In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech
- Mark Perna on Campus, Monday and Tuesday
- South Lake High School CNA Graduation, Monday, 6 pm
- Student Holiday, March 27
- Spring Break, March 30 – April 3
- Lake Tech and local IT Industry Focus Group, April 23, 4 – 5 pm
- Buy your Caps and Gowns now – Deadline to order for June Graduation is April 24.
- Relay for Life, April 24-25
- Lake Technical College Career Fair, May 1
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Technology
Digital Design – It was “Teach the Director a Thing or Two Day” in the Digital Design classroom on Friday. Student Robin Kester spent the morning teaching Diane Culpepper how to create a magazine cover using PhotoShop.
This is a reminder for the SkillsUSA MOVIE POSTER & MAGAZINE COVER FUNDRAISER. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS FUN AND CREATIVE WAY TO BE A STAR ON A MOVIE POSTER OR MAGAZINE COVER!! All photos must be finalized by Tuesday, March 24 to allow time for Photoshop work, printing and distribution by Friday (3/27). Sign up on the sheet posted on the Digital Design classroom door in B-bldg. This absolutely ends on Friday, March 27!
We REALLY need everyone’s participation in order to send 23 students to state contests! Cost is $10 each + $5 for “extra” Photoshop requests.
See flyers posted around campus. Email Kerrie Johnson with questions.
Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – This week seemed to fly by as our business class students worked on a variety of requirements and new opportunities.
Earlier, we welcomed Brinda Ruehlen, an Accounting Operations graduate. She talked about her job at Massey Industries. She described how our class helped her.
We also took time to recognize students. Here we see Kasey Steele and Brandi Mullens receive certificates for accomplishments. Kasey’s was for My Florida Ready to Work and Brandi’s was for earning a silver medal at SkillsUSA. Speaking of certifications, accounting students Callie Messer and Alexis Ramos are shown taking a practice Microsoft Certification test.
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Health Science
Medical Assisting – Lake Tech hosted the Central Florida Chapter of Medical Assistants on March 14. A full day of presentations with topics including Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and Emerging and Infectious Diseases were made. Lake Tech instructor Beth Thornton made a presentation on Self Management Skills. Hosting this event provided an opportunity for our Medical Assisting students to become active in their local association which is so important in today’s world.
Central Florida Chapter of Medical Assistants held their Spring Seminar at Lake Technical College on March 14th. Participants were from Ft Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Orlando and the Villages. There were multiple presentations, including one on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases given by Sarah D. Matthews, MPH.
The CAE will present their simulation mannequin to the Health Science Department on Monday at 10 am. The presentation will be videotaped.
Pharmacy Tech – is pleased to announce that Sandra Wheeles is the first Lake Tech Pharmacy Technician student to take and pass the nationally recognized Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). Our Pharmacy Technician program started last April, and Sandra was among the first in her class to graduate from the program. Passing the test and obtaining this nationally recognized certification is a great achievement.
Practical Nursing – The Practical Nursing students celebrate the completion of PN2! They are seen here doing the Cupid Shuffle.
Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – The Lake Tech Culinary program hosted two groups this week for lunch. On Tuesday, the Life Group from Lake County held their monthly meeting in the Tech Dining Room. On Thursday, the Lake County Fire Chiefs met and enjoyed lunch during their meeting.
The Culinary students and instructors were prepping peeps this week in anticipation of the Lake Tech OccuPeep contest this week.
Students also practiced preparing and plating meals from start to finish.
Law & Public Safety
We welcome two new faces to the Institute of Public Safety Campus. The first is Samantha Hayes who is serving in the position as Secretary. She brings over 13 years of clerical, customer service, and supervisory experience to us. When she is not working, she loves to spend time with her family, especially her kids. Her favorite foods are sushi and chocolate! You may see Sam on the main campus from time to time as she is another integral member of our data team. Welcome Sam!
Mike Miranda has rejoined the staff in the Criminal Justice Academy. He is a 20 year veteran of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office with experience in both the Detention Facility and Road Patrol. He previously served as the Corrections Coordinator at IPS for 4 years before he was promoted to Sergeant in 2011. Mike will be serving as the Training Supervisor and Law Enforcement Training Coordinator at IPS. We are very happy to have Mike back in the Lake Tech Family.
Diane Culpepper presented an update on the Center for Advanced Manufacturing to the Board of Directors of the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida on Wednesday, March 18.
Lake Technical College will be a presenting partner in the first annual CareerSource Central Florida Manufacturing Career Fair. The event will take place at the Lake Square Mall from 1 – 4 pm on April 23. Anyone interested in attending is invited to participate to go.
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The second CNC Production Specialist class began on Monday. This group will have the opportunity to participate in several field trips to local manufacturing facilities. Welcome to Lake Tech!
Adult Education
GED Prep – Spring has sprung and so have our GED lessons! Many of our students are excited about our Science and Social Studies lessons. This week our Science lesson led by Mrs. Netherton was on genetics. It all started with a simple “pea plant” and a “curious monk.” Now you might ask what those are. Well, you’d have to join our class to find out; just like our students did. Discussion ensued that focused on how genetic traits are passed down through the generations. Examples included eye, flower, hair, and seed color as well as blood type, Huntington’s disease, and snake breeds. Students practiced the skill of determining the probability of specific traits being passed down the family line. This exercise had students make predictions about these traits, and they tested the hypotheses using the Punnett Square. Mr. Miller, Assistant Director, was present for the study; he even provided timely wisdom on his favorite topic: snakes! As a snake breeder, he uses the Punnett Square method to determine the desired traits that he believes customers would want.
Ms. Avelli’s lesson, in her regular morning Reading group, touched on a little bit of U.S. history and the thirteen colonies. The class discussed how the colonies were formed and what, as well as who, helped to shape them. Homophones or words that sound the same were also discussed and described. This was to help students keep from making spelling errors in writing and to pick the right definitions for words as they read.
Ms. Barnard, of Henkels and McCoy, came to the classroom to meet with some of our students in her program. This adult workforce program provides resources for individuals to help them succeed with schooling, job training, and employment seeking. Finally, several more new students were welcomed to class this week. All-in-all it was a busy and exciting week as usual.
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Student Affairs
Business Start-Up Workshops, April 17 and April 24. If you have students interested in attending, please contact Sonya Rosenglick. Seating is very limited so plan early if you would like to attend.
The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
The Assessment Center has been rocking lately! Diane Hutchinson and Tina Brucker, testing coordinators, reported the following number of testers last Monday:
- TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) – 20
- TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills – for admissions to nursing program) – 3
- NCCER (National Center for Construction Education & Research – HVAC students) – 5
- CJBAT (Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test – for admissions to criminal justice programs) – 4
- ASE (Automotive Service Excellence, industry certification for automotive employees) – 3
- PearsonVue – 11
Thanks to Diane and Tina for managing and successfully proctoring all the different tests for our potential students, current students, and community members.
The Lake Tech Financial Aid Office has a Facebook page! Tell your students and those interested in financial aid as well as scholarships to Like Lake Tech Financial Aid Office.
Dr. Sherie Lindamood is serving as the Student Success Counselor this year. Please invite her to speak to your classes about stress management, study skills, and test taking strategies. She will be spending Tuesdays at the Institute of Public Safety to students on that campus will have the opportunity to utilize her services.
In the Community
- Lake Tech was awarded 1st Place BEST Float in the GeorgeFest Parade
- Kim Frazier will be representing Lake Tech at the Head Start in Leesburg on Wednesday, March 25. They have requested information about Adult Education and GED Prep.
- Lake Tech has been invited to the Parent Conference Night on April 8 at Spring Creek Charter School. A group of 8th graders recently toured Lake Tech and thought we were “top notch!”
- Lake Tech will participate in the Florida Law Enforcement Career Fair on April 16 at the Orlando Fern Creek National Guard Armory
Congratulations James Brucker! Rookie Teacher of the Year.
Tech Tips

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Click the image to see the tip!Legislative Update
The Division of Career and Adult Education’s 2015 Legislative Bill Tracking spreadsheet can be found at The document will be updated regularly throughout the 2015 legislative session. There are tabs on the bottom of the spreadsheet for Tier 1 (Priority) and Tier 2 bills.
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Friday Afternoon….Time for the Weekend!