New Class Offered Online
««« Water Operator Training and Wastewater Operator Training classes are being offered online through water2go, the first 100% online pre-licensure courses approved by Florida DEP. For class details, how to register, and an application, see the short-term training classes or contact Russell Darst at 352.589.2250, ext 105. »»»
Academic Affairs
Business, Management & Administration
The Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students were joined by the Digital Design class in hosting a presentation by Mr. Greg Salters, Regional Manager, and Ms. Tricia Guido, Branch Manager, of the Insight Credit Union. The presentation highlighted many financial topics including understanding your credit report and what affects it, your credit score, how to establish and use credit wisely, and how to correct errors on your credit report. Steps to set up and use a budget, as well as money saving tips were discussed by these “money coaches”. They also provided forms for tracking weekly and monthly expenses and a series of forms for tracking your “Financial Goals.” The question and answer period also covered many different topics including the use of “pay days loans”, which credit card to eliminate, and how to restrict access to credit information. Everyone found the presentation very beneficial!
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One of our Accounting Operations students, Ms. Kimberly Haskins, completed her certificate requirements with us. Her class was joined by Ms. Rosenglick to celebrate her success and accomplishment. Good luck Kim!!
In preparation for a job interview, Ms. Jamie Hane, an Administration Office Specialist student, proudly shared her newly created portfolio and experiences with some members of the business classes. Her portfolio showcases her accomplishments. It includes examples of different technologies as well as her expertise in Office Administration. She recently completed all of her course work at Lake Tech and is looking forward to new adventures.
Prior to her completion, she and Ms. Wendi Price, another Administration Office Specialist student, put their skills to good use by proofreading several new Lake Tech schedules to ensure their correctness.
Hospitality & Tourism
Chefs Ken Koenig and Chip Cooper, along with assistant Debbie Guercio, were out in the community the last couple of weeks promoting their program. Two weeks ago, they were carving ice at the Christmas Light-Up Event in Tavares. This past week, they were with the Culinary students who were participating in the Chili Cook-Off at the First Friday Event in Eustis.
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Human Services
The Cosmetology students have created a “Cosmo Christmas Tree” for their classroom!
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Building relationships with students is the absolute BEST way to ensure their success! This relationship building can happen in several different ways. The Cosmetology instructors are now greeting their students each morning as they enter the building. They are posting motivational signs outside the door so students can see the “light at the end of the tunnel.” Last week, Instructor Tonyia Dawson wrote a positive note on the white board in the classroom and asked the students to post their own positive notes.
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Law, Public Safety & Security
The Combat Challenge will once again take place at the Institute of Public Safety on April 13! Mark your calendars now!
In addition, plans are underway to host The Florida Association of Fire Rescue Cadets 6th Annual Summer Fire Cadet Academy. This event will provide an opportunity for young students from around the state to spend three days on the Public Safety Campus learning about Fire and EMS events. The Academy will take place from June 20 – 23, 2013.
Lt. Chris DeLibro announced that this has been an uneventful week for the Law Enforcement Recruits; they will begin their last week of class on Monday and graduate on December 18. On December 17, the recruits will take their state exam so at graduation ceremony they will be officially all done!
The Corrections Recruits had a very different week as they completed the Defensive Tactics block and then participated in “spray day” for which they now have a new appreciation for the power of the cayenne pepper.
The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC) has decided to look at developing state standards for physical fitness for Florida Criminal Justice Academies. In doing so, they have selected 12 Criminal Justice Academy Directors to attend a workshop in Tallahassee to begin the process. Lt. DeLibro has been selected as one of the Directors to attend.
Concealed Weapons classes will be offered on Saturdays from 8:00a – 12:00p at the Institute of Public Safety Range on the following dates:
1/26/13; 2/23/13; 3/23/13; 4/20/13; 5/18/13; & 6/22/13
The cost of the class is $65. Register in the Admissions Office.
Career Pathways and Adult Education
Watch one of our Lake Tech GED success stories on YouTubeopens in a new window.
Last week, three members of the Lake Tech team traveled to Tallahassee for a leadership conference on Adult Education Career Pathways. Pam Netherton and Trudy Dailey were the instructional participants, and Brent Stubbs served as one of the “subject area experts” leading the teacher session on marketing and recruitment. Brent also had the opportunity to share with all those present our web portal — now a national best practice. If you haven’t already, you should spend some time there, exploring careers, and using our “See Your Path” tool.
You can find the site at:
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Florida is a leader in Adult Education, and has taken strategic initiative to design its system to move adult education students into post-secondary and careers — creating real transformation. Lake Tech is a leader within our state in that movement as we continue to strive for program excellence.
Back on the home front, post-testing has begun. Many of our ESOL and ABE/GED sites have already started showing great results. The story is in the data, and right now our data is reading really well.
Instructor Jacquelin Arndt, who teaches GED prep at the Genesis Center in Leesburg, did a lesson about Tone and Mood. It was found here:
It used two trailers for Mary Poppins found on YouTube. The students liked the lesson, have a better understanding of tone and mood, and enjoyed the trailers.
GED…It’s just the beginning!
The ESOL students have been sharing their talent with each other. In addition to some fun learning activities, the students are able to practice their English skills. Even Diane Culpepper and Lana Taylor joined in the fun by learning to dance Columbian style!
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Staff Development
More Teachers “Flipping”opens in a new window the School Day Upside Downopens in a new window. What about you?
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Office of Citizenship will hold a teacher training opportunity in Tampa on 1/31/2013. It will take place at the USCIS Tampa Field Office.
The seminar is a free civics-based training for adult educators, program directors, volunteers, and representatives from immigrant-serving organizations. Sessions include information on the naturalization process and test as well as on teaching strategies and objectives to prepare immigrants for the naturalization interview and test.
Attached is an invitational flyer, and USCIS encourages interested participants to register early since space is limited. The registration deadline is January 18, 2013. For more information and to register, visit .
Student Affairs
The National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony was held on December 7 at 1 pm. Jim Judge spoke to the inductees. Thanks to Dr. Sherie Lindamood for another outstanding ceremony. The students, along with their families, friends, and instructors are to be congratulated!
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Lake Tech received another PERFECT audit today – this time it was the Compliance Survey. A special thank you to Cathy Peterson, Betty Jones, Mai Yang, and Herendira Leon for a job well done!
Tech Tip of the Week

Click the image to see the tip!
Out In the Community
- Bridget Schreiner, our Adult Education Retention Specialist for South Lake County, gave Mr. Ralph Morris and Mr. DeAndrae Spradley a tour of the Mascotte facility on Thursday. These two community leaders are interested in helping us promote Lake Tech to south Lake County.
- Pam Nabors, Workforce Central Florida CEO/President and her management team toured Lake Tech and had lunch in the Tech Dining Room on November 27.
- Brent Stubbs has been invited to present Lake Tech’s Career Pathway Marketing Plan/Activities to the Adult Education instructors in Miami Dade County.
Are You Going to the Movies in the Next Few Weeks? Check out the Lake Tech ad on the big screen at the Lake Square Mall Theater!
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