In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech — It’s Graduation Time!
- Patient Care Technician Pinning Ceremony, June 17 at 2 pm
- Practical Nursing Capping and Pinning Ceremony, June 17 at 6 pm
- Public Safety Telecommunications (911 Dispatcher) Graduation, June 18 at 4 pm
- Graduation for all Career & Technical Program students as well as GED students, June 18 at 7 pm at the Clermont Arts & Recreational Center
- Day Law Enforcement Graduation, July 1, 6 pm at the Public Safety Campus
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Technology
Digital Design – The student designers are working hard on their final portfolio projects. They are applying all their skills and knowledge with real-world difficulty and deadlines!
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The students worked very hard on the movie posters and magazine covers for a SkillsUSA fundraiser. This is the third year the students have offered them and they are a big hit. This year, instructor Kerrie Johnson decided to hold a “Movie Poster Premier” so all the faculty and staff could see the creations.
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Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – Much has happened in our Business Classes during the last few weeks of the semester.
We had the unique opportunity to travel to the headquarters of Compass Inc. Compass is the Human Resource arm of the Villages. There, Ms. Leslie Gibbons, hosted a presentation called “You Inc.” Ms. Gibbons spoke about how each of our students could market themselves in today’s world. The presentation and results were outstanding. Here we see our class and Ms. Gibbons.
Recently, our class received T-shirts from United Way for our participation in the Vita program. So instead of our usual dress up day, we had a T-shirt day.
Our class members participated in several role playing events and in many presentations. Here we see several of our students role playing job interviews, as well as several presentations. The presentations ranged from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to the results of job interviews.
The area Relay for Life committee just presented several awards for LTC’s participation in the recent Relay for Life. Below is a picture of the Nursing and Business Classes receiving the awards. Lake Tech students contributed almost 5% of the total funds raised which is excellent considering it was our first year to participate.
We honored the 2015 members of the National Technical Honor Society: Debra Blair, Brandi Mullens, Brandi Baker, Johanna Sanchez, and Kassandra White. Great job!
Ms. Jeannine Nelson, of the Lake County Human Relations Department, just spoke to our Business Class about interviews, jobs searches, and different opportunities at Lake County. Ms. Nelson also presented Nick Hobbs with his Gold Certificate for My Florida Ready to Work. Congratulations, Nick! Nick is the first of several students who have earned certifications.
The students have been very supportive of each other by sharing experiences we have had. In the following pictures you see everyone enjoying a Friday birthday party celebration. And we came together to send our best wishes to Mr. James Brucker and his family. We have been enriched because so many alumni students have returned to share their successes. Here we see Ms. Brinda Ruehlen sharing her experiences and answering questions. Brinda is now employed in the Accounting Department at Massey.
This year our Administrative Office Specialist graduates include Natasha Araujo, Brandi Baker, Ana Delgado, Antonio Loredo, Jessica Pantoja, and Kassandra White. Our Accounting Operations graduates include Samantha Combee, Brandon Goff, Karen Horton, Jacob Johnson, Kamia Manning, Brandi Mullens, Johanna Sanchez, Kristen Sparks, Jordon Steele, Kasey Steele, Jessica Straub, Joey Williams, and Maralee Whipp. Several of the students have started new jobs and others are going to continue their education. Congratulations to all.
Instructor Chuck Durante was featured on QuickBooks Certifications site. I want to end this blog by thanking all of our Business students, fellow teachers, LTC Administrators, and staff for your ongoing support over the past 4 years. It has been both an honor and a privilege to be part of the Lake Tech family. Thank you!
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Health Sciences
Medical Assisting – The Medical Assisting students participated in Red Nose Day on May 21. Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to raising money for children and young people living in poverty by simply having fun and making people laugh.
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The students also had a chance to view a demo of human patient simulators.

Emergency Medical Technician – A Lake Tech welcome to our Summer EMT students. The class began June 2, 2015. The students articulated from the Lake Technical College Fire Academy.
Pictured: Trenton Ally, Vincent Buonincontri, John Davis, Patrick Devlin, Casey Dyer, Carl Elder, Nathan Foll, Jr., Brian Giacobe, Todd Grindrod, Mason Gyuette, Steven Kyer, Wyatt McCall, Brian Molina, Lance Roberts, Kyle Smith, Christian Van Kirk, and Draymenski Wilson.
Human Services
Cosmetology – The Cosmetology students and instructors raised money for SkillsUSA by dressing up for the 70s and 80s. Looks like they had a good time while raising money for the upcoming nationals at the end of June in Kentucky.
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We also recently had Germaine, from Cuttin’Up Salon, come in with his crew and show different clipper cutting techniques to our students. They thoroughly enjoyed this class.
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Information Technology
Computer Systems & Information Technology – Plans are underway to implement this new program in the Fall of 2015. Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting program.
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Structured Cable Installer – Five students finished the first structured cable installer course offered in partnership with SyngINC in Mount Dora. SnygINC is a telecommunications consulting firm. Upon completion of the course, students are eligible for employment as cable installers in a variety of companies in our region. Pat Burke, former NBA basketball player, was the motivational speaker for the students’ final class.
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Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Diesel Technology (Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Technician) – It is that time of year – cleaning up and closing down for the summer! The diesel students cleaned their shop and repainted the floor this week.
Adult Education
GED Prep – Mrs. Avelli recently taught a lesson on poetry and talked about imagery in writing. The students gathered outside near one of the trees to see, feel, smell, hear, (but not taste) while she read a poem. They came back inspired, so they then wrote their own bits of poetry. Another lesson involved a fun way to learn geography. The students had to research from where their ancestors came, find that country on the world map, and mark the location on the map. Many of the students did not have any idea as to their family’s origin; consequently, they had to get information from relatives. It was noted that some families came from Jamaica, Portugal, Haiti, Africa, Japan, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Russia, Poland, Spain, Italy, Ireland, India, Vietnam, and Central America.
As the school year comes to an end, our dedicated students are still working hard, making gains, and earning lots of Literacy Competency Points (LCP’s). There are a few GED testers scheduled early next week to get their final GED subject score, so they can participate in graduation. We have had a great year with many great students! Last, but not least, the instructors spent a little quality time together earlier on in the semester. The result of this brainstorm time with the assistance of Lake Tech’s Digital Design instructor, Ms. Kerrie Johnson, allowed them to come up with a movie poster concept. Please see our movie “The Graduators” coming soon to a theater near you.
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Student Affairs
Last week, Allison Chambers, of Relay for Life, came to Lake Tech and presented the Business Classes with two certificates for our participation in the Relay For Life event that was held in Eustis. The Nursing class was offsite when Allison arrived, so the Business students represented the Nursing students as well. The first certificate was for “The Last Tent Standing“. This is for the Nursing students and Linda Sheets and Rachel Weaver who spent the night!! Great job and dedication! The second award was for our participation and fund raising. Of the total collect, $26,000, Lake Technical College raised $1,161, almost 5% of the total in our first year!!
The National Adult Education Honor Society induction ceremony was held on May 21. Students from the adult basic education classes, GED prep classes, and ESOL classes from around the county were eligible to be inducted. To qualify for NAEHS membership adult education students must demonstrate that they have dependable attendance, a cooperative attitude and a good work ethic.
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The National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony was held on May 28 at the Institute of Public Safety. Thirty-three students were inducted. Chief Fred Cobb, Chairman of the Board of Directors, was the keynote speaker.
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The Student of the Year has been selected and will be revealed at graduation June 18.
In the Community
Diane Culpepper and Kim Frazier toured Southeast Modular Manufacturing in Leesburg. Workforce needs were discussed as this company will need construction workers now and in the near future.
Kim Fraizer represented Lake Tech at South Lake High School’s Health Career Fair on May 21.
Diane Culpepper attended the Four Corners Community Leader meeting to discuss the direction for growth and development in South Lake County – particularly Cagans Crossing.
If you are interested in watching the most recent budget conference on education (June 8), please copy and paste this link into your browser and enjoy!