- Leadership Lake had lunch and spent part of “Education Day” at Lake Tech. Participants visited many programs and held a competition which culminated in the presentation of a $500 scholarship to a Lake Tech student selected by the winning team. Dr. Culpepper was part of a panel discussion with other educational leaders from Lake County.
- Tredway Elementary School has invited Lake Tech to participate at their Career Day on January 31.
- Lake Tech will be participating in Leesburg High’s Career and College Expo on January 23.
- Diane Culpepper will be speaking to the South Lake Kiwanis Club on January 23.
- Lake Tech will be represented at the Taste of North Lake on January 27. This event will be held at the Florida Elks Youth Camp in Umatilla.
- The 8th graders from Spring Creek Charter will be on campus for a tour on February 6.