Tag Archives: EMS


Register Now ~ EMT/Paramedic Refresher

Space is limited! Hurry and register now for the EMT/Paramedic Refresher in August. Register by scanning the QR code or in person at our main campus.�... Read More »

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EMT Graduation 2 032621

Academic Affairs ~ 03/26/21

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION Accounting Operations Administrative Office Specialist After a week off for Spring Break, the Accounting O... Read More »

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FF EMT1 091319

Academic Affairs 09/13/19

BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION Accounting Operations This past week, the Accounting Operations class has the School Essentials Kiosk up a... Read More »

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Culinary 041219

Academic Affairs 04/12/19

HEALTH SCIENCES EMS Paramedic students are immersed in the second module of their program – Anatomy & Physiology. This module will help stud... Read More »

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Academic Affairs with Lola2

Academic Affairs 02/22/19

HEALTH SCIENCE EMS Congratulations to these Lake Technical College EMT graduates who completed their program on February 11. Family and friends of... Read More »

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