In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Florida SkillsUSA Board Meeting, January 22 and 23 at Lake Tech
- Farmworkers Career Development Center will be in the Fountain Lobby for students interested in information, January 19 from 9 – 11 am
- CNA Graduation, January 19 at 2 pm in the Board Room
- Blood Drive, January 21, 10 am – 3 pm
- Teacher Workday, January 25
- Let it Snow – Coffee & Cocoa Social, January 28
- CTE on the Hill, February 10
- Career Expo at Lake Tech (Open House), February 17 from 5 – 7 pm
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 27
New Faces in the Business Office

Front Row, Lorraine Foster, Business Manager; Pam Teegardin, Data Clerk. Back Row, Gayle Sikkema, Bookkeeper; Sandra Belinski, Bookkeeper
Academic Affairs
Business Management & Administration
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – Ten Accounting students will be participating in the United Way’s VITA program off campus this week. (VITA = Volunteer Income Tax Assistance). They will become IRS certified to voluntarily prepare taxes for clients in February and March of this year. VITA is a great way for the students to interact and interview clients while preparing their taxes; it’s a great cause and helps the community, and a real positive “tool in the student’s tool-belt”.
Win – Win – Win
“The LTC Accounting Class is Amazing! “
Hospitality & Tourism
The Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts students studied nutrition this week.
Over the past few weeks, they have been preparing some amazing breakfast specials.
Law & Public Safety
Law Enforcement Academy / Correctional Officer – On December 21, 28 students graduated from the Correctional Officer program and all are now working at Lake Correctional Institute!
Night Law is currently in the Firearms block. We are preparing for the February class of Day Law and Night Corrections. Several Advanced Specialized classes have been offered.
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Diesel Technology – Instructor Randy Yates spent Friday picking up a N14 Cummins inline 6 cylinder 855 cubic inch engine donated by Cummins Power South in Tampa. This engine will be serve as another outstanding teaching tool for the Diesel students.
Automotive Service Technology – The students have been busy this week with some engine builds as well as beginning their study brakes and learning all the components and service procedures when it comes to making a vehicle stop.
We’ve also had some of our more advanced students begin the unit on engine performance where they learned the importance of good diagnostic procedures and how they all play a roll on a vehicle’s drivability.
Student Affairs
Graduation is Friday, January 22 at 7 pm. Students should arrive by 6 pm and instructors shortly thereafter.
The first annual Career Expo is scheduled for February 17th from 5 – 7 pm. The public is invited to visit your programs and get information on admissions, financial aid and careers after graduation.
Office of Student Success
On January 26th, Dr. Lindamood will assist the nursing faculty in starting our new Practical Nursing students on the road to success with workshops on study skills, test-taking, and stress management.
If you would like to schedule a study skills, test taking, or stress management workshop for your students any time during the semester, contact Dr. Lindamood. Or, you might like to invite Dr. Lindamood to make a brief appearance in your classroom to introduce herself to your students and explain her role as Student Success Counselor. She can assist your students with anything that may compromise their success: academic challenges, personal problems, and/or financial issues. Dr. Lindamood is a great resource for instructors and students.
Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208. (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855, Room 208A
Check out the Biggest Mistakes People Make During Interviews.opens in a new window
Tech Tip

opens in a new window Click the image to see the tip!
Legislative Update
Neither the House nor the Senate Higher Education Subcommittee will be meeting this week.
Diane Culpepper and Board Member C.A. Vossberg presented the funding request for the Center for Advanced Manufacturing to the Senate Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development.
Bills we are watching:
- Senate Bill 726 and House Bill 78017. These are very similar to the bills pertaining to tech colleges/centers that have been filed the last couple of years.
- Senate Bill 1060 was filed by Senator Legg and includes some new apprenticeship language.
Staff Development
Do you need MIPs? Do you want to learn something new? If so, check out these online courses.
- All Things Google (24 in-service points), January 20 – February 16, 2016
- Technology Feast or Famine (24 in-service points), January 25 – February 21, 2016
- All Things Google-Part 2 (24 in-service points), February 22-March 20, 2016
- Teaching Students with Disabilities (20 in-service points), February 23—March 21, 2016
- Classroom Management for CTE Teachers (60 in-service points), February 25—March 31, 201
- CTE — Planning & Implementing Effective Program Evaluation Plans (20 in-service points), February 25— March 23, 2016
- Project Based Learning—A “5” Step Process for Integrating Curriculum (60 in-service points), March 24—May 4, 2016
- Edmodo (24 in-service points), March 28—April 24, 2016
- Teaching Students with Disabilities (20 in-service points), April 5—May 2, 2016
- Standards-Based Instruction: Designing Curriculum Around Standards (60 points) April 14 —May 19, 2016
- Technology Basics (24 points), May 2 — May 29, 2016
All of the courses meet once a week online for a live session and then you complete all the assignments on your own. If you are interested, send Sonya Rosenglick an email and she will point you in the right direction so you can register.
In the Community
The Lake County Workforce Taskforce will be meeting on Thursday to continue their collaboration on workforce trends and issues. This month, DeAnna Thomas will be presenting information about the “Career Tree” philosophy and how CTE can help students discover their direction and passion for their future.