In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Professional Skills Seminar, Starting Up a Business, October 18, 9 am in EMS Building
- Student Ambassador Monthly Meeting, October 19, 2:45 pm in the Board Room
- Lake Tech Pink Out Day, October 20 – Picture in Front of School, 10:45 am
- Scarecrow Entries Due, October 27
- Fall Festival, October 31, 2:30 pm until 6 pm, Fred Jones returning as DJ
- Lake Tech Run for Etta, November 3, 5 pm
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – The Accounting program has had the first graduates of the year, Shari Lake Rohaley and Thang Huynh. We are excited to announce Shari has now been promoted to the accounting department at her current employer and is absolutely loving her new career.
We would like to congratulate both students on the completion of their program and wish them continued success for the years that lie ahead.
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Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – the Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts students are completing their senior final projects. Mark Lee made a 6 tiered cake celebrating his Culinary success and Nathalie Pimentel and company worked hard on her molecular candy. All of the students rocked their awesomeness!!
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Cosmetology – The Cosmetology students are preparing for their fall festival booth.
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Florida Law Enforcement Academy – Last week the Florida Law Enforcement Academy students had the opportunity to participate in National Night Out in Mount Dora and Leesburg, where we got to interact with the communities and departments within Lake County. It was a great event that taught us a lot about community relations and how vital they are.
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Officer Carter of Winter Garden PD came in and began our next period of instruction the following day.

Also occurring this week was our official records audit by Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).Throughout the entire day, box after box of student records were scrutinized to make sure nothing was missing from the state mandated paperwork. In the end, we passed with flying colors! Special recognition goes to Tammy Ryan, Kathy Whigham, and Samantha Hayes. Their tireless effort in keeping all the paperwork straightened out ensured a flawless audit. Without them, we couldn’t have done it. Thank you!!!
For the first time, Lake Technical College will be participating in the Central Florida Auto Dealers Show at the Orange County Convention Center. We will be there beginning Thursday, November 24 through Sunday, November 27. If you are interested in volunteering to stand by the Lake Tech display and maintain the flyers on the table, please contact David Beliveau or Mark McKinney. This is the premier auto show in Central Florida and we are excited that Lake Tech will be represented.
Automotive Service Technology – The Automotive Service Technology students performing a full car inspection as well as doing a computer scan to get trouble codes out of the different modules in the vehicle they’re working on using one of our new scan tools. Also, students have been learning the importance of soldering electrical connections and they have been practicing their skills on how to make a good solder joint.
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Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing – Ten students from the GED class shadowed the Auto Collision program to learn a little bit more about it. Each student spent about 20 minutes at each of four stations which included metal finishing/ body filler, plastic welding, sheet metal welding, and waterborne paint refinishing. The current Auto Collision students served as the teachers for the GED students. A good time was had by all.
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ESOL – Conversation is key! We provide daily opportunities for students to practice English in our classrooms. They actively interact one-on-one or in small groups where they read, write, listen, participate in topical conversations, open ended dialogues, and play learning games together.
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Adult Basic Education and GED – In Adult Education, we were visited by 2 speakers; Dr. Lindamood and Mr. David Beliveau. Students got to learn about their personalities as well as an insiders glimpse into the wonderful career of Auto Collision and Auto Tech. Also, as extension of Literacy Week, we took a field trip to the Mount Dora Bland Library. Students took a tour of the facility, checked out books and audio materials, obtained their own library cards, and visited the BookNook where they purchased used books, DVD’s and study materials. They were amazed at what books they found and how interesting the titles were. All went home with something and are excited to read their new stories in class!
In GED, the students were introduced to a cool app that shows 3D images of the elements~ Very innovative, Pam!
In reading, we delved into the 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech and the image of the US flag. We watched a video on the Declaration of Independence and competed and activity linking Jefferson’s quote on the, “people as THE source of keeping these freedom,” with 1st Amendment rights. Students got a taste of argumentative responses and debate like forums as we discussed the right to stand/not for the Pledge of Allegiance, burning of the American flag, etc.
We culminated the week with a two paragraph typed response to answer the question, ” What is the role of education in preserving liberty?” Students showed off their typing and technology skills as they pondered the question and used the Amendments and prior experiences to respond argumentatively to the prompt at hand. We are getting our students ready for GED responses early.
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Lake Technical College’s Teacher of the Year is Pam Netherton! The Rookie Teacher of the Year is Lynette Evans! Congratulations to you both.

opens IMAGE file Each week or so, an employee will be randomly selected so we can shine the light on him or her! This week, Ila Knight was chosen. Ila has worked at Lake Tech for about eight months. She has been married to her amazing husband for 16 years. He works for Orange Technical College, Westside campus, and they have two incredible daughters. Her hobbies include spending time with her family and reading. When we asked her what she loved about Lake Tech, “I love that Lake Tech is such a positive environment. Everyone I work with is helpful and encouraging.”
Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center
Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone, email, or sign up on CSC door. rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855
FACTE (Florida Association of Career and Technical Education) is offering free online courses that may be used for in-service points for recertification. In addition, some of these courses are approved for initial teacher certification (see Melissa Stephan for details). The classes last about 4-6 weeks, are offered online, and require attendance at a live session once a week. These courses are funded in part through Perkins. Registrations are being accepted for the Fall courses only at this time. The following courses are next up!
- Teaching Students With Disabilities (20 points), Tuesdays, 6:00pm EST, October 25—November 21, 2016
- Standards-Based Instruction: Designing Curriculum Around Standards (60 points), November 1 – December 6, 2016 Tuesdays, 7:00pm EST (Class will meet the Monday before election day, otherwise on Tuesdays.)
- Designing eBooks and Digital Curriculum (24 points), November 7— December 4, 2016 Monday, 6:30pm EST
- All Things Google – Part 2 (24 points), November 7— December 4, 2016 Monday, 8:00pm, EST
- Web Conferencing: Keys to Success (24 points), November 9 – December 6, 2016, Wednesdays, 6:30 pm EST
- Exploring Edmodo (24 points), November 9 – December 6, 2016 Wednesdays, 8:00 pm EST
Instructors Mark McKinney and Marvina Hooper recently shared their Instructional Strategies, Best Practices, with other faculty members. Awesome job, Mark and Marvina!
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Career Advisor Lilliana Guardiola has volunteered to head up the Lake Tech Wellness Group this year. The first event was the FL Hospital Waterman Pink Out 5K Run/Walk, Thursday, October 13.
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