Lake Tech Rocked State SkillsUSA!
On Thursday and Friday of last week, Lake Tech students had the opportunity to compete in various skills events with students from across the state. We are proud to announce that the Lake Tech students had a great time and brought home lots of bling! We are very proud of every student who competed and to all of their faculty who helped them prepare! Five students won Gold and are on their way to Nationals in July!
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Olivia Almeter – 1st (secondary)
Cheyenne Adams – 2nd (post secondary)
Jeanie Knapp – Model
Auto Refinishing:
Matthew Keith – 2nd (secondary)
Keith McNeely – 3rd (post secondary)
Auto Collision Repair:
Luke Carson – 1st (secondary)
Richard Rogers – 1st (secondary)
Kyle Kicklighter – 3rd (secondary)
Advertising Design:
Samantha Carpenter – 1st (secondary)
Steven Peterson – 3rd (post secondary)
T-Shirt Design:
Robin Kester – 1st (post secondary)
Academic Affairs
Architecture & Construction
HVAC/R – The students in Steve Bagg’s HVAC-R program replaced the thermostats on the old plywood with a real wall. How do you like the colors?
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The students also received their NCCER certifications on Friday. A special presentation was made by Mr. Bagg. Jack Miller and Diane Culpepper attended. Way to go students!
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Arts, AV & Technology
Digital Design – Are you ready for some great pics!?! After weeks of intense Photoshop work, Digital Design students delivered the 35 CUSTOM movie posters and 19 magazine covers that we created as a SkillsUSA fundraiser. All of the designers medaled in either Regionals, State or both, and our Director, Dr. Culpepper, even had her hand in making a magazine cover! This week we captured some awesome candid shots of the recipients’ “first expressions” at seeing themselves as MOVIE STARS! As this was our first time making the posters, it was much more involved than we ever expected. So we gratefully appreciate everyone’s patience, but hope that the wait was well worth it.
STAY TUNED… Our Fire Academy chose to have a “custom calendar” made, which is going to press today! If you’d like to purchase one, contact Kerrie Johnson in the Digital Design Dept., Lake Tech Main Campus, or Johnsonk3@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email. Price is $30 each.
We’re also planning an event where we will “PREMIER” all the posters so that everyone can see the gallery of fine workmanship… and get a good laugh! Thanks for your participation and supporting our SkillsUSA contestants.
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Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – Since returning from spring break, our business classes have had a major event every week. This continued this week as we participated in the Lake Technical College’s Career Day. During the last two weeks we have been preparing for this possible life-changing event. For our graduating students they know that a successful Career Day can lead to a new job. For our new students, this is an opportunity to learn about career opportunities and how to prepare for them. To prepare for, this we watched videos on both successful, and not-so-successful, career fairs. We prepared resumes and developed “30-second elevator speeches”, which paralleled their resume’s summary statement. We also had rehearsals on how to meet and talk with recruiters.
These events seemed to pay off as our class received very good grades from recruiters. Also, our students shared very positive responses on our “back channel” response site. Thank you to Ms. Rosenglick and to Lake Tech for planning this wonderful program.
We welcomed Brandi Mullens back from the SkillsUSA State contest. Here, we see her describing her experiences.
Our class joined with students from the nursing program to participate in the Lake Tech’s team for Relay for Life. It was a very moving experience for all who participated. Thanks to Ms. Frazier and the dynamic nursing teacher duo of Ms. Sheets and Ms. Weaver for their organization, support, and participation. We make a great team!
We also congratulated our Student of the Month, Nick Hobbs!! Congratulations Nick!
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Health Science
Pharmacy Tech – Congratulations to Michael Van Dellen, Lake Tech’s first Pharmacy Tech graduate and first to receive his Registered Pharmacy Technician license from the State of Florida. Mr. Van Dellen is currently employed by STARx Pharmacy of Leesburg.
Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts – This week, the students were divided into three teams as they prepared for the annual “Culinary Challenge!” Each group had to prepare a meal consisting of soup, salad, entrée, vegetable, starch, and dessert. Judges Tom Netherton, DeAnna Thomas, Captain Chris DeLibro, and Diane Culpepper had a difficult time eating all the food and determining the winner! In the end, And the winner, by just a point, was Team One!
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Human Services
Cosmetology – Diane Culpepper spent a morning in the Cosmetology classroom learning how to foil hair. What did she learn? She needs three hands to even have a chance in this program! The students were great teachers and their skills are really becoming top notch.
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Information Technology
Computer Systems & Information Technology – Plans are underway to implement this new program in the Fall of 2015. Focus group discussions with local business and industry have been conducted to determine employment need and critical skills necessary to be successful in the industry.
Structured Cable Installer – Five students are currently enrolled in the first structured cable installer course offered in partnership with SyngINC in Mt. Dora. SnygINC is a telecommunications consulting firm. Upon completion of the course, students are eligible for employment as cable installers in a variety of companies in our region.
Public Service
Fire Fighter – The pictures below are from the Fire Academy MSC 113. These students will be graduating May 22 with a class of 38 that started in February. The graduating ceremony will be held at Tavares Middle school at 7 pm. Tavares Fire Chief Richard Keith will be the guest speaker. Come out and help us celebrate their accomplishment. The Fire Academy had its first graduating class in 1982. As we look around our service area you can see many of our successful graduates from rookie Firefighters to Fire Chiefs.
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The annual PT Challenge was on April 27. This Challenge pits the Fire Fighter students against the Law Enforcement students in a physical activity. The Fire Fighters won with a time of 2:29. Afterwards, a cookout was held for all the students.
Law and Corrections – The Corrections classes running as smooth as expected while in the firearms block of instruction. Day Law is also running smooth and getting closer to completion.
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Auto Service Technology – Congratulations to Steve Tilbury for passing his first ASE test. He scored a 90% on the steering and suspension test. Good job, Steve!
We had a very successful meeting this week with Greg Yager, GM, and Charlie Cintron, Service Manager from Plaza Cadillac in Leesburg. They both expressed interest in immediately hiring the new graduates from our program now and in the future, as well as be willing to be members of our advisory committee.
Diesel Technology (Medium & Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Technician) – The students continue to enjoy the work they do each day!
Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing – Diane Culpepper spent the afternoon in the Auto Collision classroom in the latest installment of “Teach the Director a Thing or Two.” She clear-coated the car hood that she air brushed a week ago and then spent time with student Christina Keith, who taught her how to pull a damaged frame on a car utilizing the new Chief Computerized Measuring System. What did she learn? There is a great deal of algebra and geometry needed for this competency! In addition, the student instructor shared that measuring and pulling the frame can be a matter of life and death if not done correctly.
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Greg Krank was awarded the Snap-On Tool Grant worth $1,500! Congratulations Greg!
Adult Education
GED Prep – Another busy week in the Adult Education GED/AAAE classroom has come and gone! We have had many students take and pass the Official GED® Ready Practice Test! The passing score for each subject area test (Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies) for the GED® is 150 out of 200 points. If the student gets the 150 on his or her practice test, we have them review the practice test study guide that comes with the score results, and then go on to take the official GED® test for that subject area. This new system has been quite a useful tool to let the instructor and student know where he or she stands.
Mrs. Avelli’s morning group has been working on survival reading skills – main idea, details, and sequence of events. She always has an interactive session with the students and assigns work to do afterwards to let that knowledge sink in.
We wrapped up the week at the LTC Career Fair. Several of our students took advantage of the workshops and found them to be quite interesting and helpful. One of them suggested that we have the speaker come to our classroom to talk to all of the students! There were lots of opportunities to ask questions and talk to prospective employers and program instructors. Even Mrs. Dailey found great information for her ESOL students, and maybe for herself upon retirement!
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ESOL – To Celebrate “Teacher Appreciation Week,” one of the ESOL students baked a delicious Tres Leches cake for their teachers.
Student Affairs
Dinner with the Teacher – On Thursday evening, we held the first annual “Dinner with Teacher” event for the newly accepted students who will be graduating from high school this May and enrolling in Lake Tech this fall. The students and their parents enjoyed dinner, had a chance to meet their instructor for next year, and tour the classroom/lab areas and ask questions. The event was a great success.
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Campus Life
Another Successful Career Fair! – Over 30 companies were represented at the annual Lake Tech Career Fair. Students were prepared to discuss their resumes, network with businesses, and apply for jobs as graduation is approaching. CareerSource Central Florida held seminars during the morning to provide additional information about job hunting skills. Lake Sumter State College was available to discuss articulation opportunities with students.
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Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
The Lake Tech Financial Aid Office has a Facebook page! Tell your students and those interested in financial aid, as well as scholarships, to Like the Lake Tech Financial Aid Office page.
Dr. Sherie Lindamood is serving as the Student Success Counselor this year. Please invite her to speak to your classes about stress management, study skills, and test-taking strategies. She will be spending Tuesdays at the Institute of Public Safety so students on that campus will have the opportunity to utilize her services.
Student of the Year nominations are being submitted now. Interviews will be held beginning next week.
In the Community
Diane Culpepper and Kim Frazier toured Rapid Home Solutions in Mt. Dora. Workforce needs were discussed as this company will need welders, fabricators, machinists, and office assistants in the near future.
Robert Quinlan, new Business from CareerSource Central Florida, spent the afternoon at Lake Tech touring the programs and learning more about us.
Kim Fraizer spent Friday morning at Umatilla High School and the afternoon at Umatilla Middle representing Lake Tech at their career fairs.
Kim Frazier and students from EMT, Firefighting, and Digital Design represented Lake Tech at Tech Ops for Teens at the Leesburg Public Library held last Saturday.
Tech Tips

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