In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Labor Day, September 4 NO SCHOOL
- Senator Baxley to tour Lake Tech, September 6, 11 am -1 pm
- Constitution Day, September 18
- Business Partner/Advisory Member Fall Reception, September 25, 6pm
One month to go! The welding booths, fabricated by the Lake Tech welding instructors and students, were installed over the weekend.
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – This was a busy week for the Accounting Operations and the Administrative Office Specialist class. Our week started off with a visit to the Career Success Center Open House with Ms. Rosenglick. Students were introduced to the Career Center and how the seminars that are offered are beneficial with finding employment.
Students from both programs also attended the SkillsUSA meeting which introduced them to the great opportunities that are offered through SkillsUSA. Many of the students are excited for the upcoming events and challenges Skills has to offer.
Corina Lueallen, an Administrative Office Specialist student, gave two wonderful presentations this week on Social Media and Workplace Etiquette. We also had a very informative presentation from Dr. Lindamood on motivation. All of these presentations gave wonderful insight to our future in the field.
Computer Systems and Information Technology / Cybersecurity – This week Our CSIT class was split into two groups for class-wide debate. One group was tasked with researching AMD products and the other Intel Products. The groups were given 45 minutes to research and gather information. The Cybersecurity students were then tasked with creating debate rules and judging. The activity was a success! The students enjoyed the change up and this allowed for those that had not had the opportunity to formally meet their peers, to do so.
The advanced students mentor the new students and take pride in their work. Students are mentored by advanced students. These students have earned their CompTIA A+ certified technician industry certification.
Fire Academy, Special Operations Rope Rescue, Fall 2017
Diesel Technology Systems – We have had a great first couple of weeks in the Diesel program. The students are this year’s Minute to Win It champions! The new students are already working on engines, learning about special tools, how to read micrometers, dial indicators and many other interesting things.
Automotive Service Technology – This week, students were getting their hands dirty. From engine disassembly to suspension work, they have also learned how important it is to work in teams as well as by themselves and how they’ll be able to apply it once they graduate and go to work in the automotive industry.
ADULT EDUCATION – Morning Adult Education students advanced to the playoffs this week. We didn’t win, but we had fun competing! For the solar eclipse, the GED students participated in a lesson and made cereal box and Pringle tube viewers, so they could see the solar eclipse safely. Are they looking for prizes or seeing the eclipse? Mrs. Rosenglick joined us for the viewing.
Afternoon Adult Basic Education – We’re off to a great start in ABE! We’ve already dug ourselves deep into Language Arts, and are starting at the root of it all with parts of speech: nouns and pronouns. We make sure there is ample time for discussions, practice, and review. Reading, of course, ties everything together, and we are doing plenty of that as well.
Mrs. Rosenglick and Dr. Lindamood came to our classes to inform students of the services they provide. Since our Adult Education program includes College and Career Readiness standards, their information fit right into our career discussions of the week. Students signed up to shadow in a CTE program of their interest. We will be contacting instructors soon to arrange a visit. This is always a great way to show students what LTC has to offer and gets them motivated to do well in class, so that they can move on and continue their education. One of the GED Fast-Track students has already started the Ready to Work program to get her certification for Pharmacy Tech and has met with Mrs. Rosenglick to work on her resume and interview skills!
ESOL – The students are really enjoying getting to know one another while learning English. Connections and conversations are such important parts of mastering a new language. It’s been fun to learn about each other’s cultures and experiences. In advanced English, we’ve been covering count and non-count nouns and reviewing the present tense, as well as doing lots of reading and writing! Our new English speakers are studying the verb “to be” and already speaking and writing and reading in the present tense (now). The enthusiasm our students is contagious and inspiring!
Career Success Center – The Career Success Center had its Open House this past Tuesday. It was a success with students from several programs visiting on that day. Students learned about all of the services, workshops, and events that the Career Success Center offers. Desserts were served and prizes were won.
- Laurie Bryant and Diane Culpepper will be attending Lake County’s Workforce Taskforce Meeting on August 29.
- Laurie Bryant will represent Lake Tech at a manufacturing apprenticeship meeting on Friday, September 8 at Metal Essence in Longwood.
- On September 26, Lake Tech will participate in the Lake and Sumter County Healthcare Connection meeting sponsored by CareerSource to determine solutions for the healthcare talent pipeline.
- A focus group to determine the need for an Industrial Machinery Maintenance Technician training program will be held on October 2 at Lake Tech.

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