Welding Technology – Advanced

The purpose of the Welding Technology – Advanced program is to prepare students for employment or advanced training in the welding industry. Click here for additional program information.opens in a new window


750 – approximately one school year (25 weeks)

testing requirements

Basic Skills Assessment


LTC Main Campus

Starting Salaries

Vary, averaging from $50,500 to $77,760*
*Based on local industry information

Recent Employers of Graduates:

  • Sunbelt Metals & Manufacturing, Inc.
  • NCAD Products, Inc., Belew’s Welding
  • Southeastern Mechanical
  • Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 803
  • Metro Steel & Pipe Supply, Inc.
  • ARW Welding, US Conveyor Solutions, Inc.
  • G&T Conveyor Co., Inc.
  • Outback Metal Fabrication, South East Fabricators

Starting Salaries

What you’ll learn

Welding Technology - Advanced Occupational Completion Points (OCP)

Welding Technology – Advanced Master Plan of Instruction – (PDFopens in a new windowopens in a new window & HTMLopens in a new windowopens in a new window)

  • Shop and personal safety
  • Intermediate shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and pipe welding (B-Class Welder) skills
  • To apply and understand fabrication techniques using pipe fitting techniques
  • Advanced gas-tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and pipe skills
  • Advanced shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and heavy-wall pipe skills
  • Emerging welding technologies

OCP Course Number Course Title Course Length
A PMT0075 Advanced Welder 1  600 hrs
B PMT0076 Advanced Welder 2 150 hrs

Our numbers

Discover how Lake Technical College prepares students for the manufacturing industry (New Program, Data not yet available).


Completion Rate*


Placement Rate*



For employment, visit opens in a new windowwww.onetonline.org
Data as reported to COE and is updated annually in December of each calendar year.
Placement calculation may exclude (if applicable) program completers that are awaiting exam results,
refused employment, continued post-secondary education, or may be otherwise unavailable for employment.

online component


Welding School Near Me

Located near Orlando, FL, the Welding School at Lake Technical College allows you to earn AWS Welding Certification. We offer hands-on welding classes with expert instructors to ensure you meet qualifications for immediate job placement. The Welding Trade School at Lake Tech prepares you for Welding Certification and employment working on power plants, bridges, aviation, and more. If you are searching for Welding Classes Near Me, Welding Apprenticeship, Welding School Orlando, Welding Course, or Welding Programs Near Me, call us today at (352) 589-2250opens phone dialer or apply online.

Instructor / contact


Robert Sherwood

Email: sherwodR@lake.k12.fl.us create new email

Phone Number: 352.589.2250, x1864

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