In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Information Session for NEW Practical Nursing program in Sumter County, August 29 at 5 pm in Sumterville
- Labor Day, September 5, NO SCHOOL
- 911 Ceremony at IPS, September 8
Introduction to Construction – The new Introduction to Construction course is enrolling now for October. Please share this flyer with all students and community members.
A new full-time, day-time Practical Nursing program will be offered on the Lake Sumter State College campus in Sumter County beginning in January, 2017. An information session will be held in Sumterville at the LSSC campus this Monday evening at 5 pm. The TEAS test window for this program will be September 1-30, 2016. This program is a fast track as completing a CNA course is a prerequisite. For additional information, contact Linda Sturgeon at 352.589.2250, ext. 1822.
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – Week 2 is in the books and the Culinary students are bringing it! Bananas Foster, fruit carvings, orange chiffon cake, chocolate mousse, and smoked fresh ham. Next week, ice carvings! These students love being challenged and we are just getting started.
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Fire Fighting – Classes are up and running for the basic recruit Fire Fighter and Fire Fighter/EMT Combo class. 44 students are enrolled – the largest class ever.
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Fire Academy Special Operations – The Rope Operations class is in the books. Fire fighters from agencies across the region participated in this advanced training class.
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Public Safety Telecommunication (911 Dispatchers) – Students in the summer PST program graduated on Thursday. All 12 students are employed either with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office or Lake EMS. This program is 232 hours in length and prepares students for employment as dispatchers for police, fire, and ambulance agencies. This is an in-demand career field with opportunities for immediate employment.
Auto Service Technology – Students had a chance to put into practice their mechanical skills as well as their organizational skills when they were given a small engine to disassemble. They also learned the importance of making notes, taking pictures, and taking all the steps necessary to put everything back together again the same way it came apart.
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Diesel Technology (Medium and Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Technician) – New students in the Diesel program are working on their first engine. Other pictures include two students rebuilding a transmission and pulling out the DT-466 engine on one of the trucks from the Public Safety Campus which needs to be rebuilt.
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ESOL – The ESOL students have lots of opportunities for conversation and cooperative learning so necessary to mastering English. Students interact daily in both one-on-one and small group conversational activities. They are very encouraging and helpful to one another, and its great practice.
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Adult Basic Education and GED Prep – Adult #Ed was brimming with new energy and excited learning. One student already completed the TABE requirements and moved over to the GED classroom!
On the reading front, students ventured into the Olympic theme with a background in the original Greek Olympic games and its traditional symbols and emblems. Do you know why there are five interlocking rings and what their colors represent? It all goes back to the theme of unity, oneness and excellence…a theme we related to our world (our classroom) today! Students spent time working collaboratively using their technology search skills and applied techniques for success on the reading TABE test…timing is crucial here in order to complete all questions, and somehow be able to read all the passages, in time.
We rounded out the week with a two- day lesson in world government ideologies. Do you understand the differences between Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, and Capitalism? Well, our students can tell you. In groups, students delved into the ideology of one government system and then put notes on the board. Afterwards, we discussed and compared each system. Following, we watched some videos on the systems and identified which countries used these government systems and how effective/not they have been.
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Student Affairs
More Ice Cream? – On Monday, the ice cream scoopers returned so that the evening students could enjoy the tasty treats!
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Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center
Free September Workshops for Success – Each lunch session is ½ hour; late afternoon sessions are one hour. Bring your lunch to the lunch session. All workshops will be held in the Career Success Center on the main campus. Students should be prepared to take notes by bringing a tablet, laptop or pen and paper. Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone, email, or sign up on CSC door. rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855
Creating A Winning Resume | Learn current trends in what to include and not to include in your resume’. Best practices on delivering your resume’ will also be discussed. | Wed. Sept.7 | 11:30am – noon |
Wed. Sept. 7 | 4 pm-5 pm | ||
Thurs. Sept. 8 | 12 noon-12:30 pm | ||
Get Your Cover Letter Noticed | Learn best practices in how to introduce your resume to a potential employer so that he/she will read it. | Wed. Sept.28 | 11:30 am – noon |
Wed. Sept.28 | 4 pm – 5 pm | ||
Thurs.Sept.29 | 12 noon-12:30 pm |
Professional Development
FACTE (Florida Association of Career and Technical Education) is offering free online courses that may be used for in-service points for recertification. In addition, some of these courses are approved for initial teacher certification (see Melissa Stephan for details). The classes last about 4-6 weeks, are offered online, and require attendance at a live session once a week. These courses are funded in part through Perkins. Click here for the catalog. Registrations are being accepted for the Fall courses only at this time.
Lake Tech Wellness
Career Advisor Lilliana Guardiola has volunteered to head up the Lake Tech Wellness Group this year. The first event will be the FL Hospital Waterman Pink Out 5K Run/Walk, Thursday, October 13 at 6 pm in Wooten Park. Registration free proceeds will help promote breast cancer awareness, diagnosis and treatment including mammograms for women in need. If interested, register at See Lilliana for more details.
In the Community
- East Central Florida Regional Planning Council – Diane Culpepper is one of four Lake County representatives on the Council which covers Orange, Seminole, Lake, Volusia, Brevard and Osceola counties. The Council brings together public and private sectors to create an economic roadmap to diversify the region’s economy. The Council met this week to provide input for the 2016 and 2017 plans.
- A group of former Lake Technical College employees met to begin the formation of a Staff Alumni Association. If you know anyone who might be interested, please have them contact Lana Payne at paynel@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email.
- Megan Bateman will represent Lake Tech at Spring Creek Charter School’s Open House on Tuesday. She will share information about GED and CTE programs with the parents of the students who attend this school.
- Kim Frazier represented Lake Tech at the Tavares Chamber of Commerce meeting.
Tech Tips

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