New Class Offered Online
««« Water Operator Training and Wastewater Operator Training classes are being offered online through water2go, the first 100% online pre-licensure courses approved by Florida DEP. For class details, how to register, and an application, see the short-term training classes or contact Russell Darst at 352.589.2250, ext 105. »»»
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV Technology & Communication
A little Photoshop work shows Digital Design students who participated in Operation Christmas Child to earn a section of their Professional Development Program books. With extra supplies, they extended the offer for others at Lake Tech to join in filling shoe boxes for needy kids around the world. Thanks so much to Marilyn, Etta, Yvonne, Sherrie, Tom, Bill, Jill and Russell who all contributed. This year will be the 100 millionth shoe box delivered — what a great way to remember how fortunate we are in the US!
Kerrie Johnson and Melissa Stephan were interviewed on WLBE radio station to promote the Digital Design program. What a great time sharing our great school and this oh-so-cool program with a so many job ops! Hopefully, some potential students were listening. We have 6 open seats, so please spread the word.
All but one Digital Design student has now earned all three parts to their Florida Ready-To-Work credential, and that one student only has one more part to take! We challenge every other program to earn theirs as well. Every certificate counts in making our students more competitive in the job market, and FREE certifications are rare!
Business, Management & Administration
The Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students were joined by the Digital Design class to participate in a presentation by Ms. Jeannine Nelson of Lake County. Ms. Nelson shared methods on how to search for and apply for jobs in Lake County. She also discussed resume and interview tips. The question and answer session answered many concerns that our students had about interviews, resumes and how to handle unusual history. The presentation was informative for all.
One of our Accounting Operations students, Ms. Kimberly Haskins, completed her certificate requirements with us. Her class was joined by Ms. Rosenglick to celebrate her success and accomplishment. Good luck Kim!!
Education & Training
Children from Florida Hospital/Waterman Children’s Center create a “Color Splash” in the Community and Early Childhood Instructor Kathy Roberts and her students were able to enjoy the fun!
Nancy McManus, Director of Florida Hospital /Waterman Children’s Center, was invited to bring several budding artists from the center to paint the art room at Osprey Lodge with their own creations, including the children’s footprints and handprints in unique places.
The purpose of this adventure was to design the art room at the lodge so the residents could comfortably enjoy painting and crafts without fear of spilling paint or making a mess. This was a great learning experience for the children, giving them the opportunity to realize the importance of offering time and talents to the community.
Click below to enjoy the outrageous fun and delightful giggles!
Human Services
The PM Cosmetology students have been practicing wet hair styling with a variety of base placements. The pictures are of the teams working together roller setting their partner’s hair. They had a LOT of fun with this project.
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Law, Public Safety & Security
Louisiana State University (LSU) and the National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) will be coming to Lake Tech Institute of Public Safety to teach their Public Safety WMD Response – Sampling Techniques and Guidelines class.
When: February 19 – 21, 2013- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 0900 – 1800; (9:00am – 6:00pm)
Target Audience/Discipline: Emergency Medical Services, Fire Service, Hazardous Materials (HazMat), Health Care, Law Enforcement, Public Health, Public Safety Communications, Public Works, Emergency Management
Prerequisite: Should be a HazMat Technician
Cost: Free. All training and course materials are provided at no cost to eligible participants. Funding provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency/ National Preparedness Directorate and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Registration: Register by calling 352-742-6463. Register by January 18, 2013.
Transportation & Logistics
The Collision Foundation continues to be so supportive of the Lake Tech Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing program. This week they donated sandpaper and other supplies. We appreciate the Foundation!
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Career Pathways and Adult Education
Did you know that we have classes in Disney World? Well, almost. Through our partnership with the Lake County Library System, we offer day GED and day and evening ESOL classes at Cagan Crossing Community Library. The library is in the most southern portion of Lake County. It is locally known as “Four Corners” because it is where Polk, Osceola, Lake and Orange come together.

Ms. Dody Cox and one of our students -- soon to get her GED!
The main campus GED classroom was transformed Tuesday afternoon into an unofficial polling place. First, students predicted the winner of the mock class election. Then, students were given the opportunity to vote for president. Several students were appointed “official vote counters.” They approached their job duty with enthusiasm and reported back that the majority of the class voted for President Obama. Election results were then transformed into real-world ratio and proportion, as well as percent examples. Students were reminded about identifying prime numbers, reducing fractions, and computing ratios and percentages. President Obama was re-elected by 59% of the students! Mr. Beckstrom, Part-time GED Instructor, gave an informative presentation about the Electoral College on Wednesday. Everyone, including the other instructors, learned something about the voting process.
The ESOL students will celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 15, with a delicious luncheon. Stay tuned for the pictures next week!
Staff Development
CHOICES Planner Webinarsopens in a new window The CHOICES Team continues to offer training webinars on the CHOICES Planner program. CHOICES Planner is the career planning program that the Florida Department of Education provides free of charge to all middle, high and postsecondary schools, as well as other organizations that need a career planning tool.
Below is our schedule for November and December. Additional trainings will be added to our training calendar at the below web address once the dates are set.
Wednesday, November 28th
- 10:00 am – 11:00 am – Introduction to CHOICES Planner
- 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – CHOICES Planner – Professional Tools
Wednesday, December 12th
- 10:00 am – 11:00 am – Introduction to CHOICES Planner
- 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – CHOICES Planner – Professional Tools
The “Introduction to CHOICES Planner” webinar is for users who are new to CHOICES Planner or who have not accessed the program in some time and need a refresher. The “CHOICES Planner – Professional Tools” webinar covers the various features found in this part of CHOICES. You will need a professional account to participate in this webinar to fully benefit from the training. If you do not have a professional account or do not remember your log-in information, contact the CHOICES Team prior to the day of the training for assistance.
To register for a webinar, go to the CHOICES Planner Training Schedule at, select the date and time of the training you would like to attend and follow the registration directions on the screen. For more information, contact the CHOICES Team at (800) 342-9271 or by e-mail at choices@fldoe.orgcreate new email.
Professional Development Instituteopens in a new window
The Perkins Professional Development Institute (PDI) is once again offering postsecondary training opportunities for Administrators and Teacher/Instructors. The training format for both programs is self-paced, non-facilitated, asynchronous training and is OFFERED FREE to administrators, teachers, or districts. Registration is ongoing through March 1, 2013.
Go to for applications and information on training objectives and outcomes. If you have any questions contact Maraci Hahn at 352-854-2322 ext. 1283 or at hahnm@cf.educreate new email.
Industry Certification Mini-grants – Visit the PDI website to watch a short informative video on what’s new this year and to learn about self-study options to prepare for exams.
Student Affairs
The National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on December 7 at 1 pm. Jim Judge will be the guest speaker.
Tech Tip of the Week
Have you ever flipped your screen by choosing Ctrl + Alt + “arrow key”? Most kids know that old trick. There’s a new trick out there now, more rewarding and more useful, flipping your classroom. Talk about Flipping…….click on the image to find out more…..
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Out In the Community
- Betty Jones, Melissa Stephan, and Diane Culpepper were guests of Lt. Chris DeLibro at the annual YMCA Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.
- Diane Culpepper will attend the South Lake Chamber Education Committee meeting this Tuesday at 4:30 pm.
- Paul Berg, Eustis City Manager, will be on campus Tuesday.
- Brent Stubbs will make a presentation for the United Way at BrightHouse in Clermont on Wednesday.
- The Workforce Central Florida CEO/President and her management team will be on the Lake Tech campus on November 27.
Are You Going to the Movies in the Next Few Weeks? Check out the Lake Tech ad on the big screen at the Lake Square Mall Theater!