This Week at Lake Technical College
- Lake Tech Dining Room Open Wednesday and Thursday this week
- Let it Snow – Coffee & Cocoa Social, January 28 from 11 am until noon in the Student Center
- National Wear Red Day ®, Friday, 2/5, all day
- CTE on the Hill, February 10
- Leadership Lake Education Day, February 10
- Career Expo at Lake Tech (Open House), February 17 from 5 – 7 pm
- SkillsUSA Regional Competition, Thursday-Friday, 2/18-19, all day
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 27
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Technology
Digital Design – The Digital Design students celebrated with a donut toast and roast for Matt Valentine who graduated on Friday!
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Health Sciences
Another class of Nursing Assistant students graduated on Tuesday. They are in high demand by our local employers, so if you know of anyone interested in this program, we have another class beginning in April.
Susie® has arrived. This S2000 Tetherless Nursing Simulator allows student Nurses, Medics, EMTs, Pharm Techs, CNAs, and Medical Assistants to learn as she is rushed from the accident scene to the ER or to the ICU and on to recovery using real monitoring and resuscitation devices. Susie responds to commands from a wireless PC.
The health science instructors received training on Monday – but we learned we still have a lot to learn!!
Susie® is a great addition to our Health Science Simulation Lab!
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Hospitality & Tourism
The Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts students are often artists with food as their medium. Check out the ice paintings!
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This week, the Chef from Sysco offered a class to the students. This was a special treat as he showed them several tricks and tips that they will be able to utilize when they go to work.
Information Technology
Computer Systems & Information Technology – Instructor Aramis Martinez and his students built a computer system this week. The students were able to properly assemble all the components in preparation for the A+ hardware certification exam.
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Law & Public Safety
Fire Fighter – The 40-hour Rope class completed on Friday. The class prepares the Fire Fighter to perform rescues from elevations. The 80-hour Pump Operator class covers hydraulics, pumping fire attack lines and emergency driving. The class prepares the Fire Fighter for BFST certification as a Fire Pump Operator.
A new program called the EMT/Fire Fighter Combo will be offered beginning in February. This new 648 hour program will provide an opportunity for students to prepare for both EMT and FF certifications in one program that is now Pell Eligible.
Law Enforcement Academy / Correctional Officer –
Current Night Law Class The class is on the range this week for the Firearms block. Most of the class work is complete and the recruits are working on their shooting techniques. All students are progressing nicely.
New Day Law Class – All new recruits have completed their psychological and drug testing. Uniforms have been ordered and as of now, we have 25 recruits set to start on February 16, 2016.
New Night Corrections Class – All new recruits have completed their drug testing. Uniforms have been ordered and as of now, we have 18 recruits set to start on February 16, 2016.
Advanced/Specialized Classes –
Instructor Techniques – The class continues this week with the students preparing their final presentations. The final exam is scheduled for this coming Monday.
Breath Test Operator Refresher – The class was completed in its one-day session and paper work is completed.
Female Officer Survivor Class was offered last week. Director Russ Edwards shared that he was very proud of the instructors, students, and coordinators who participated in the class. Lt. Steven Devore from the Florida Highway Patrol commented as well about the outstanding training provided to three of his officers who attended the course. Congrats!
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Automotive Service Technology – We want to congratulate our students that took and passed the ASE test on Steering and Suspension. Congratulations to Joshua King, Miles Wells and Paul Acosta for their effort and dedication.
In other news, we’ve had students working on more engine builds. Some are in the disassembly stage others while others are almost done putting them together. Some are ready to go back in the cars they came out. Students pictured are also applying what they learned last week about brakes and getting ready for their first brake jobs.
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Auto Collision – The students had a variety of projects to keep them busy this week.
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Student Affairs
Congratulations to all of our first semester graduates! We are proud of you!!
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February is Black History Month. Ms. Carla Mitchell will be on campus the morning of February 9 to set up a display in the lobby and make a presentation to students. In addition, we will have our “Honor Wall” in the Fountain Lobby to celebrate as well. Contact Kim Frazier for more details.
The first annual Career Expo is scheduled for February 17th from 5 – 7 pm. The public is invited to visit your programs and get information on admissions, financial aid and careers after graduation.
Office of Student Success
If you would like to schedule a study skills, test taking, or stress management workshop for your students any time during the semester, contact Dr. Lindamood. Or, you might like to invite
Dr. Lindamood to make a brief appearance in your classroom to introduce herself to your students and explain her role as Student Success Counselor. She can assist your students with anything that may compromise their success: academic challenges, personal problems, and/or financial issues. Dr. Lindamood is a great resource for instructors and students.
Career Success Center Room 208A
The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and
Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208. rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855, Room 208A
Tech Tip

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Click the image to see the tip!Legislative Update
- SB 1060 (2016) Career and Adult Education –
- CS/HB 249 (2016) Culinary Education Programs –
- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education – January 28, 2016 – 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon – New Committee Meeting:; Meeting Packet Published:
- Higher Education – January 25, 2016 – 1:00- 3:30 p.m. – Expanded Agenda Published:; Attendance Report Published:; Audio Published:
- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education – January 25, 2016 – 4:00- 6:00 p.m. – Audio Published:; Attendance Report Published:
- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education – January 26, 2016 – 3:30- 6:00 p.m. – Meeting Packet Published:
- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education – January 21, 2016 – 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon – Meeting Packet Published:
In the Community
Kim Frazier attended the Community Partners Meeting hosted by the City of Eustis last Wednesday. This meeting was an opportunity for a collaborative conversation about all the events and activities taking place in Eustis. Kim had a chance to share our upcoming events – especially the Career Expo.
On January 30, the City of Eustis is hosting a Family Fun Day from 9 am until 3 pm.
Sharing Our Story…
- Lake Tech to Leesburg Public Library: Tech Ops Career Fair, Wednesday, 1/27, 2-4:30 pm
- Eustis High School JRROTC students visit Lake Tech programs, Friday, 1/29, 10-11 am
- Lake Tech presentation to AVID students at LSSC, Saturday, 1/30, 12:30-1 pm
- Sweet Treats Fashion Show at LSSC, Saturday, 1/30, 2-4 pm (Kim Frazier to model)
- Adventure Christian Academy students visit Lake Tech, Thursday, 2/4, 1:15-2:15 pm
- Leesburg High School College Goal Sunday event, Saturday, 2/6, 8am-1pm
- Lake Tech presentation at Trinity Christian Academy in Deltona, Tuesday, 2/9, 2-5:30 pm
- Lake Tech presentation at West Oaks Academy in Orlando, Thursday, 2/11, 9am-11am
- Eustis Middle School AVID students to visit Lake Tech, Monday, 2/29, 1-2pm