In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Blood Drive, March 23, 10 am – 3:30 pm
- Teaching in Schoology, Friday, March 24 in Career Success Center, 8:30 am
- Partners for Success, March 28, 5-7 pm, LSSC
- The Amazing Race for Charity, April 1, Main Campus
Weekly Progress in Pictures
Manufacturing Facts: According to Kristin Magyari of SyncShow (, there are six reasons why manufacturing is cool!
- Every product is manufactured. Whether it is the clothes you wear, the pen you write with, the labels you stick on envelopes, or the chair you sit in, every product went through a manufacturing process.
- The opportunity for creation is endless. As innovators, engineers, or creators, we never run out of ideas.
- It is the lifeblood of our economy. About 12.33 million workers in the US are in the manufacturing industry.
- It evolves with technology. 3D printers now printing body parts for surgeries! Enough said.
- Manufacturing opens the eyes of young children.
- The industry opens doors for students. Manufacturing programs are opening all across the US, and we will have one right here at Lake Tech in September of 2017!
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – The Accounting and Administrative Office Specialist students had fun this week in preparation for spring break. The class held an ice cream social and participated in team building activities.
This week both John Keith and Clifford Aubuchon gave presentations to our class on Customer Service and Accounting Statements. These presentations were helpful to all students to relate to their field.
We would like to congratulate John Keith on the completion of his program and wish him continued success for the years that lie ahead.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at Lake Tech is a free tax preparation service run by volunteers offered to families throughout Lake and Sumter counties. VITA offers free tax help to those who make $54,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers will provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing. Please call the Accounting Operations classroom to set an appointment to have our volunteers assist you with your taxes, 352-589-2250 ext. 1826.
Practical Nursing / Phlebotomy – The Phlebotomy students are practicing their blood draw skills on the Clermont part-time Practical Nursing students. Looks like they did a great job!
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – The Culinary instructors have a very tough job. In order to grade their students’ assignments, they have to taste them…
Computer Systems & Information Technology – Students from the Computer Systems & Information Technology program will have the opportunity to tour Redd Ash Technologies located in Apopka this week. Redd Ash provides certified network engineering for Healthcare IT, surveillance cameras, electronic door access, and many other anti-intrusion technologies.
Florida Law Enforcement Academy – This week, the Day Law Enforcement class, 15-17-2000-01 completed Chapter 2 – Legal via PowerPoint presentations and hands on scenarios. The class began Chapter 3 – Interactions in a Diverse Community with a very dynamic instructor, Mr. McConnell. The class was lucky enough to help set up for TACMED and to witness the action for themselves. Some of the recruits volunteered last week and were invited to the TACMED closing banquet on Thursday, March 9th. After the banquet, Sheriff Peyton Grinnell took the time to speak to the class about staying strong throughout the Academy and the future of law enforcement. The class constantly keeps up with drill and reciting the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. The class motto was also decided this week – Always Back-up, Never Back Down. To ensure physical fitness, the recruits train every evening in Physical Training.
Fire Fighter/EMT Combined – After months of anticipation, the new Lake Tech fire engine has arrived. A traditional Push-In Ceremony will be held within the next few weeks.
Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing – Vicky Lambert, a student in the Auto Collision program, is the 2017 Lake Technical College student winner of the Women’s Industry Network scholarship winner. WIN is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging, developing, and cultivating opportunities to attract women to collision repair while recognizing excellence, promoting leadership, and fostering a network among the women who are shaping the industry. For more information, check out this link
Her prizes include $1000 scholarships towards tools or tuition, a one-year membership in WIN and an all-expense paid to trip Denver, Colorado for WIN’s annual convention.
Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Students in the ABE classes have been focusing on careers: exploring the online tool “My Career Shines”, taking interest assessments, setting goals, researching careers, and learning about financial aid. This week the students have enjoyed amazing visits to their Lake Tech career program of choice! Students were amazed, impressed, excited, and very motivated to earn their GED or bring TABE scores up to the required level so they could begin working on their dream career!
Upcoming Professional Development for Students
- Tuesday, March 21 Securing What Matters: ID Theft (Wells Fargo) 10 am Board Room
- Thursday, March 23 Creating a LinkedIn Profile (Sonya Rosenglick) Career Success Center 11:30 am and 4:15 pm
Graduation Regalia – It may seem like graduation is several months away, but it will be here before you know it! Two graduation ceremonies will be held this year on June 13 at Lake Sumter State College. At 10 am, students who have earned their Florida High School diploma will received their recognition. At 2 pm, students earning their career certificates will walk across the state.
Let your students know that they can pick up the graduation regalia form in the kiosk this year to make it easier for students to complete their order.
- Art Seidner will represent Lake Tech at the Lake County School’s Family University Team Day on Saturday, March 25 at Leesburg High School. This event will provide families with information on services and resources in Lake County including educational opportunities.
- Art will also represent Lake Tech at the Sumter Adult Education Center in Sumterville on March 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
- Diane Culpepper will tour Vac-Tron Equipment in Okahumpka on March 29 as part of a Manufacturing Association of Central Florida tour.
- Diane Culpepper will speak to the Rotary Club of the Villages Noon on April 4.
Tech Tip

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