In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- No School on Veteran’s Day, November 11
The Orlando Economic Development Commission is comprised of local industry leaders who discuss current economic conditions and issues of regional significance in the four county Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area. Lake County is one of the four. Lake Tech’s new Computer Systems and Information Technology program is spotlighted in The Orlando Economic Development Commissionopens in a new window quarterly newsletter, check it out on page 3.
Kim Frazier, DeAnna Thomas, Jack Miller, and Chief Rick Thomas attended the annual BBQ on the Boulevard on Wednesday in Orlando. This networking event is sponsored by the Orlando EDC.
Academic Affairs
Architecture & Construction
Experts from the construction industry will meet at Lake Tech on November 13 at 8:30 am to discuss what is needed for an entry level employee in the construction industry. Anyone in the industry who is interested in attending, please contact Christina Grain at grainc@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email.
Health Sciences
Pharmacy Tech – The Pharmacy Tech students learning to “Garb”.
Practical Nursing – Capping and Pinning will be held for the part-time nursing class on Friday, November 20 at 7 pm. The ceremony will be held at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Mt. Dora.
Last week, Jack Miller and Diane Culpepper attended the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida’s Annual President’s Dinner and Awards of Excellence. This event showcased the region’s top manufacturers. Lake Tech is a silver sponsor of MACF
On Thursday, DeAnna Thomas and Kim Frazier attended the Manufacturing Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida. Governor Rick Scott attended the Summit and declared that this is the year for Manufacturing. DeAnna Thomas had the chance to speak to him about technical colleges and Lake Tech’s proposed manufacturing center.
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Law & Public Safety
Lake Technical College was recognized for perfection after the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s most recent audit of our Criminal Justice Academy at the Institute of Public Safety. Congratulations to Lt. Russ Edwards and his team for their hard work. A special thanks as well to Tammy Ryan and Samantha Hayes. Their attention to detail made all the difference.
Fire Fighter – US Congressman Dan Webster will be the keynote speaker at the Fire Fighter graduation on November 20.
Adult Education
Students completed a week long lesson on sound vibrations and energy transfer between conductors and insulators. To demonstrate their understanding of the concepts learned as well as to connect to the scientific inquiry method, students were given the opportunity to work in teams and set up, hypothesize, complete, and discuss their observations and data results on an experiment. Three groups added varying amounts of water into varied glass containers (cups, bowls, and pitchers) and using varying utensils (of varying weights), they created hypotheses on the sound pitch and volume emitted.
Students learned that the amount of water, more-so than the weight of the utensil tapped against their containers, was the determining variable in sound volume and pitch level. Critical thinking and problem solving skills were floating all around as students spent time in pre-planning, collaborative discussion, delegating roles in the experiment, as well as in the actual completion of the lab experiment.
In the end, all groups arrived at the same conclusions, but with varied materials used and a wonderful, collaborative discussion ensued. Even more powerful were the students’ suggestions of how they could further this experiment, what the human errors were in their experiments, and how the lab linked to everyday situations of sound vibrations and echoes.
Two of our students completed their studies this week. They achieved their needed TABE scores for the program. One is already registered for Medical Assisting to start in January, and the other is in the process to register for Cosmetology in January!
Mr. Seidner was multitasking/teaching again, working with a student on Math and one on Language simultaneously. He is quite talented!
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Student Affairs
SkillsUSA – Instructor Steve Bagg attended the State SkillsUSA Chapter Management Institute (CMI) at Lake Yale last week. CMI is a course for SkillsUSA advisors and is great information and training necessary to organize, manage, and build interest in students to participate in SkillsUSA.
DeAnna Thomas, Lake Tech’s Dean of Student Affairs, was the instructor for CMI. Her passion for SkillsUSA goes all the way back to when she was a dual-enrolled student at Lake Tech.
National Adult Education Honor Society – The National Adult Education Honor Society induction ceremony will take place on December 2 at 3 pm in the Board Room. If you have students you wish to nominate, please contact Kathy Roberts by November 5. If you would like further information about NAEHS, please check them out on the web at
National Technical Honor Society – Any students you wish to nominate for NTHS must turn in their applications, along with the $30 NTHS membership fees, to the Business Office by November 18 at 3:30 pm. The induction ceremony will take place in the EMS Building on Thursday, December 17 at 2 pm.
Are your students headed for careers that will require them to understand and work intensively with people? Could some of your students benefit from understanding themselves better? Would you like an hour or two free during the week to plan or catch up on e-mail? If so, invite Dr. Lindamood to lead a brief PERSONALITY TYPE WORKSHOP for your students. With the use of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, your students can learn about the gifts and challenges of their own personality types, and then begin to understand why they react to others in beneficial or problematic ways. If you are interested in finding out more, contact Dr. Lindamood at extension 1824.
Career Success Center Workshops Scheduled for the Fall:
- Monday, November 9, 5:00-6:30 pm, Resume Workshop
- Monday, December 14, 2:45-4:00 pm, Interview Skills Workshop
Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone, email, or the Career Success Center sign in sheet (beside door) rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855, Room 208A.
Professional Skills Seminars – Attend the four Professional Skills Seminars this year to find out what employers from our community say about skills needed in Lake County. Did you know that employers in our community need skilled workers who also have soft skills? This is what they said. Come to the Professional Skills Seminars to learn exactly what these employers are saying and what skills you need to know to get hired here in Lake County….directly from them. There will be 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. sessions on the following dates:
- Tuesday, December 8
- Wednesday, March 9
- Tuesday, May 10
Sign up via your instructor.
The Lake Tech Financial Aid Office has a Facebook page! Tell your students and those interested in financial aid as well as scholarships to Like Lake Tech Financial Aid Office.
Tech Tips

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