In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech
February is Career and Technical Education Month
February is Black History Month
February is American Heart Month
- SkillsUSA Region 3 Competition at Mid-Florida Tech, February 26 & 27
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 28
- Youth Career Expo, March 9
- Spring Creek 8th Graders to Tour, March 11
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Technology
Digital Design – This week, the Digital Design 2 students conducted “mock” ad designs in preparation for the SkillsUSA contest next week. Notice what a good designer does first – starts with a pen and paper! In one picture, Stephen is conducting a color matching test. Can you guess what all the random items would be doing in a Digital Design quiz? They all have identifiable blacks that can be matched with precision using the Pantone Color Matching system – an industry standard in commercial printing.
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Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – Over the last few weeks, our business students experienced the best of both worlds as we said congratulations and good-by to one student and we extended a warm welcome to a new student. Then, we ended the week celebrating our Student of the Month as well as everyone in our class.
We began by welcoming Shakila McMillan, an Administrative Office Specialist (AOS) student. Then, we wished the best to Natasha Araujo as she completed her AOS program. Here, we see Natasha as she gave a presentation documenting her experience as a co-op student with AXA Financial. She described the different experiences she encountered. She also shared her job portfolio with the class.
We also recognized Brandi Mullens our Student of the Month. Congratulations, Brandi!
And, our Party Planning Committee (PPC) put together a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration for everyone. The committee members are Brandi Baker, Maralee Whipp and Kassandra White. Thanks for an outstanding job!
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Health Science
EMS – EMT – On February 2, 2015, 16 EMT students graduated the EMT program. The graduation was well attended by family and friends of the students. Special thanks to Mrs. Melissa Stephan for validating the Certificates of Completions.
Congratulations to these Lake Technical College EMT Graduates: Brandon, Bagley, Joshua Bender, Cody Bennett, Leeann Bouchard, Logan Coy, Emily Fisher, Tereso Guevara, Cameron Hayes, Mark Hemphill, Stephanie Lievano, Michael McLean, Joseph Nesmith, Peggy Robles, Dana Rodriguez, Jonathan Rossi, Devin Traniello, Sean Wilkins.
New Day EMT Program – As part of the Basic Healthcare Worker course, each EMT student must write a research paper one of fifteen topics. The student must also develop a presentation of the assigned topic to present to fellows classmates . EMT student Jacob Brown is presenting the Rules of Nines.
Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts
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Human Services
Cosmetology – Cosmo is moving right along into our second semester. We have our new Freshman that began January 20th and they are out of CORES and working now on Mani/Pedi and Facials! They have been eager to work on one another and learn the new skills. Their student kits arrived this week and it was Christmas all over!
Our Juniors, have begun to get more client experience, they are busy on the floor with guests services, practicing their skills, studying and testing to be ready for graduation this June. Finger Waves have been the focus this past week and next week we will work on Highlighting.
Many of our students bioth daytime and nighttime are busy preparing for SKILLS USA. They have been practicing the skills while being timed and judged as if they were competing.
The few Seniors we have are busy completing practicals, theory testing, and working hard to meet their requirements prior to leaving the program. We have a few expected to leave later this month.
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Public Safety
Fire Academy – The Advanced Specialized Fire Fighting classes have been packed this spring with fire fighers from all over the region. This picture is from the Rope Tech Class which is the first in the in USAR Technical Rescue series of Rope, Confined Space, Trench, Vehicle Machinery and Structural Collapse Rescue.
Law Enforcement We have successfully started our fourth class this week so we currently have a total of four classes in session — two Law Enforcement Academy and two Corrections Officer classes.
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Transportation & Logistics
Automotive Service Technology – It was a cold week in the Auto Service Technology classroom this week. Cold weather didn’t stop the students though. In the picture is one of our part time students replacing a tensioner assembly and drive belt as part of his lab assignment as well as two of our engine repair students putting an engine back together after a timing chain replacement.
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Auto Collision – The Collision Education Foundation donated a Pro-Spot welder to the Auto Collision program last week. The value of the welder is estimated to be $20,000. With this welder we will be able to have our students learn aluminum welding and we will have the opportunity to be the first school in Florida to teach silicon bronze welding. This is a new process of welding sheet metal with less heat.
Also on Wednesday we hosted a Women in Auto Collision Career Seminar. Since there are five women enrolled in the Auto Collision program, instructors David Beliveau and James Brucker arranged for the seminar. Channi Smith and industry partner Beno’s Paint Supply led the presentation. This seminar was to give an overview and step-by-step of what Channi did to become the Sales Manager of Beno’s. Channi was an Auto Collision graduate, a painter in the industry, and salesperson for Norton Sandpaper. Channi wants to give other women in the field of auto collision the same chance she had (as she said “paying it forward”).
Diesel Technology – Students in the Diesel program continue with their experiential training at the Lake County School Board Transportation Department. The two students in the picture below enjoyed all the dirt and grease – part of the job as a diesel technician!
Adult Education
GED Prep – It was a busy and exciting week in the GED classroom. Science and African American History were the topics of interest. Mrs. Netherton provided a lesson on “Atoms and Elements.” Did you know that in the width of a single hair there are 1 million atoms? Students watched an experiment involving water and rubbing alcohol. After the experiment, the students had to make predictions related to what they had observed regarding the molecular properties of the substances. They also learned about “The Periodic Table of Elements.” Students later built molecules all with nothing but sticks and Play-Doh. Our Adult Education Coordinator, Ms. Roberts, also participated in the construction of the models.
As a recognition of African-American History Month, Ms. Woodruff invited Reverend Raymond Moses to visit the GED class and recite (from memory!) the famous, “I Have a Dream” speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963. Both the students and the instructors were captivated by the experience; it was almost like living (re-living for some) history. Reverend Moses answered questions from students and teachers. Mr. Seidner then led a discussion regarding the history behind the speech, and he assisted students with understanding the enduring issues as seen in current events. We all greatly appreciate the well delivered speech given by Reverend Moses and the teachable moment that was drawn from it! Finally, as a further recognition of African-American History Month, Lake Tech donated to the GED students copies of the book “Up from Slavery,” the autobiography of Booker T. Washington a man who was president of Tuskegee Institute and a tireless advocate for educating and uniting African-Americans during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.
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Student Affairs
Campus Life
Career Success Center Room 208A
- Monday, March 9 3:00-4:00 pm
- Monday, April 13 3:00-4:00 pm
- Monday, April 27 3:00-4:00 pm
Monday, May 11 3:00-4:00 pm
- Monday, March 16 3:00-4:00 pm
February is “Black History Month”– Check out the “Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future” board in the fountain lobby. Please stop by and add your comments and check out the ones that are already there!
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- February is “CTE Month”– We would like to spotlight successful Lake Tech graduates on Facebook each week of February. If you have a graduate in mind that would be a great candidate for this, please email me their name and contact information, if you have it, and a short reason why they deserve the spotlight.
- Thursday –Friday, February 26-27– SkillsUSA Region 3 competitions at Mid-Florida Tech in Orlando.
- Saturday, February 28th– Georgefest in Downtown Eustis. More information to come.
VITA is a United Way Program where students and Lake County residents can get their taxes prepared for free. It is held Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays at Goodwill in Leesburg. Call 1-877-431-3668 to schedule an appointment. The Lake Tech business students are now certified and ready to prepare taxes for Lake County residents.
The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
The Lake Tech Financial Aid Office has a Facebook page! Tell your students and those interested in financial aid as well as scholarships to Like Lake Tech Financial Aid Office.
Dr. Sherie Lindamood is serving as the Student Success Counselor this year. Please invite her to speak to your classes about stress management, study skills, and test taking strategies. She will be spending Tuesdays at the Institute of Public Safety to students on that campus will have the opportunity to utilize her services.
Professional Development
Several Lake Tech faculty have been participating in Wired Wednesday Technology Training with Sonya Rosenglick. This week, faculty members were learning how to create quizzes in a Schoology course. Schoology is an online learning management system.
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Tech Tips

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Click the image to see the tip!