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Mark Your Calendars!
- Advisory Committee Event and Meeting – February 23, 6 pm
- PM Nursing Pinning Ceremony – February 24, 7 pm
- GeorgeFest Parade – February 25, 10 am
- Teacher of the Year Event – February 25, 6 pm
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Communication
Monday was the SkillsUSA Regional Qualifier for the Advertising Design contest which will be held in March. Five judges made up of successful working graduates and advisory committee members spent the day scoring, critiquing and advising students individually. The contest consisted of a knowledge portion where students took a written test on basic graphic design principles and production rules and a creative portion where they designed a flyer incorporating photos, type and a logo. Finally each student presented his or her printed proof to the judges one at a time. It was a stressful day, pushing the limits of skills combined with “out of the box” creativity within a tight deadline. Certificates were awarded to everyone. When it was all over, they all said it was their best day here yet! Three adults and one high school student will now be representing Lake Tech in this event. Another adult will compete in the Prepared Speech event.
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Two new Digital Design students started this week!
Education and Training
For those thinking about a career as a child care worker… Classes began on January 21. Students can register online at in a new window. Before registration is complete, payment must be received in Admissions. The cost has recently been decreased (yes, decreased) so check it out! Students must pass a state competency test in order to receive a certificate. Test registration information will be given during the first day of class. Classes meet either Tuesday evening or Saturday and are held at the Lake Tech main campus.
Human Services
We are preparing for the Region 3 Skills Competition in Cosmetology. We held a run-off competition on Monday to determine which students would represent our program at the Regional contest being held March 2, 2012. Advisory committee members and previous students came in to judge the contest. The students were able to “experience” exactly what competition would be like, and really set the bar high! Two of the judges have served previously in judging at the Regional level, and made the comment that our students were very prepared, and knew exactly what had to be executed to “get the job done”. The winners of the run-off contest are now working diligently to perfect their skills and get ready to bring home the gold at the Regional contest!!
All of the registration is complete for the Regional contest and I am proud to say we have 32 competitors, 9 models and 5 advisors that will be representing Lake Tech at the contest. These students are from the Administrative Assistant, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Digital Design, Facial Specialty and Nail Specialty programs.
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Transportation & Logistics
The Auto Collision and Digital Design programs have been working together preparing the float for the City of Eustis GeorgeFest parade. The Digital Design students used their design skills in the layout of the letters and scroll. The Auto Collision students utilized the vinyl cutting machine in order to place the letters on the float.
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Student Affairs
The Lake Tech GED testing staff has been busy! For the second half of 2011, there have been 259 people who have tested and who received their high school credential. This total includes 29 men and 9 women who tested at the Lake County Jail. So far, we are up 28% over last year!
Happy Birthday Dr. Lindamood!
Legislative Update
The 2012 Legislative Session Bill Tracking spreadsheetopens in a new windowopens PDF file is available on the Legislation page at fldoe.orgopens in a new window. To access the bills, please click on the bill number in the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is updated every week.
It’s time to celebrate our success! Students and faculty at Lake Tech will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate national Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. This year’s theme is CTE: Careers Through Education. Lake Tech celebrations include participating in the Eustis Chamber’s Georgefest, the annual advisory committee reception and meeting, and on February 25, we’ll have a float in the Eustis Washington Birthday Festival Parade. Trudy Dailey, Kerrie Johnson, Chef Aro, and the culinary students are designing our table for the kick-off Georgefest breakfast. Chef Aro and students will be doing patriotic fruit and vegetable carvings and Kerrie Johnson will be creating program flags! Trudy Dailey and Kerrie Johnson will be setting up the table Wednesday evening.
Sonya Rosenglick and Betty Jones will be attending a one-day symposium on February 8 sponsored by the Florida Distance Learning Consortium. The goal of the symposium is to provide attendees with an understanding of state and national initiatives regarding digital and open textbooks.
A very dedicated team of Lake Techies spent Friday and Saturday at the Mascotte facility cleaning, installing computers, and preparing for additional classes. Pictures are always better than words – so see for yourself!
The floors are shiny and the furniture and equipment is next as we prepare for the new nursing class that will start in April.
Mark Tijerina making everything clean and nice!
Bob Zehner installing computers.
Jack Miller exhausted after two long days of hard labor!
Solar film classes already underway.
The GED Prep classroom.