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Friday Update 9/9/16

In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College



Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, & Heating Technology (HVAC-R) – Instructor Steve Bagg’s students worked this week on repairing a walk-in cooler. Troubleshooting and repairing refrigeration systems are an increasingly important component of the HVAC-R program at Lake Tech. Mr. Bagg says, “The cooler is working so well, it could be a freezer!”

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Introduction to Construction – The new Introduction to Construction course is enrolling now for October. Please share this flyer with all students and community members.

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Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – This week, both the Accounting and AOS students learned different techniques for job interviewing. The students are prepping for their future careers by preparing a professional portfolio and participating in mock interviews. This is just one step we are taking to ensure our students are achieving the skills and confidence to obtain their dream job.


EMS Programs – EMT – A new EMT program began Monday, August 15. We are looking forward to an exciting year with this class of 16 students. They have been busy from the start and as part of their human body chapter, utilized the Anatomy in Clay Learning System models to assist in their learning of the muscusloskeletal and body systems.

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The Anatomy in Clay System allows the students to visualize in 3-D the bones, muscles, and organs of the body so they learn anatomy from a different perspective.

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Medical Assisting – Every group of new students in the Medical Assisting program watch the movie “Patch Adams” to set the tone in caring for others and to highlight the difference one person at a time can make. After watching the movie, students have to pick an individual or family to help or “Patch.”

The class found out that Health Science Coordinator, Kathy Perfumo, just lost her home and “happy place” to the Crystal River flooding Hermine caused. The entire class presented gifts to help the Perfumo family through. Ms. Perfumo was so very touched by their kindness and generosity and again reminded of how very fortunate she is to be a part of Lake Tech.

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Practical Nursing – A new full-time, day-time Practical Nursing program will be offered on the Lake Sumter State College campus in Sumter County beginning in January, 2017.  An information session will be held in Sumterville at the LSSC campus this Monday evening at 5 pm. The TEAS test window for this program will be September 1-30, 2016. This program is a fast track as completing a CNA course is a prerequisite. For additional information, contact Linda Sturgeon at 352.589.2250, ext. 1822.


Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – Students got the chance to be very creative this week as they began preparing for the upcoming Advisory Committee reception on September 22. Using a product called tallow, the students were able to scrape, carve, and mold it into beautiful creations. Tallow is soft when stored at room temperature and it lasts for a very long time.  What is tallow? Ask Chef K!

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Cosmetology – Students designed and updated the Cosmetology showcase in main lobby hallway. The students were very creative and colorful.

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Computer Systems and Information Technology (CSIT) – The CSIT students dismantled and reassembled an OEM desktop which allowed them to demonstrate the knowledge they acquired the first two weeks of class. Students were tasked with identifying all the components, ports, connectors, and devices housed within the standard ATX case.

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Fire Fighting – Chief Ron Williams and his Fire Fighting students held a ceremony remembering September 11, 2001. ESOL and GED students from the main campus were invited to experience the ceremony. Several local Fire Chiefs and members of the Fire Service in our community participated as well. A video memorializing the tragic day was shown and Eustis Fire Chief Calhoun shared his thoughts about the day. Then, the current Fire Fighting students read all 343 names of the Fire Fighters who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

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Fire Academy Special Operations – This week, Fire fighters from agencies across the region participated in the Rope Rescue Technician class. We are thankful for their continued focus on training and preparation for events that we hope will never happen.

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Florida law Enforcement Academy

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Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing – Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use the new plastic welder that the Auto Collision program recently acquired. Plastic welding is the process of creating a molecular bond between two compatible thermoplastics. Business and industry experts in this field have advised that students should develop skills in various welding techniques that are used in the collision repair industry.

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ESOL – The ESOL class, along with several GED students, attended the 911 Ceremony held at the Institute of Public Safety on Thursday. After the ceremony, Chief Williams gave the students a tour of the Institute of Public Safety. Students were impressed with the quality of the training facilities and the rigor of the program.

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Adult Basic Education and GED – This week in reading, our focus was on Microsoft Office technology skills.  Students incorporated the summer Olympics theme into creating a PowerPoint and Animoto video based on one Olympic sport (putting Sonya Rosenglick’s summer tech camp 2015 learnings to good use).

It was empowering for students who had never heard of, nor made, a PowerPoint or video presentation before.  Lots of collaboration, laughs, and brainstorming occurred as we strengthened our Microsoft Office and group skills. Students left the week feeling excited about visual presentations and saw the benefit of using them in today’s business, school, and home settings. They now have a new skill to add to their resumes!

ABE math was all about place value and Oreo cookies this week!  Students learned rounding skills using the “Bring Me The Oreos” method, a way to remember – Billions, Millions, Thousands and Ones.  GED math students had a review on working percent problems and percent of increase/decrease problems using the percent box method – no oreos for them.

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Dual Enrollment – On Thursday, Dual Enrollment students from across campus participated in a “Meet and Greet” with Kim Frazier. She provided cookies and fruit (all cookies were devoured; fruit – not so much) and gave the students an opportunity to meet each other. Kim was also able to share information about Lake Tech and let the students know that she would be available if they have issues or concerns.

Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center

Free September Workshops for Success – Each lunch session is ½ hour; late afternoon sessions are one hour. Bring your lunch to the lunch session. All workshops will be held in the Career Success Center on the main campus. Students should be prepared to take notes by bringing a tablet, laptop or pen and paper.  Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone, email, or sign up on CSC door.  rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email    (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855

Get Your Cover Letter Noticed Learn best practices in how to introduce your resume to a potential employer so that he/she will read it. Wed.  Sept.28 11:30 am – noon
Wed.  Sept.28 4 pm – 5 pm
Thurs.Sept.29 12 noon-12:30 pm


FACTE (Florida Association of Career and Technical Education) is offering free online courses that may be used for in-service points for recertification. In addition, some of these courses are approved for initial teacher certification (see Melissa Stephan for details). The classes last about 4-6 weeks, are offered online, and require attendance at a live session once a week. These courses are funded in part through Perkins. Click here for the catalog. Registrations are being accepted for the Fall courses only at this time.


Career Advisor Lilliana Guardiola has volunteered to head up the Lake Tech Wellness Group this year. The first event will be the FL Hospital Waterman Pink Out 5K Run/Walk, Thursday, October 13 at 6 pm in Wooten Park. Registration free proceeds will help promote breast cancer awareness, diagnosis and treatment including mammograms for women in need. If interested, register at See Lilliana for more details.


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