Coming Up
Good Luck to SkillsUSA Competitors – April 29 – May 1
US Representative Dan Webster Tours the Campus – April 30, 1:45 pm
Charter Board of Directors Meeting – April 30, 2:45 pm
Career Fair – May 8, 9 am – Noon
National Nurses Week – May 6 – 12
Leadership Lake Visits Lake Tech – May 8
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV Technology & Communication
Digital Design 2 student Stephen Draper is heading to Pensacola to represent Region 3 and Lake Tech in the adult division of the Advertising Design contest. For the last week and a half, he and fellow Digital Design 2 student Josh Wardingly have collaborated to design and prepare the layout for United Way’s annual report – an 8-page, full-color booklet that will be commercially printed by Ford Press. Together, with their instructor, they have been invited as special guests to the United Way annual meeting and luncheon at Lake Receptions. Annual reports are one of the highest-valued printed projects that any company has designed, so we are extremely honored for our students to be considered for such a lofty endeavor. Students will receive special recognition and three final printed copies for their portfolios.
Student Alex Hulbert recently began an internship for Husebo Advertising and will have his name in the masthead for the Florida Gulf Coast Healthy Living magazine as a graphic designer. This is the epitome of recognition for any graphic designer creating layouts and ads for magazines – a highly-sought position! Alex has also created a beautiful promotional design for Vac-Tron. The owners liked it so much that they are using it on their web page!
Digital Design 1 students began job shadowing and have had a great time visiting That! Company, Sign Crafters, Ford Press, Sharf Signs, and Xlnt Design. Getting a “behind-the-scenes” view of professional graphic designers has sparked new passions and interests!
Business Management & Administration
This was a very busy and emotional week for our Business Classes.
Last Wednesday, the members of the Administrative Office Specialist (AOS) class hosted a special event for the Office Professionals at Lake Tech. It included a brunch in the Child Care classroom. Many of Lake Tech’s administration support team members took the opportunity to stop in and enjoy a variety of foods and refreshments, which included fruit, a meat tray, and tasty desserts, including a cake. In addition, they had the opportunity to talk with our AOS students and share experiences and advice. Later that afternoon the AOS students visited the office professionals and delivered thank you cards, flowers, and balloons. It was a wonderful experience for our class. The project did not end at the end there. The next day the AOS group had a meeting to review the project, what went right, what we can improve, and identify new ideas for next year. These were then written down and will be part of next year’s planning. Members of our AOS team include Stephanie Armstrong, Julie Brown, Bradley Bryant, Autumn Diggers, Jennifer Green, Cera Howard, Wendi Price, Lashon Robinson, Kelsey Tracy, and Joyce Williams. Good job TEAM!
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On Friday, Ms. Ana Elentri completed her Accounting Operations requirements. We had a congratulations party for her. She plans to continue her education. We wish her the very best in her new adventures!
In our classes we learned about basic accounting operations and creating mail merge procedures.
What a week!!
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Health Science
The Florida State Board of Nursing issued 1st Quarter pass rates for licensure for Practical Nursing. Lake Technical Center has a 100% pass rate for the first time. This was for NCLEX-PN graduates for the months of January, February, and March. Way to go Nursing Instructors and Students!!!
Human Services
We are off to Pensacola for SkillsUSA. The excitement is already in the air and we cannot imagine what it is going to be like on competition days Monday and Tuesday. Check out the work that the students will be creating in their contests.
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Student Affairs
The deadline for graduating students to purchase caps and gowns is Wednesday, May 9.
The National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be held on May 14 at 1 pm in the Tech Dining room.
Lake Sumter State College scholarship applications for a LTC GED graduate and for a LTC CTE graduate (each valued at $600), are available in the Admissions Office. Sonya Rosenglick will be notifying instructors and students that the applications are available, and the deadline for completion is Thursday, June 6, 2013.
Professional Development
On our campus:
Erika Greene, Business Account Representative for Workforce Central Florida, will be attending our faculty meeting on May 9. She will explain the tools available through WCF as our students/ graduates prepare to search for jobs.
Please note the upcoming Adult Education webinars listed below. To register, please visit www.FloridaTechNet.orgopens in a new window.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (EST): Joining the Workforce Using Florida CHOICES Planner
In the Community
Lake Tech will participate in the Umatilla Elementary “Making a Change” event to be held on April 27.
Diane Culpepper and Erika Greene from Workforce Central Florida have been invited to tour Florida Food Products, Inc. located in Eustis. Florida Foods was founded in 1954 and is a leader in the manufacturing and processing of vegetable juice concentrates, broths, and blends for a variety of applications and industries.
![Friday Update 4/26/13 sonya Friday Update 4/26/13](
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