February is Career and Technical Education Month!
Look for special posts on Facebook and our Website.
Lake Tech will participate on CTE Day on the Hill – February 14 in Tallahassee.
New Classes…
Fork Lift Operator – Last Friday of the Month Cost — $125
Unarmed and Armed Security Guard
Florida Concealed Weapons Classopens in a new window, Cost $65
Water Operator Training and Wastewater Operator Training classes being offered online through water2go the first 100% online pre-licensure courses approved by Florida DEP. For class details, how to register, and an application see the short-term training classes on the websiteopens in a new window or contact Russell Darst at 352.589.2250, ext 1819.
How to Use your iPadopens in a new window
Academic Affairs
Business, Management & Administration
In the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist classroom, we installed a new small group meeting area that will be used for student group projects and meetings. In the picture you see the co-winners of the name the area, Wendi Price and Joyce Williams. The winning title is “The Learning Bar.”
Several of the students have started to volunteer their time to help residents of Lake County complete their 2012 income taxes. They are volunteering with the VITA program of the United Way.
In the classroom our students are learning specific topics such as Excel filtering and sorting and how to interface a database into Microsoft 2010 Publisher.
Education & Training
One of the activities included in the Early Childhood Apprenticeship course, Family Center and Professional, is for students to plan and conduct a Multicultural Family Event at the child care center for children and their parents where they are working. To share the traditions of their ethnicity, parents, grandparents, and children often dress in the traditional costume of their culture, share foods common to their country, bring pictures, flags and other artifacts, as well as sing songs and demonstrate dances.
This event is a great opportunity for the children to learn about other cultures, as well as to realize that, even though we are all different, we are also much alike. Each apprentice presents a “Show and Tell” of this activity to share with their classmates. The sharing of these activities provides a wealth of ideas for the others to use in their centers.
Christina Wilson, Early Childhood Apprentice at Lake Tech, was named “Teacher Assistant of the Month” at Children’s Lighthouse of Learning in Winter Garden.
During an observation at Christina’s center, her instructor, Kathy Roberts, was able to see Christina practicing the skills she has learned in her coursework, as well as from her journeyman. The children identified and spelled an assortment of colors during circle time, verbalized them in Spanish and sang songs that included these colors while participating in a music and movement activity.
Lake Tech is proud to have students like Christina!
Health Science
The first Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) class held at Mascotte started with 10 students! The next class will begin in April.
Hospitality & Tourism
Blodgett Equipment Purveyors brought their restaurant equipment show truck on the LTC main campus last Thursday for an open-house experience. The commercial cooking equipment was amazing and our students and local restaurant owners enjoyed learning about the latest and greatest in the industry.
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Law, Public Safety & Security
The Combat Fire Fighter Challenge will be held again this year on April 13! If you attended last year, you will remember the fun and excitement at this event. Put this date on your calendar NOW!!
The orientation for the new Law Enforcement class was held on Friday. The orientation for the new evening Corrections class will be held on Tuesday at 6 pm. A new unarmed Security Guard officer, Class “D” class begins on Monday.
Transportation & Logistics
The Medium and Heavy Duty Truck & Bus Technician (aka Diesel) students are building a custom 1985 Jeep with a 4BT Cummins Diesel engine and a NV4500 transmission. All the custom work is being done by the students who are really enjoying the project.
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- Lake County’s Middle School Counselors will spend this Thursday morning at Lake Tech learning about the programs we offer so they can begin sharing information with their students about careers and opportunities available at Lake Tech.
- 40 students from Ocoee High School’s Public Service Academy are going on a field trip to Lake Tech’s Institute of Public Safety. They will learn what it’s like to be a EMT, Paramedic, Fire Fighter, or a Law Enforcement Officer. Prior to this field trip, Lake Tech instructors have gone to the classroom at Ocoee High as a guest speaker.
Staff Development
Kathy Roberts, DeAnna Thomas, Sonya Rosenglick, and Chuck Durante attended the annual FETC conference held in Orlando this past week. This conference is the largest educational technology conference in the US.
What’s Stress Got to Do With IT?? A Virtual Event
Think you’re the only one stressed out these days? Think again! Your adult students are probably experiencing just as much stress in their lives. This webinar will introduce adult basic education practitioners to the effects of chronic stress on their adult learners. It will also explore practical strategies teachers can integrate into their curriculum to help students address their stress for more effective learning. The facilitator, Lenore Balliro, will draw from her experience directing the Managing Stress to Improve Learning project, an interdisciplinary model drawing from mind-body practices, visual arts, drama, music, humor, and collective action as ways to help students improve the quality of their learning, mental health, and well-being.
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EASTERN
Sign up here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/stressfeb82013
Student Affairs
Three birthdays were celebrated this week in Admissions. Bill Hermann, Yvonne Purett, and Betty Jones all celebrated with some delicious treats.
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Tech Tips of the Week
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- Click the image to see the tip!
In and Around the Community
- Ron Williams and Diane Culpepper will be attending the grand opening of Wirepair at the Leesburg Airport.
- Charter Board of Director’s’ meeting will be held Monday, February 11 at 2:30 pm.
- Kerrie Johnson will serve on a panel for Leadership Lake – Education Day on February 13. She will represent the faculty at Lake Tech.
- Lake Tech is participating in the 2nd Annual Green Festival in Clermont on February 16.
- CEO Manufacturer’s Roundtable Session will meet on March 7 at Lake Tech.