- SkillsUSA Meeting in EMS Room, November 8, 2:30 pm
- Salute to Veterans, November 9 – Wear Red, White and Blue
- Faculty Meeting, November 10
- Student Ambassador Meeting, November 15, 2:45 pm
- Storm Make-Up Day, November 17
- Manufacturing Association of Central Florida’s Jingle Mingle, Lake Tech, November 30, 4-7 pm
- Annual Advisory Committee Meetings and Partnership Event, December 4, 6 pm in Lobby
- COE Reaffirmation of Accreditation, December 4-7
Winners of the Scarecrow Decorating Contest:
- First Place – Welding
- Second Place – Cosmetology
- Third Place — Culinary
HVAC 1 & 2 – HVAC/P3 students came together to watch an IPDAE webinar on the non-calculator questions of the math GED test. The webinar was effective in showing the GED students what skills are included in the first section of the GED test as well as another voice in the ‘how to’ solving process. Many of the HVAC classmates joined in to watch the webinar on the big screen TV and offered questions and solutions. We culminated the webinar with the question of, “Ok, where am I going to apply that in the HVAC field?” The HVAC students, true to form, had great connections!
On the integration wagon, P3’s and classmates helped link the basics of learning positive and negative numbers to the standards of HVAC. Students brainstormed and relayed information to Mrs. Avelli on how positive and negatives are used in: AC and DC current (and what that means) and what objects in the lab used each form, slope (which in HVAC is pitch) and how this is used in duct-work, voltage (increases and drops) using meters, and sine wavelength (just when you thought Trigonometry had gone away). It was a plethora of ideas, correlations, ah-ha moments and fun!
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – It’s been a busy two weeks for the Accounting Operations and the Administrative Office Specialist classes. Decisions are being made about the Fall Festival booth and our classroom was magically decorated over the weekend. CREEPY! Classmates were finishing their OCPs. There are also some very special accomplishments that our class is celebrating with a very special person.
The class has decided to prepare not one game, but two games for the Fall Festival. Horror trivia, which I have a trivia question for you. Who is known to have the most famous scream? We also are going to have Pin the Boo on the Ghost. Also, we made our choice to be submitted for the Scarecrow theme.
While we’ve been deciding on our choices for games and scarecrows, we’ve been finishing our OCP – A’s. Congratulations to Heidi Pricilla, Kellin Oscar, and Gabby Belle!
Speaking of Congratulations, Ms. Hayes was selected as Rookie Teacher of the Year. Our class was excited to celebrate with her. This teacher is on a roll.
Quote of the day: Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t — Rikki Rogers
Answer to trivia question: Jamie Lee Curtis—Original star of “Friday the 13th.
Medical Assisting – Mrs. Thomas joined in with the Medical Assisting students who dressed up for the Fall Festival.
Pharmacy Technician – It was National Pharmacy Tech Day on October 17. The class celebrated with a guess speaker and participated in some team building activities.
Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality – Pumpkin decorating was all the rage! The culinary students had a chance to develop their creative side.
Computer Systems & Information Technology / Cybersecurity – This week the advanced students were preparing a server rack for the networking equipment that will be installed.
Fire Academy, Special Operations / Trench Rescue Ops and Tech
Automotive Service Technology – The students have been working on vehicle inspections which include lube oil and filter as well as regular maintenance skills. They practice maintaining the cabin air filter, air filter, and wiper inspections as well as chasis lubrication while performing an oil change. The pictures show our students putting their skills to work.
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GED – Adult Ed students came together as a whole class to work on a “career/math challenge.” In groups, students had to seek out various geometric shapes and measure dimensions within the nooks and crannies of the Adult Ed Lab. Next, the rest of class had to solve perimeter, area, and circumference of the other groups’ figures. Lots of team building was happening! Then, each group took a turn in the career corner and chose career fields of their interest and picked a reading or math question for the rest of the class to answer. The career books included detailed information on the trade as well as subject based materials and real-world connections. The focus here was on building communication, college and career linked standards and critical thinking skills.
The ABE reading class spent much time connecting language and reading concepts into one woven tapestry! Prefixes and lesson-based vocabulary was stressed within historical fictional themed stories. Discussions on civics and constitutional rights as applying to work-force labor and unions were in the spotlight this week.
In the ABE math class, Mrs. Girard offered fall/Halloween based math word problems, crossword puzzles, probability, coordinate graphing, and patterns for students to apply their computation and applied skills.
The GED class learned more about atoms, elements, and molecules, by using graphic organizers, brainstorming, working together in teams, and modeling. They used the periodic table of elements and the 4D elements app to learn about elements, atomic numbers, chemical equations, and what happens when two elements join together to form a molecule and/or compound. At the end of the lesson, they were able to build their own model of a molecules. The next week, they continued the chemistry compound science lesson this week. They observed an experiment and then got to participate in one of their own. The class made a chemical compound – slime! Quite appropriate for Halloween. We then set up a science experiment table at the Fall Festival and gave away the directions so students and families could make their own. Another of our GED students passed her final test and is now a proud high school graduate. Congratulations Kori!
HVAC/P3 – students are hard at work on GED prep materials and TABE concepts. One of our P3’s successfully passed his science test this week and is scheduling his R/LA for next week! The HVAC class was asked to spend more time with their chapter vocabulary and apply it to labs. It has increased the score in their chapter tests and overall understanding in lab work. One more reason to incorporate work-place vocabulary into our ABE and GED classrooms.
Afternoon Adult Basic Education
Lake Tech is so proud of our students and the gains they are making. There’s a lot of learning going on in the ABE classroom, and for those students who have committed themselves to their goals, who have dug in deeply, and persevered…well, it’s really beginning to pay off!! In Language Arts, we’ve had a successful run at fragments, run-ons, and combining sentences. In Reading, we are noting the sequences of events in our passages, as well as stated and non-stated details. We’ve also begun to incorporate essay writing on a regular basis, and have learned that it’s always great to elaborate!
ESOL – We’re right back on track following the hurricane’s aftermath last week. It was a busy week with our Advanced English speakers practicing comparatives and superlatives, and amping up their vocabularies with new adjectives. Beginning English students have been working on the present tense and made their family trees this week. In Civics, we’re learning about Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America, and in Job Skills, where to find jobs, and how to read and respond to job ads. As always, our class time included lots of reading, writing, and time to talk – in English, of course!
Student Seminars
Many students and staff participated in Pink Out Day at Lake Tech to bring awareness to breast cancer and the treatments available.
The Fall Festival was a BIG HIT!! All proceeds from the festival will help support SkillsUSA.
- On Tuesday, November 7, Allison Liston, from Seacoast Bank, will be delivering a seminar entitled, “Finance 101” to interested students. She will speak about budgeting, savings plans, credit, how to build credit, and tips on how to save for the future. The seminar will be in the Board Room from 10 -11 am.
- On Wednesday, a student seminar entitled, “Tips for a LinkedIn Profile” will be held in the Career Success Center at 11:30 am, 12:15 am, and 4:15 pm. All interested students are invited.
- National Technical Honor Society – NTHS Applications are due on November 16 by 4 pm in the Business Office.
- Exit Interviews – Exit interviews are held in the Career Success Center at the following times:
Mondays 1-3 pm; 4-6 pm
Wednesdays, 9 – 11 am
Thursdays, 9-11 am
In the Community
Morgan Black spent Monday, October 16 at the Teacher Assistant Professional Development Day showcasing what Lake Tech has to offer.
On Tuesday, October 17, Morgan Black attended the Leesburg High School College and Career Night.
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- Students from Eustis Middle School visited Lake Tech on November 2.
- Morgan Black will represent Lake Tech at Umatilla High School on November 8 and Umatilla Middle School on November 9
- Diane Culpepper, Laurie Bryant, and Mark Crenshaw will represent Lake Tech in a manufacturing apprenticeship advisory meeting on November 10 at Metal Essence in Longwood, FL.
- Representatives from Lockheed Martin in Dallas, TX will be on campus, November 13 to discuss STEM related programs and partnership development.
- On November 13, Morgan Black will represent Lake Tech at Tavares High School.
- On November 14, Morgan Black will represent Lake Tech at Lake Minneola High School and then attend the South Lake Chamber Education meeting.
Sonya Rosenglick has prepared a series of instructional technology workshops she is calling “Fabulous Fridays.” Take advantage of one or more of them so you can implement new tools into your programs.
- Screencasting in the Classroom / Screencast-o-matic, Office Mix Presentations – Friday, December 1, 2017, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center, Assignment: Screencast for Program
- Critical Thinking in the Classroom / Developing Higher Order Thinking Questions to Enhance Better Discussions Friday, January 5, 2018, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center
- Formative Assessments / Google Forms, Kahoot!, Socrative – Friday, February 2, 2018, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center, Assignment: Formative Assessment
- Advanced Schoology Tools – Friday, March 2, 2018, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center
- Share Your Project – Friday, April 6, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center (CSC)
Maker Space Workshops
- Friday, November 17, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center
- Friday, December 15, 2017, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center
- Friday, February 16, 2018, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center
- Friday, March 16, 2018, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center