounds or less
8. Communicate
Mental and Emotional Requirements
Ability to:
1. Work with others
2. Make decisions
3. Cope with anger/hostility of others in a calm manner
4. Cope with moderate to high levels of stress
5. Cope with confrontation
6. Cope with frustration
7. Assist with problem resolution
8. Demonstrate a high degree of patience
9. Plan and organize daily activities
10. Tolerate moderate noise level
11. Apply common sense understanding to carry out
instructions furnished in both written and oral form
12. Measure accurately
13. Work without close, direct supervision
14. Work on multiple tasks and priorities
15. Perform and complete tasks of relative complexity
16. Perform basic mathematical operations
17. Demonstrate mechanical skills
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Some instructional materials are audio/visual computerized tutorials. For hygienic reasons, students must furnish their
own standard computer headphones to use in listening to the instructional programs. Students are required to purchase
the following equipment, supplies, and textbooks:
Safety glasses.
Class shirts.
Closed toe shoes.
USB-A flash drive (2gig max)
Full-time Day students attend class from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, with a 30-minute lunch period.
This schedule provides 7.5 hours of instruction each day for a total of 30 hours per five-day week, excluding holidays and
school breaks as outlined in the current school calendar.
Breaks will be allowed at times indicated on the schedule unless directed otherwise by the LTC staff or Faculty.
Students shall return promptly to the classroom after each break. Tardiness will affect your Professional Skills grade.
Students may leave the grounds for lunch break provided they return within the 30-minute allotted time frame.
Food and beverages are not allowed in the classrooms, with the exception of bottled water.
Learning methods used are self-paced and competency based. They are tested periodically with written and practical
testing. Practical shop experiences are designed to enhance and reinforce the theories involved as well as to develop
manipulative skill and good work and safety practices. Materials are reviewed and updated periodically to keep them as
current and as relevant as possible. The passing threshold on each assignment and overall is 80%.
Teaching Aids
Autodesk Fusion360 CAD/CAM Software
Haas Machine Simulators
Total Machinist by Immerse2learn
Student Projects
Students are encouraged to design and create projects related to class objectives and standards. A variety of projects will
be assigned, each one with varying difficulty. All projects much be approved by the instructor and completed within class
and program time.
1. Pants shall be worn fastened and at the waist. Pants should be dark colored, straight legged or boot cut (jeans are
acceptable). Baggy pants are not permitted in any program area. Baggy pants are considered to be more than one
size larger than the individual’s waist.
2. Shoes must meet safety/industry standards. Sandals are not permitted
3. School polo shirt with the program logo are to be worn.
4. Clothing should be clean and in good repair.
5. For safety reasons, shorts, loose clothing, jewelry, and loose hair below the collar are not allowed.
6. Hats are only permitted in shop areas and must meet the faculty’s specifications for safety and appropriateness.
1. Unsatisfactory academic, lab or job shadow work.
2. Failure to comply with the student code of conduct.
3. Cheating in any manner.
4. Violations of the attendance policy.
5. Failure to satisfy identified probationary requirements within the stated time.
6. Failure to comply with requirements as stated in the Master Plan of Instruction.
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The CNC Production Specialist machines a wide range of raw material from plastics to exotic steels utilizing CNC machine
tools. The work can be in a production environment or in a job shop environment. Entry level machinists are trained to
operate different types of machine tools. In addition, Setup machinist would load programs and ensure the correct work
holding devise(s) and tool(s) are loaded into the machine. The more experienced machinist advances to a CNC
programmer. He/she studies blueprints and sketches to determine the type of correct machining operations, metals to use,
and create the CNC code necessary to program the machine to manufacture the part. Quality Control techniques are used
to evaluate the final parts.
The work of the CNC Production Specialist is active and sometimes strenuous, but exceptional physical strength is not
required. Prolonged standing is often necessary. Good physical condition, eyesight, and the ability to communicate are
The CNC Production Specialist work environment may or may not be climate controlled. Job conditions may be noisy. The
typical shop works a 40-hour work week with overtime as required. Many shops do run multiple shifts.
See the attached Florida State Department of Education curriculum framework for program objectives and desired
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2024 - 2025
Florida Department of Education
Curriculum Framework
Program Title: CNC Production Specialist
Program Type: Career Preparatory
Career Cluster: Manufacturing
Career Certificate Program
Program Number
CIP Number
Grade Level
30, 31
Program Length
600 hours
Teacher Certification
Refer to the Program Structure section
SOC Codes (all
Please see the CIP to SOC Crosswalk located at the link below.
CTE Program
Basic Skills Level
Computation (Mathematics): 10
Communications (Reading and Language
Arts): 9
This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging
academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in
the manufacturing career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning
that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general
employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the manufacturing
career cluster.
The content includes but is not limited to limited to broad, transferable skills, stresses the understanding of all aspects of
the computer numeric control as it relates to the machining industry, and demonstrates such elements of the industry as
planning, management, finance, technical and production skills, underlying principles of technology, labor issues,
community issues, and health, safety, and environmental issues.
Additional Information relevant to this Career and Technical Education (CTE) program is provided at the end of this
Program Structure
This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of two occupational completion points.
This program is comprised of courses which have been assigned course numbers in the SCNS (Statewide Course
Numbering System) in accordance with Section 1007.24 (1), F.S. Career and Technical credit shall be awarded to the
student on a transcript in accordance with Section 1001.44(3) (b), F.S.
To teach the course(s) listed below, instructors must hold at least one of the teacher certifications indicated for that
The following table illustrates the postsecondary program structure:
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Course Title Teacher Certification Length
A PMT0026 CNC Production Technician I
300 hours
B PMT0027 CNC Production Technician II 300 hours
Common Career Technical Core – Career Ready Practices
Career Ready Practices describe the career-ready skills that educators should seek to develop in their students. These
practices are not exclusive to a Career Pathway, program of study, discipline, or level of education. Career Ready
Practices should be taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation programs with increasingly higher
levels of complexity and expectation as a student advances through a program of study.
1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
4. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
5. Consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions.
6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
9. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management.
10. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
11. Use technology to enhance productivity.
12. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
After successfully completing this program, the student will be able to perform the following:
01.0 Demonstrate an understanding of workplace safety and workplace organization.
02.0 Demonstrate an understanding of manufacturing methodology principles.
03.0 Solve basic job-related math problems.
04.0 Interpret basic blueprint information.
05.0 Perform basic metrology.
06.0 Demonstrate basic knowledge of manufacturing history and primary as well as secondary manufacturing
07.0 Demonstrate basic understanding of geometric dimension and tolerance (GD&T)
08.0 Set up and operate drill presses.
09.0 Demonstrate the use of a CNC control panel.
10.0 Demonstrate an understanding of CNC machine systems.
11.0 Set up and operate a computerized-numerical-control (CNC) machine for lathe operations.
12.0 Set up and operate a computerized-numerical-control (CNC) machine for milling operations.
13.0 Demonstrate appropriate computerized-numerical-control (CNC) maintenance and troubleshooting.
14.0 Explain the importance of employability and entrepreneurship skills.
15.0 Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills needed to accomplish team goals and objectives.
16.0 Solve problems using critical thinking skills, creativity, and innovation.
17.0 Demonstrate first article inspection methods.
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18.0 Demonstrate the technique of CNC milling.
19.0 Perform advanced set up and operation of a computerized-numeric-control (CNC) mill machine.
20.0 Demonstrate the technique of CNC turning.
21.0 Perform advanced set up and operation of a computerized-numeric-control (CNC) lathe machine.
22.0 Demonstrate basic computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) processes.
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