In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- National Wear Red Day ®, Friday, 2/5, all day
- Black History Month Celebration, February 9
- CTE on the Hill, February 10
- Leadership Lake Education Day, February 10
- Career Expo at Lake Tech (Open House), February 17 from 5 – 7 pm
- SkillsUSA Regional Competition, Thursday-Friday, 2/18-19, all day
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 27
Academic Affairs
Architecture & Construction
The Florida Transportation Builders Association and Industry Partners, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in conjunction with Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Lake, and Brevard County Schools hosted the Fourteenth Annual Central Florida Construction Career Days on January 28-29, 2016 at the Central Florida Fairgrounds.
Students from Lake Tech’s HVAC and Diesel programs attended the event. They participated in educational displays, equipment operations, and learning labs. The goal of the event is to educate students on career opportunities in the transportation construction industry.
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Health Sciences
Forty new Practical Nursing students started class on Tuesday, January 26. The students will be on campus and in clinicals on a Monday through Thursday schedule.
Medical Assisting – The Medical Assisting students participated in the “Let It Snow with Coffee and Cocoa” event on Thursday. They used this activity as a team building opportunity as several new students joined the program this term.
Hospitality & Tourism
The Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts students prepared a special luncheon for Lake County Schools Acting Chief of Operations, Will Davis. The lunch was a surprise by his directors and immediate staff.
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The students made pork tenderloins and a beautiful strawberry bouquet. Amazing.
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Law & Public Safety
Law Enforcement Academy / Correctional Officer
Current Night Law Class – The class continues on the firearms range this week. All of the recruits have passed their first qualification for the strenuous 48 round handgun course. They still have the night and shotgun qualification to complete the practical exercises of this instructional block. All students are progressing nicely.
New Day Law Class – We added a new recruit that is currently being sponsored by the Winter Garden Police Department. Currently we have 26 recruits ready to go on February 16th.
New Night Corrections Class – All new recruits have completed their drug testing. Uniforms have been ordered and as of now, we have 19 recruits set to start on February 16th.
Advanced/Specialized Classes
- Instructor Techniques – The class finished up this past Monday with all the students completing their final 30-minute presentations.
- Line Supervision – The class started Monday with 21 in-seat students.
Next Week’s Upcoming Events/Classes
- Night Law is at the Firearms range until Tuesday then the written exam is scheduled for Wednesday.
- LCSO/Lake Tech Tactical Medical Challenge begins with a pre-conference on Friday, February 5th with the TCCC Certification Class.
PAT Assessments continue every Thursday (4 – 8 pm) and Friday (6 to 10 am).
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Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Auto Collision – Auto Collision vendors and dealers made a sizeable donation of products to Lake Tech through the Collision Foundation. These items will allow the students to be better trained on the latest equipment and supplies.
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Adult Education
FICAPS – FICAPS’s (Florida’s Integrated Career & Academic Preparation System) mission in the state of Florida is to realign adult education programs through a career pathway framework. Lake Tech was awarded a FICAPS planning grant this year as we work to integrating construction and HVAC technical skills with GED academic skills.
Last Thursday and Friday, a team from Lake Tech had the opportunity to make a presentation at the 2016 FICAPS Institute held in Orlando. DeAnna Thomas, Kathy Roberts, Pam Netherton, and Christina Grain presented, “Strategies for Creating Effective Student Supports.” If you are interested in their handout, it can be found hereopens in a new window.
With the assistance of Mark Prescott, Tom Netherton and Lindsey Silver from Valencia State College’s Film Production program, a video was created as part of the presentation. Check it out – you will recognize a few people!
Student Affairs
“Let It Snow with Cocoa and Coffee” was held in the Student Center on Thursday during lunch. Free cocoa and coffee were available as a way to welcome the new students and returning students at the start of the new semester. Thanks to Chef Koenig and team for all hot drinks and toppings!
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Students of the Month received their balloons and certificates this week. On Thursday, they will all enjoy lunch with the Director.
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February is Career and Technical Education Month. Diane Culpepper, DeAnna Thomas and two of our business partners, Al Stimac, from Metal Essence, and C.A. Vossberg, from Electron Machine Corporation, will be in Tallahassee to promote our Center for Advanced Manufacturing to the legislators and the Governor. At 10 am on February 10, Mr. Vossberg will speak on behalf of the business community in Florida as to the importance of technical colleges/centers to the economic growth and development in our state. This is exciting because he will be able to share the Lake Tech story to everyone in the state.
February is Black History Month. Ms. Carla Mitchell will be on campus the morning of February 9 to set up a display in the lobby and make a presentation to students. In addition, we will have our “Honor Wall” in the Fountain Lobby to celebrate as well. Contact Kim Frazier for more details.
The first annual Career Expo is scheduled for February 17th from 5 – 7 pm. The public is invited to visit your programs and get information on admissions, financial aid and careers after graduation.
Career Success Center Room 208A
The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and
Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
Upcoming Workshop:
- February 23, 1pm, Personal Finance Workshop (budgeting, savings, credit, and retirement), Schedule through your instructor.
Workshops Scheduled for Spring 2016:
- Tuesday, Feb. 9 , 2:45-4:00 pm, Resume Workshop
- Monday, Feb. 22, 2:45-4:00 pm, Job Interview Skills Workshop
- Wednesday, March 16, 2:45-4:00 pm, Linkedin Workshop
- April 4-7 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- April 11-14 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- Monday, April 18, 2:45-4:00 pm, Resume Workshop
- Monday, May 9, 2:45-4:00 pm, Job Interview Skills Workshop
- Wednesday, May 25, 2:45-4:00 pm, Professional Skills in the Workplace
Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone or email. (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855 or rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email
Office of Student Success
If you would like to schedule a study skills, test taking, or stress management workshop for your students any time during the semester, contact Dr. Lindamood. Or, you might like to invite Dr. Lindamood to make a brief appearance in your classroom to introduce herself to your students and explain her role as Student Success Counselor. She can assist your students with anything that may compromise their success: academic challenges, personal problems, and/or financial issues. Dr. Lindamood is a great resource for instructors and students.
Tech Tip

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Click the image to see the tip!Legislative Update
- CS/SB 1670 (2016) Apprenticeships –
- CS/CS/HB 249 (2016) Culinary Education Programs –
- SB 1060 (2016) Career and Adult Education –
In the Community
Lake Tech was represented by several teachers and Kim Fraizer at the Leesburg Library Tech Ops Career Fair held on Wednesday, January 27.
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Melissa Stephan presented to the AVID students at Lake Sumter State College on Saturday, January 30.
Kim Frazier represented Lake Tech at the Sweet Treats for the Arts event held at Lake Sumter State College on Saturday. Kim walked the runway with several other community members who were raising money for this worthy cause.
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Sharing Our Story…
- Adventure Christian Academy students visit Lake Tech, Thursday, 2/4, 1:15-2:15 pm
- Leesburg High School College Goal Sunday event, Saturday, 2/6, 8am-1pm
- Lake Tech presentation at Trinity Christian Academy in Deltona, Tuesday, 2/9, 2-5:30 pm
- Lake Tech presentation at West Oaks Academy in Orlando, Thursday, 2/11, 9am-11am
- Eustis Middle School AVID students to visit Lake Tech, Monday, 2/29, 1-2pm