It is PIE DAY on Tuesday!!
Apple, Pumpkin, Cherry, Pecan, Tollhouse and Pumpkin Cheesecake
$6 and $8
First Come, First Serve!
- The VA Auditors were at Lake Tech on Friday as part of a routine audit of the files. We are pleased to announce that we achieved another PERFECT audit. Lake Tech’s Financial Aid Team was applauded by the auditor for “serving our Veteran’s and following all the rules and regulations set by the Federal Government.
- Lake Tech is the proud recipient of grant funds from the Charles B. and Mary McLin Foundation, administered by the Trust and Investment Services of The First National Bank of Mount Dora. The grant funds will be used to set up a scholarship fund in the name of Charles B. and Mary McLin. Adult Education students who have earned a GED through Lake Tech will be able to apply for scholarships to transition into Lake Tech career and technical education training programs.
- Lake Tech and the Lake County School Board will be entering into a joint partnership for the use of the former Mascotte Elementary School. Lake Tech will be able to offer classes in this facility in order to better serve South Lake County.
Academic Affairs
Law, Public Safety & Security
Check out the new sign on Ron Williams’ door at the Fire Academy! Thanks Jack Miller for making that happen.

The Day Law Graduation time has changed to 6 pm on December 8.
On Friday, the PAT (physical activity test), required for admission into the upcoming January Day Law class, took place.
Adult Education
The AAAE lab has been busy with activities. We have had lots of small group instruction – poetry; when to use a comma, semicolon, and colon; mean, median, and mode; how to write a business letter; and measurement, volume, and ratio/proportion using the vegetable garden.
One of our students, Carolyn Osborne, correctly guessed the FaceBook quiz question this week, and won a delicious dessert from our Culinary Program!

Student Affairs
National Technical Honor Society
What does a 93% GPA, 90% or better attendance rate, leadership skills and a strong work ethic lead to at Lake Tech? A full-time student’s ability to be nominated to the National Technical Honor Society. Thirty-four students met these criteria and were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) on November 17, 2011. Lake Tech congratulates our members. NTHS is a non-profit, nationally recognized organization for promoting excellence in workforce education to meet the demands of today’s quality-driven businesses and industries. The organization also offers scholarship opportunities to its members.
The newest members are: Alexander Abbott, Gabriel Acevedo, Stacey Albridge, Sammy Anderson, Kathryn Audette, William Baer, Brenda Barrett, Kyle Blake, Nicholas Bloom, Meagan Bullock, Deborah Cannoy, Lynda Fisher Colavecchio, Kassie Cozart, Leslie DiCesare, Kenyon Friedline, Nicole Graf, Wendy Guthrie, Jerald House, Sarah Hurst, Taylor Johnson, Steve Jolly, Bobbie Sue Kincannon, Richard Madrid, Travis McGee, Jennifer Miller, Paul Myers, Jeannette Paradee, Anita Peck, Meagan Roop, Travis Roy, Cynthia Searles, Christopher Tusing, Ashley Watson, and Caitlyn Werner.
NTHS has a mission to honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for technical students. The organization provides recognition for excellence in technical education and creates occupational opportunities for America’s top workforce education students.
Trudy Dailey and Dr. Culpepper attended the Lake County Economic Development Summit held at Mission Inn, Monday, November 14th. Over 250 people saw the Lake Tech display and several have followed-up with Trudy regarding placement and other services.
The spring 2012 schedule is almost ready to go to the printer. A special thanks to Debbie Zaharis and Betty Jones for all your hard work. Our goal is to have it distributed in the community the first week in December. We are getting ready to launch several FaceBook ads that will target low enrollment programs, the spring term, and the GED/ESOL programs. The individual program flyers will be going to the printer early next week, so look for them in the lobby soon.
Speaking of the lobby, check out the new display cabinet that Mark Prescott built to hold the new program flyers. He will be refurbishing the other cabinet that holds the catalogs so it will match the new one he built.
Fun Facts
- Did you know that 972 people have applied to Lake Tech using the new online application system that Tom Netherton created? 972 people since August, 2011. WOW!
- Lake Tech now has 501 people who “Like Us!”
- Turkeys have approximately 3,500 feathers and can fly up to 55 mph!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!