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Tech Tip of the Week ~ 09/08/21

sonyas tech tips

Creating a Canned Response in Outlook

This is a great timesaving feature in Outlook.  There are many times in which you find the need to send the same response repeatedly.  For instance, when an employer asks how they can advertise on our job board, I send them a canned message that I have saved.  This tip will show you how you can save the response in Outlook so that you can use it over and over again without rekeying it.

To create the canned response, open a new email.

Key in the message that you would like to use in the email.

Highlight the message and choose, Insert>Quick Parts>Save the message to the Quick Parts Gallery

Name the canned response, such as Canned Response 1 or Reply to Employer about CCN

Choose Ok.  Close out the email.  No to Saving Changes

To input your canned response in reply to an email:

Hit reply to an email

Click in the message box

Click on Insert>Quick Parts>Click on the Appropriate Quick Part

Now you are ready to send your pre-made email.

For those of you who would like to see a short video on how to do this, click here:


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