In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- National SkillsUSA Conference, June 19-23, Louisville, KY
- Fall Enrollment for New Students, July 5
Chief Broadway, from the City of Clermont, was our graduation speaker.
Congratulations to the Lake Technical College Business Partner of the Year, Power Tech from Leesburg, Florida!
The concrete is poured for the metal building!
One of the newest employees on campus is Lucinda Hanna. She works in the business office as a bookkeeper and we are happy she has joined the Lake Tech family. In order for you to get to know her a little better, she took time to answer a few questions.
- What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to shoot weapons, travel, swim, and oh yea, shop for shoes!
- What is at the top of your bucket list? I am proud to say that I just completed several things on my bucket list (purchased my own home, traveled to Sweden to visit friends I haven’t seen in 35 years) so I think the next thing may be to get my motorcycle license.
- What would surprise people the most to learn about you? I don’t know what would surprise people to learn about me. I was a state gymnast at one time, I have one brown and one green eye or I have 17 grandchildren (16 by marriage and yes, he is younger than me). I used to live above the Arctic Circle in Sweden and I have never been as cold as I am now living in Florida lol!!
- Why do you like working at Lake Tech? I LOVE working at Lake Tech because of the people! Co-workers are very friendly and fun. I enjoy spending my day working with them. The students are great to deal with and I really enjoy hearing about what they are learning and how it is transforming their lives…. and the 7 min drive vs the 70 min drive is WONDERFUL!!
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Heating Technology – Josh Thompson, a student in Steve Bagg’s HVAC program, scored success on his TABE test this week! He has been working hard on his academic skills which are integrated into the technical skills of the program through a unique pilot program funded by the State of Florida.
Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts – You know it is close when you see this!
Florida Law Enforcement Academy – The Day Law class completed Chapter 9 – Critical Incidents, via PowerPoint and scenarios. The instructor was Lieutenant Mysinger with Lake County Sheriff’s Office. The students responded to a “bomb threat” at the IPS Range and conducted building clearings.
The students then began Chapter 10 – Traffic Stops, instructed by Master Deputy Lukens with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. The Defensive Tactics (DT) practical and written exams were conducted this week with a 100% pass rate. After the DT exams, students then responded to practical scenarios, where they were to restrain and conduct a custodial search on Detention Deputy Givens. The class also experienced the “dreaded OC Spray Day” on Thursday and experienced what it was like to have the agent deployed on them.
Adult Basic Education – A special thank you is due to Milan and Gabriele for sharing information about the Auto Collision, Repair and Refinishing program. Both students demonstrated their excitement and dedication to the program!
Students have also been working on bringing up their TABE scores. This week, a celebration of the summer birthdays, took place on Thursday.
J.P. Donnelly Trust – Students transferring credits from Lake Technical College to Lake-Sumter State College now have additional financial support options.
The J.P. Donnelly Trust has created an endowment fund for scholarships through the LSSC Foundation, Inc. specifically for students applying their Lake Tech certifications to associate degree programs at LSSC. “Our partnership with Lake Technical College allows us to collectively serve students in Lake and Sumter counties and improve the quality of the workforce on a regional level,” says Dr. Stanley Sidor, President of LSSC. “This new scholarship allows even more students to continue their education by pursuing a degree at Lake-Sumter State College.”
On Monday, June 5, a press conference was held to announce the $800 scholarships that will be available to the Lake Technical College graduates.

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