Starting Salaries
Vary, averaging from $43,787 to $47,453*
*Based on local industry information
Recent Employers of Graduates
- Lake EMS
- Lake County Fire Rescue
- Marion County Fire Rescue
Emergency Medical Technician (ATD)
The purpose of the Emergency Medical Technician program is to provide competent, confident and caring entry level emergency medical professionals for the practice of prehospital emergency medical care. Click here for additional program information.opens in a new window
300, approximately 6 months/23 weeks
Tuition is approximately $864 plus books & fees (PDFopens in a new windowopens in a new window & HTML)
Cost of Attendanceopens in a new windowopens in a new window
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
LTC Main Campus
Discover how Lake Technical College prepares students for the health industry.
For employment, visit opens in a new
Data as reported to COE and is updated annually in December of each calendar year.
Placement calculation may exclude (if applicable) program completers that are awaiting exam results,
refused employment, continued post-secondary education, or may be otherwise unavailable for employment.
Located near Orlando, FL, Lake Tech is an excellent choice for EMT Training in Orlando and Central Florida. Our EMT Program Orlando boasts a high licensure rate, so you can trust the expertise of our EMT instructors. If you are looking for EMT Certification or for an EMT School Near Me, call us at (352) 589-2250 or apply online to get started today.