In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Partners for Success, March 28, 5-7 pm, LSSC
- Superintendent Kornegay to tour, March 29, 10 am – 12:30 pm
- The Amazing Race for Charity, April 1, Main Campus
- Peeps-Take-Tech Contest, April 5
- Firefighter/EMT Combo graduation, April 5, 7 pm at Eustis High School Auditorium
- SkillsUSA State Competition, Lakeland, April 23-26
Weekly Progress in Pictures
Why Manufacturing? If you get satisfaction from making something, get excited about using new technology, or if you just like to know how things work, a manufacturing career may be perfect for you. Manufacturing is the process of changing raw or processed materials into products people can use. Today, in Florida, more than 18,389 different companies and 340,267 people work in the manufacturing field. These employees are making, on average, over $$63,853 a year!! That’s over $30 per hour, amazing!!!
Check out this video – Made in Florida and see if this career might be a good one for you!
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology – Congratulations to Miguel Uribe, a student enrolled in the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology program for earning his Florida High School diploma. He is the first Lake Tech student participating in the FICAPS (Florida Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System) project where an academic teacher is embedded into the career program. This team of teachers work together to align the education and training activities for the students. Two more students have now enrolled into the program.
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – After a relaxing spring break, the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students returned excited to complete the final weeks of the semester. Tina Draper took advantage of the time off to develop a presentation regarding website design and introduced our students to basic coding. In addition to working on our program requirements, we also took time to learn about identity theft. Donovan Jackson, a Customer Service Sales Representative from Wells Fargo, presented important information on the topic, which included information to our students on the steps to protect their identity and correct it in case of damage.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at Lake Tech is a free tax preparation service run by volunteers offered to families throughout Lake and Sumter counties. VITA offers free tax help to those who make $54,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers will provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing. Please call the Accounting Operations classroom to set an appointment to have our volunteers assist you with your taxes, 352-589-2250 ext. 1826.
Practical Nursing – The next application period for the part-time program that will start in October, 2017 will be April 1 – July 31, 2017. The application period for the full-time program which will start in early 2018 in Eustis and in Sumterville will be August 1 – October 31, 2017. Check the website or call Admissions for further details.
FireFighter/Emergency Medical Technician, Combined – The FF/EMT students are out of the classroom completing their field internship. On their return to the classroom March 30th, the students will have two full days of skills and scenarios testing – And then GRADUATION!! The graduation ceremony will be held at the Eustis High School Auditorium, at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, 2017.
Paramedic – The paramedic students recently completed four weeks of trauma lectures and skills labs and will begin the medical emergencies unit next week. In April, the students will attend clinical rotations at Orlando Regional Medical Center in the Adult / Trauma Emergency Department. The purpose of the clinical experience is to provide the student with opportunities to observe and participate in the care and management of urgent and emergent patients specifically with traumatic injuries.
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – Several culinary students spent the week creating, preparing, and cooking pasta stations. Their efforts were very successful for everyone who had a chance to taste!
Other students learned how to support the specific dietary needs of our customers. Jmoi Peters made fresh vegetarian pizza, and it was a huge success! Carlos Colon spent some time learning about the brining and curing process that makes bacon & pancetta (that’s to keep our meat lovers happy!)
Computer Systems and Information Technology – Students from the Computer Systems & Information Technology program will have the opportunity to tour Redd Ash Technologies located in Apopka this week. Redd Ash provides certified network engineering for Healthcare IT, surveillance cameras, electronic door access, and many other anti-intrusion technologies.
Florida Law Enforcement Academy – This week the recruits took the exam on Chapter 2 – Legal examination. All of the recruits from the class passed the exam. The recruits then went on and continued Interactions in a Diverse Community via PowerPoint and scenarios. The role-play exercise involved many students portraying the individuals in the scenes, the rest of the class watched and learned from the mistakes and also from the correct steps taken by the future law enforcement officers. The students tested on this chapter and all the students passed with a class average of 92.2.
The recruits went to the range on Thursday and began the classroom portion of the Firearms block. To continue ensuring the students keep up and grow in their physical fitness, the recruits resumed training in the evenings.
FireFighter/Emergency Medical Technician, Combined – After months of anticipation, the new Lake Tech fire engine has arrived. A traditional Push-In Ceremony will be held May 1 at 9:30 am.
The most recent Advanced Specialized Fire Academy class was VMR Technician. Fire Fighters from around the region attended this training.
Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing – On Tuesday, the recruiter from Service King spent the day in the Auto Collision program to share information with the students about their apprenticeship program and the benefits of becoming employed at Service King. The students were very interested.
Automotive Service Technology – The students were more than happy to be back after spring break and ready to go to work. They are still working on improving their time on the removal and replacement of different vehicle components. They also had the chance to get the power steering pumps out of the vehicles and learned what and how to use the tools needed for power steering pump pulley removal and installation. We also had students learn how to tin a soldering iron as well as wire repair and they learned how important a good solder connection is on any kind of electrical connection as well as all the tools and materials involved in order to perform the task.
opens PDF file Students are invited to the Lake Tech Annual Career Boot Campopens PDF file scheduled for April 10-13 and April 17-20 either 11:30 to 11:50 or 12:10 to 12:30. Twenty minutes for eight days!! Topics include:
- Job Searching
- Creating A Winning Resume
- Composing A Cover Letter
- Social Media
- Preparing for the Job Interview
- The Job Interview
- Follow Up Letter
- Professional Skills
There are drawings every day for USB drives, movie tickets and more. Students who attend all eight sessions will be eligible to win a Chromebook. Seating is limited; sign up in the Career Success Center.
- Career Dual Enrollment (CDE) – Applications are being accepted now for the Fall 2017 term. The deadline is April 17.
- Exit Interviews – exit Interviews are being held in the Career Success Center every Monday from 1-3 pm and 4 – 6 pm; Wednesdays, 9 – 11 am and Thursdays, 9-11 am. All students need to go through the Exit Process.
- Routeshout 2.0 – A new mobile app called Routeshout 2.0 can be downloaded to assist bus riders with real-time information on where the buses may be in transit to the bus stops. This app has been created by Lake Express. Please share with your students.
- Graduation Regalia – It may seem like graduation is several months away, but it will be here before you know it! Two graduation ceremonies will be held this year on June 13 at Lake Sumter State College. At 10 am, students who have earned their Florida High School diploma will received their recognition. At 2 pm, students earning their career certificates will walk across the state. Let your students know that they can pick up the graduation regalia form in the kiosk this year to make it easier for students to complete their order.
- Lake Sumter State College – Representatives from Lake Sumter State College were on campus March 22 during lunch to talk to students about continuing their education and earning articulated credit. They are on campus at least once per quarter.
- March 7 – Over 40 students and staff from Spring Creek Charter School 8th grade students visited Auto Service Technician, Accounting Operations & Administrative Office Specialist, Medical Assisting, Cosmetology, Computer Systems and Information Technology, and Diesel programs. Many students were excited to see the many possibilities for their future – and for career dual enrollment during high school.
- March 8 – Kim Frazier attended the Mount Dora Chamber breakfast which was sponsored by Lake Tech’s partner, Lake County Economic Development and Tourism.
- March 8 – Kim Frazier presented to a Teen Mother group at the First Presbyterian Church in Eustis. Several of the young ladies were very interested in visiting Lake Tech and will tour the campus on March 24th.
- March 10 –Lake Tech made its first appearance at Village View Christian Academy as Kim Frazier spoke with students and staff at a College & Career Fair.
- March 23 – Kim Frazier represented Lake Tech at the Adventure Christian Academy.
- March 25 – Art Seidner represented Lake Tech at the Lake County School’s Family University Team Day at Leesburg High School. This event provided families with information on services and resources in Lake County including educational opportunities.
- March 29 — Kim Frazier and Art Seidner will also represent Lake Tech at the Sumter Adult Education Center in Summterville from during their day and evening classes. After these students pass their GED® test and earn their high school diploma, they can continue their education and get started into a great career through Lake Tech.
- March 29 – Kim Frazier will speak to students and parents at South Lake High School during an evening College & Career Night presentation about Lake Tech programs and potential for Career Dual Enrollment.
- Diane Culpepper will tour Vac-Tron Equipment in Okahumpka on March 29 as part of a Manufacturing Association of Central Florida tour.
- March 29 – Kim Frazier will speak to students and parents at South Lake High School during an evening College & Career Night presentation about Lake Tech programs and potential for Career Dual Enrollment.
- April 1 – Lake Tech will host three stations during the Amazing Race for Charity – to register for the race and join in on the fun, go to for more information.
- Diane Culpepper will speak to the Rotary Club of the Villages Noon on April 4.

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