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Friday Update 1/25/13

Coming Soon…
December Students’ of the Month Lunch with the Director – January 29
Spring Advisory Meetings – Begin Scheduling Now
Combat Fire Fighter Challenge – April 13, 2013

Academic Affairs

Arts, Communication & AV Technology
All I can say is “Wow, six new students!” We’re pushing the envelope (no pun intended), with an excited group to add to our already awesome class. There are still seats available and instructor Kerrie Johnson can’t wait to fill them soon!

Business, Management & Administration
The excitement over being part the United Way’s VITA program has everyone in the Accounting Operations program waiting for the tax season to start. Our students will be volunteering their time at Goodwill; which is located at The Shoppes of Lake Villages. People interested in having their taxes completed by VITA should call 1-877-431-3668 for more information and to schedule a time. This is a free service.

Our classroom was visited by, our former student, Martha Walker, and her brand new daughter, LANA! She looked wonderful and everyone enjoyed meeting her. 

We had three students complete OCPs during the week. They are Mary Williams, Abel Barajas and Lloyd Lapat. Congratulations.

We also took time to bid farewell to Lloyd Lapat who just complete his certificate requirements for his Accounting Certificate. During a going away party Lloyd shared some memories with everyone and he proudly displayed his newly created portfolio. Good luck Lloyd!

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This week our Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist classes welcomed four new students: Netausha Frederic (Accounting), Cera Howard (Administrative Office Specialist), Deborah Addison (Accounting) and Lashon Robinson (Administrative Office Specialist). Good luck to all.

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We also congratulated our Student of the Month, Autumn Driggers, who is in the Administrative Office Specialist program. We have two students, Stephanie Libreros and Joyce Williams who are starting to prepare for the SkillsUSA Regional Conference in Orlando. Next week some of our students will start volunteering in the United Way’s Tax Assisting program (VITA).

In the classroom our students are leaning Microsoft 2010 Publisher and working to learn about file and record management.

Health Science
The Big Red Bus was on campus Friday. Thanks to all the students, faculty, and staff who donated this “gift of life.”

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The first CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) class opened in Mascotte with nine students! Instructor Bobbie Weatherman is excited to be teaching this great group!

Human Services
What do you get when the senior students demonstrate their skills to the new students who enrolled in the Cosmetology program this week? Interactive Experience Stations! The new students had a blast, the senior students were proud to show off their skills, and it seems as though the first day orientation without all the rules worked just as predicted! Students bonded and knew they had made the right decision when they selected Cosmo as their career field!

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Transportation & Logistics
We had six students in the Forklift Operator class on Friday. This class is taught in partnership with Toyota. The students were very positive about the class and the instructor.

Adult Education & Career Pathways
The first week of the new semester was a very busy one! We had 26 new students enroll, most of whom came the first day. We have a great group of students. Many AAAE students are working on raising their scores for their career programs. We had one student come back and show us his diploma – yeah! We had another come back and visit us in her PCT uniform, beaming about how excited she was to have started on Tuesday – yeehaw!

Our first day was spent introducing ourselves to the students and telling them our career paths. Then we went around the room to let the students tell us about their career dreams. We went over a few rules and procedures and had the students who have been here with us explain some of it. It went over very well.

Mrs. Dailey did a short lesson on goal setting. Students tested a hypothesis and proposed solutions to a scenario. Both she and Pam Netherton are going to a hypothesis generating and testing class Saturday and will be a lot smarter about those elements after the class! (We hope!)

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GED…it’s just the beginning!

Student Affairs

Betty Jones, Cathy Peterson, Beverly Larry, and Mai Yang attended the financial aid conference in Orlando this past week. Check out the picture – Cathy Peterson jumped right in to help out with registration!


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Lake Tech is very proud of the 13 ESOL students who were inducted into the Adult Education National Honor Society. Lots of family and friends attended the ceremony which was held in the Tech Dining Room on January 17. Cake and punch were served!

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Tech Tip of the Week


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Click the image to see the tip!


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