In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech
- CareerSource Central Florida to visit Lake Tech’s Institute of Public Safety, April 20
- Lake County Manufacturing Career Fair, April 23, 1-4 pm, Lake Square Mall
- Lake Tech and local IT Industry Focus Group, April 23, 4-5 pm
- Buy your Caps and Gowns now – Deadline to order for June Graduation is April 24
- Relay for Life, April 24-25
- SkillsUSA State Competition, Lakeland, April 26-29
- Lake Technical College Career Fair, May 1
- Dinner with the Teacher, May 7, 6 pm
Academic Affairs
Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – After a relaxing spring break our business classes returned excited to complete the final 10 weeks of the semester. We began by welcoming our new classmates, Carynn Silva, Sandra Belinski, Liliana Gonzalez, Ashley Negron and Christina Walker. Carynn, Sandra, Liliana and Ashley are shown in the first picture and Christina is in the second picture.
Brandi Mullens took advantage of the spring break to develop a presentation regarding accounting concepts. Brandi is also preparing to represent Lake Tech in the SkillsUSA’s Florida State competition. She will compete in the open speech category.
Several of our students, Alexis Ramos, Carynn Silva and Callie Messer took time from their busy day to plan and develop a flyer for the upcoming Relay for Life. This will be Lake Tech’s first team in this popular event. The event will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, April 24, at Ferran Park in Eustis. See the flyersopens in a new windowopens PDF file or go to in a new window for more information. You do NOT have to make a pledge to join the team.
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Health Sciences
Practical Nursing – In the next installment of “Teach the Director a Thing or Two,” Diane Culpepper spent the afternoon with the Practical Nursing students. Instructor Jennifer Rausch taught a lesson on how easily infection spreads. Each student, including Culpepper, had a test tube filled with fluid. Only one tube was “infected” and no one knew which student had it. The students randomly shared their fluids with three other students and within minutes, over 35% of the class was infected.
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CAE Healthcare presented their simulation mannequin, iStan, to the Health Science Department faculty and students. iStan is the most advanced wireless patient simulator on the market, with internal robotics that mimic human cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological systems. When iStan bleeds, his blood pressure, heart rate and other clinical signs change automatically, and he responds to treatment with minimal input from an instructor. With a realistic airway, articulated joints and blood on board, iStan has full mobile simulation capabilities.
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Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – The Culinary students and instructors made pasta from scratch this week in a presentation titled, “Pasta Fields Forever!”
Law & Public Safety
Fire Fighter – Ron Williams, Director of Lake Tech’s Fire Academy, will be in Tallahassee this week attending the Fire Service Awards Reception and the “Ringing of the Bell” ceremony. This ceremony is held at the site of the Firefighter Memorial Monument located outside the Courtyard adjacent to the House Office Building. The State Fire Marshall and the Florida Forest Service Honor Guard will perform the “Last Call” tribute to recognize those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of the duty. The Governor and his Cabinet will formally recognize the fire service in the Cabinet Meeting of the Capitol. Thanks Ron for representing Lake Tech at this very important ceremony and event.
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Demolition is underway for the new Center for Advanced Manufacturing. The two buildings that will be remodeled will look worse before they look better! Thanks to Jerry Cobb from Cobb Tractor for assisting with some equipment we needed to in preparation for the project. Bob Zehner and Mark Prescott make up the demo crew!
Lake Business magazine is preparing an article on the Center for Advanced Manufacturing. On Friday, their photographer was on campus taking pictures for the article.
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Lake Technical College will be a presenting partner in the first annual CareerSource Central Florida Manufacturing Career Fair. The event will take place at the Lake Square Mall from 1 – 4 pm on April 23. Anyone interested in attending is invited to participate to go.
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Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Auto Service Technology – The students had a great week in the Auto Service Technology program after a well-deserved spring break and they’re already getting their hands dirty. We also welcomed a new student to the class. Summer is around the corner and our students are getting ready by learning all about A/C and the components that make it work in a vehicle. The students have also been working on electrical troubleshooting and engine performance learning.
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Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing – Lake Technical College is proud to announce that Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing student, Elena Casares, is the well-deserving recipient of a 2015 Women’s Industry Network (WIN) Scholarship. Elena started the Lake Tech Auto Collision program in October 2014. Since her first day at Lake Tech, she has diligently learned her trade, as well as, volunteered to represent all of Lake Tech’s students at various community and high school events around the county.
The Women’s Industry Network is a “not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging, developing and cultivating opportunities to attract women to collision repair while recognizing excellence, promoting leadership, and fostering a network among the women who are shaping the industry,” according to the WIN website. The WIN Scholarship is awarded each year to only 5 recipients from across the nation who are chosen by a committee made up of women in the industry. Beverly Rook, chairman of the scholarship committee, said that they received a record number of applicants for the award this year. She commented that the “quality and passion of this particular group of young women is inspiring.” Elena’s WIN Scholarship incudes a $1000 academic scholarship, a one year membership to WIN, and attendance to the 2015 Educational Conference in Baltimore, MD in May to include her travel and hotel expenses, plus she will be assigned a mentor from the 2015 Most Influential Women honorees.
More information about WIN and their scholarship opportunities can be found on their website, in a new window.
An industry partner spent Friday in the Auto Collision classroom teaching the students how to use a new welder for plastics. Each student had a turn trying the new technique.
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Advanced Auto Collision student, John Milando, is proud of his latest creation.
Adult Education
GED Prep – Spring Break has come and gone. Both students and instructors had an opportunity to get some well-deserved rest and recreation during the week prior. Upon returning, students were met with more learning opportunities. The regular early morning Reading group with Mrs. Avelli progressed as usual; while continuing to practice updating their reading skills, they also get lessons on American History and Government.
Other students participated with Mrs. Netherton in a short lesson on Science which had students developing a scientific experiment. Also, new several students enrolled this week to the morning, afternoon, and evening sessions on the main campus. Other students continue to make progress by passing official GED practice tests and the official GED test. As the instructors, we always look forward to hearing the good news of students passing their tests and moving on to a brighter future.
Our Adult Education/GED, ESOL, and Career/Technical instructors believe in life-long learning. We continue to learn new effective and relevant ways of delivering lessons to students. Three of our Adult Education/GED instructors; Ms. Girard, Mrs. Netherton, and Mr. Seidner; completed a several week in-house computer technology course hosted by Ms. Sonya Rosenglick, our resident web technology and course management guru. The instructors have already started making use of the tools that were learned. The in-class orientation is now available through the use of “Screen-Cast-O-Matic,” a free online audio recording tool combined with live screenshot capabilities, and “Schoology,” an online course management tool. The tech course group celebrated their achievements during the final class day.
Student Affairs
Business Start-Up Workshop on April 17. If you have students interested in attending, please contact Sonya Rosenglick.
The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
The Lake Tech Financial Aid Office has a Facebook page! Tell your students and those interested in financial aid as well as scholarships to Like Lake Tech Financial Aid Office.
Dr. Sherie Lindamood is serving as the Student Success Counselor this year. Please invite her to speak to your classes about stress management, study skills, and test taking strategies. She will be spending Tuesdays at the Institute of Public Safety to students on that campus will have the opportunity to utilize her services.
In the Community
- Eustis Mayor Eckian and Economic Development Director Tom Corrino toured Lake Tech on Wednesday. They also enjoyed lunch prepared by the Culinary students.
- Lake Tech was represented at the Parent Conference Night on April 8 at Spring Creek Charter School. Parents were interested in learning more about dual enrollment opportunities for their students when they become 11th and 12th graders.
- Lake Tech will participate in the Florida Law Enforcement Career Fair on April 16 at the Orlando Fern Creek National Guard Armory.
- Layne Hendrickson will represent Lake Tech at the First Annual Speed Dating event presented by the Hans and Cay Jacobesen Foundation in partnership with Take Stock in Children. The students who attend are Lake County High School students who are unsure of what they want to do career wise.
- Lake Tech instructors have been invited to a Career Day at Mt. Dora Middle on May 14. Layne Hendrickson will represent EMS/Health Care and James Brucker will represent the Transportation cluster during the session. If anyone else is interested in attending, please contact Kim Frazier.
Tech Tips

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Click the image to see the tip!Legislative Update
The Division of Career and Adult Education’s 2015 Legislative Bill Tracking spreadsheet can be found at in a new window. The document will be updated regularly throughout the 2015 legislative session. There are tabs on the bottom of the spreadsheet for Tier 1 (Priority) and Tier 2 bills.
Lake Tech Funnies!
The programs and offices recently competed in a “Peeps” contest. Below are the entries that were submitted.
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And the Peeps Contest Winner was Culinary Arts. Congratulations!
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