Coming Soon…
September 12 – Spruce Up the Grounds Afternoon
September 14 – Blood Drive at Main Campus
September 17 – COE Team Arrives/Reception at 6 pm
New Classes:
Forklift Operator – The last Friday of every month — $125
Class “D” Security Guard – Contact Lt. Chris DeLibro at 352.742.6463 for schedule — $199
Artistic Welding – 10/23-11/13, $318
Microsoft Word – 10/2-10/23, $75
Microsoft Excel – 10/30-11/27, $75
Resume Writing – 10/11-10/18, $35
Academic Affairs
Arts, Communication & AV Technology
It’s official… we have ANOTHER Digital Design student in a co-op at Akers Media (Style Mag, Lake Healthy Living). Way to go Caleb!!! Cierra, who graduated a couple of years ago, has been promoted to Production Manager at the same company, and is on the DD advisory committee.
Two more new students started Monday. That fills every seat on the PC side of the room! A wonderful sight to see!!!New students are learning how designers fit into the business world and business etiquette.
Business, Management & Administration
The new school year has welcomed both new and returning students in the Accounting Operations and the Administrative Office Specialist classes. Instructor Chuck Durante is introducing the students to new technologies and opportunities. In our computer lab we are using Windows 7 as the operating system. One student is preparing for job shadowing and others are preparing portfolios for interviews. It is exciting!
Health Science
On Friday the most senior LPN class, the Evening class, welcomed their buddies from the Day LPN class. We had a wonderful Ice-cream Social in the spirit of mentorship and fun!
Human Services
It has been a BUSY 2 weeks in the Cosmetology program… we’ve been doing “half-flips”. You are asking, “What’s a “half-flip”??? NO it’s not a new hairstyle…. it just means we are halfway to being a fully “Flipped” Cosmetology program. We have incorporated several new teaching methods into our program. Some of them include the use of a class scribe (who gathers all of the notes from students, transcribes them, then puts them online for all students to use), a class shutterbug and videographer (documenting every lecture and demo we teach), a “production” group working together writing scripts and directing videos (that they are making to teach each other and posting online), students working as teacher assistants in planning and during lecture, and a new salon manager program.
We have never seen our students more motivated to learn, and actually wanting to plan, develop and be responsible for their own learning! It has really shifted our learning environment, and the critical thinking skills are through the roof!! If anyone is interested in any of these ideas, or you want to see how we incorporated them, please stop by and visit so we can show you… or better yet… the students can show you!
Our senior students have also been working on the proper techniques for wrapping a spiral perm. Check out one of the BEST wraps we have ever seen from a student. This wrap takes about 2.5 hours to complete and adds about 4-lbs. of weight to the head!
Law, Public Safety & Security
On September 10, we are hosting a class sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security on Nuclear Radiation Monitoring.
On October 23, the PT Challenge will once again be held between the Fire and Law students. Mark this day on your calendar – it is a fun event for everyone.
The Law Enforcement Recruits are deep into the Defensive Tactics block of training this week and most have dropped about 10 pounds of water weight just from sweating! The first half of the day the Law Recruits are in the Communications block and most of them are close to being able to hold a conversation….
We are preparing for the much anticipated Corrections Academy and have 13 students seated at this time.
We also finished up our second Unarmed Security Officer Class “D” class! This 40 hour class will be offered monthly for only $199.
Career Pathways
Wow! Could two weeks really feel like 10? This week includes the “good, better, and best news”.
On to the Good News…
In the GED classroom, Coordinator Brent Stubbs did a pull-out lesson on “Understanding Fractions.” The students were buzzing with enthusiasm. Did you know that a fraction is made up of two parts? The top of a fraction tells you “how many” and the bottom of the fraction tells you about “what” you are talking. That is why you cannot add together fractions with dissimilar denominators. You aren’t talking about the same thing! Also, a fraction can only tell you one of three things:
- Less than one
- Equal to one
- More than one
Understanding this makes fractions like 245/1112 less scary, and more importantly, helps students get better scores on their TABE tests.
On to Better News…
Our off site GED classes are filling up. ESOL at Mascotte is completely full, so we are trying to figure out a schedule to accommodate more students. Good problem!
And the Best News…
We nominated our very own Fernondo Williams as a Sunshine Success Story. We are so proud of him.

Earned his state of Florida high school diploma (GED) and enrolled in Culinary Arts
GED…it’s just the beginning!
New Adult Education Classes Forming
Lake Tech, in partnership with the Lake County Library System, is proud to announce a new GED class at the East Lake County Library in Sorrento. Classes meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm. The library is located at 31340 CR 437, Sorrento.
With the financial support of the United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, Lake Tech will be able to open a new GED class to be held at Lake Cares, Inc. The class will start September 15th and will meet on Saturdays from 8 am to noon. The class time conveniently corresponds to the time when food is distributed to those in need. Students may register the first day of class at Lake Cares, 2001 W. Old US Hwy 441, Mount Dora.
Let everyone know about these two new classes. Interested persons can call 352-589-2250, ext. 137 for additional information.
Lake Tech participated on Tuesday, August 28 at the Daily Commercial Job Fair. Trudy Dailey worked the fair and talked to many individuals who were interested in Security Guard Training, the new Forklift class, GED prep classes, Welding, Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts, Digital Design, Nursing and many more. We were the only school represented at the event, so the exposure was great. Many participants mentioned the Daily Commercial article that ran in July!
Tech Tip of the Week
COE Preparation
Two weeks to go….