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2012-13 School Year
Notice: Lana Taylor is the Parent Involvement Coordinator at Lake Technical Center. You may contact Lana at 352-589-2250, x1815, or email to taylorl@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email
New Classes:
Forklift Operator – The last Friday of every month — $125
Class “D” Security Guard – Contact Lt. Chris DeLibro at 352.742.6463 for schedule — $199
Artistic Welding – 10/23-11/13, $318
Microsoft Word – 10/2-10/23, $75
Microsoft Excel – 10/30-11/27, $75
Resume Writing – 10/11-10/18, $35
Academic Affairs
Arts, Communication & AV Technology
Digital Design instructor Kerrie Johnson had an amazing summer. She attended the Olympics in London and decided to incorporate the Olympic spirit into her Digital Design lesson plans on the first day of school. So, rather than starting out Day #1 with Policies & Procedures, students (returning and new) worked on a project to keep Ms. J’s Olympic flame burning. Each group of three collaborated to select any city in Lake County to “bid” on holding the 2020 Olympics. The students then worked together to design a logo to promote that city. After they finished, each group presented their city, logo drawing and a “sales pitch” for why their city should be chosen. Everyone exclaimed, “Best first week ever in the history of the Digital Design program!”
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One returning student in Digital Design 2, has a great position starting Monday with Akers Media (Lake Healthy Living, Style magazines). He will be proving himself by creating and building ads.
Health Science
New nursing instructor Rachel Weaver is excited about the new technology in her classroom. Last week she implemented the iPad and Apple TV into the didactic part of the LPN program. On Thursday night the students practiced injections on one another to refine their techniques (practicing intradermal, subcutaneous, and intramuscular injections) without a single casualty! Next week they will be FLIPPING the class room for the first time!
In July, the Health Science instructors met for a visioning session to plan for the future of health science programs at Lake Tech. Expanded program ideas, new technology, upgraded facilities, and improved communication tools were discussed. Committees were formed to address each topic. Quarterly updates will be provided as the health science department moves forward with some exciting new projects!
Hospitality & Tourism
The Commercial Food & Culinary Arts program is off to a great start. Breakfast and lunch are being served in the Student Center and many of the students on campus are taking advantage of the great food. Each week, we will try and share some beautiful food pictures for your enjoyment!
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Human Services
Cosmetology started the year with guest speakers, instructor made video clips inserted in lessons, class scribes, and students earning Edmodo badges. The students are engaged and the instructors are so excited about the new instructional strategies they are using.
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Law, Public Safety & Security
The largest Fire Fighter class in several years began last week with 33 new students. It is exciting to know that the word is out about the Lake Tech Fire Academy as we have students from as far away as Dixie and Alachua Counties. A big thank you to the Mt. Dora Fire Department for housing two of the students for the duration of the class.
On September 10, we are hosting a class sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security on Nuclear Radiation Monitoring.
On October 23, the PT Challenge will once again be held between the Fire and Law students. Mark this day on your calendar – it is a fun event for everyone.
The Law Enforcement recruits finished up the legal topics course and are currently in defensive tactics. On Friday, interviews were held for the new Corrections recruit class which begins this fall during the evening.
The second Private Security Officer Class “D” course begins on Monday.
Transportation & Logistics
Have you seen the new classroom in the Auto Service Technology area?
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Career Pathways
Week 1: Mission Accomplished!
Students enrolled and working?

ESOL Students in Mascotte, FL
Two 87 year old women learning English?

Beauty Knows No Age
Students already earning their TABE scores for programs?
One Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts student enrolled in AAAE on Monday, studied hard, and is already finished so he can start his career program.
The GED main campus classroom is off to a busy start with AAAE and GED students navigating the pathway to career success. A new instructor, Mr. Beckstrom, has joined the team and has jumped right in assisting students. Ms. Dailey also assists every afternoon. The adult education students are very fortunate to have a group of caring and hardworking instructors.
Our ESOL class in Mascotte is almost full and other classes are filling up fast. Our main campus ESOL class still has seats available, so if you know someone who needs to learn English, tell them about Lake Tech. Also, if you haven’t already, check out our new adult education web portal: www.laketech.org/careerpathways
New Adult Education Classes Forming. Lake Tech, in partnership with the Lake County Library System, is proud to announce a new GED class at the East Lake County Library in Sorrento. Classes meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm. The library is located at 31340 CR 437, Sorrento.
With the financial support of the United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties, Lake Tech will be able to open a new GED class to be held at Lake Cares, Inc. The class will start September 15th and will meet on Saturdays from 8 am to noon. The class time conveniently corresponds to the time when food is distributed to those in need. Students may register the first day of class at Lake Cares, 2001 W. Old US Hwy 441, Mt. Dora.
Let everyone know about these two new classes. Interested persons can call 352-589-2250, ext. 137 for additional information.
Lake Tech will participate in the Daily Commercial Job Fair to be held Tuesday, August 28, at Venetian Gardens Community Center, Leesburg. The Job Fair begins at 9 am and ends at 3 pm. Several employers will be participating. Please pass the word to your graduates who need a job.
2012 Job Fair
Tuesday, August 28th
Leesburg Community Building
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
If you are interested in participating, please call the Daily Commercial at 352-365-8245.
Gold’s Gym in Mt. Dora will be inserting the Lake Tech course schedule in their new member packets. In addition, they have invited us to come any Monday or Tuesday evening to promote the Lake Tech programs to their members. They also have discounted memberships for faculty, staff and students. Thanks Gold’s Gym!
On Campus
A great big thank you to Pam Netherton and Kathy Roberts for installing new plants and a beautiful fountain in the back lobby planter. It looks fantastic and the students are really commenting on what a peaceful area it is now for studying.
Thanks to Mark Prescott for painting the patio by the student center. It really looks great and the students are enjoying this area during breaks and lunches.
What is a Flipped Classroom? Check out this link to learn a little more…. http://flippedclassroom.org/
COE Preparation
Almost there…