Site icon Lake Technical College

Lake Tech is a great way to get started in a career choice!

Why did you choose Lake Tech?

I chose Lake Tech because after 12 years of school I was tired of going to class and I was looking for something that I could get trained for with the least amount of time possible. I have lived in Lake County my whole life and always heard about Lake Tech but never researched it until late 1986 when I started the Firefighting night class of 252 hours.

How was Lake Tech different than other schools you have attended?

I only had high school to compare it to and it was far greater than that as the program was built around a hands on approach which I found very easy to learn by.

How did your Lake Tech program prepare you for your career?

I graduated the fire program and then entered the EMT program and after graduating both programs I have worked in the field ever since and I just retired from Leesburg Fire as Battalion Chief. I have taken several other classes during my tenure at Lake Tech to enhance my education and job abilities.

Describe your best experience while a student at Lake Tech.

I think my best experience is the fact that I started my career with Lake Tech as a student and I now teach in the Firefighting program alongside of some of the same instructors that taught me in standards.

Do you have plans to continue your education? and/or What are your future goals in your career?

I am retired now however I have thought about taking the welding class as a hobby.

What is one thing that future students should know about Lake Tech?

Lake Tech is a great way to get started in a career choice especially if you struggled in traditional school/college work. Lake Tech got me started in the best career ever and encouraged continuing education.

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