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Friday Update 2/21/14

In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech….

Academic Affairs

Business Administration & Management
Administrative Office Specialist –
This week much of our class focus has been outside the classroom. Part of our efforts have been preparing for the SkillsUSA activities. Here we see Brandon Goff, Joey Williams, Cherry Doty, and Brinda Ruehlen review plans and strategies for the up-coming competition.

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Our students have been involved in the United Way’s VITA program in helping residents complete their income taxes. Here we see Carolyn Shiflett, Kamia Manning, Brandon Goff, Caitlyn Lewis, Brinda Ruehlen and Marlene Satten. Our students are learning a lot about taxes and customer services.

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One of the exciting components of our Accounting Operations program is to perform “job shadowing.” Marlene Satten is shown describing her experiences at the Waterman Hospital Accounting Department.


Health Science
Practical Nursing – The Capping and Pinning Ceremony for the Evening Practical Nursing students was held Friday night. Lots of proud students, family, friends, and instructors! Congrats to all!!

Lake Tech’s Pharmacy Technician program received approval from the Florida Department of Health.

The Paramedic students began the Cardiology Module with a beef heart dissection lab. The gross anatomy of the human heart is the same as the beef hearts the students dissected, so the lab provides the students a better understanding of the anatomy and function of the human heart. With over 200 objectives that the paramedic student must meet during the module; from anatomy and physiology, to rhythm interpretation, to formulating patient treatment with electrical and drug therapy, this is an intense part of the Paramedic program.

Heart Trivia: A kitchen faucet would need to be turned on all the way for at least 45 years to equal the amount of blood pumped by the heart in an average lifetime. in a new window

Paramedic Students Brett Baldwin and Luis Ramirez participate in dissection lab as part of the Cardiology Module.

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Human Services
Cosmetology –
The Cosmetology instructors were students this weekend. Tonyia Dawson, Tonia Whalen, Lucy Ancona, and Randy Young spent both Saturday and Sunday with the Matrix trainers learning new instructional strategies for teaching hair color techniques. Congrats to this dedicated group of instructors who will now be able to share this information with our Lake Tech students.

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Adult Education
Did you know ESOL classes are held at the Cagan Crossing Library during the morning? There are a great group of students who are enrolled to learn English. Often, the students like to share their own hobbies and personal interests with the rest of the students in the class. This week, one of the students proudly shared his handiwork!

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