- Special Board of Directors Meeting, January 29, 1 pm, Board Room
- Lake Tech Staff Alumni Association Breakfast, February 6, 9 am
- Nursing Assistant Graduation, February 13, 11 am
- Nursing Capping and Pinning, February 15, 7 pm
- Regional SkillsUSA Competition, February 15-16, Lake Tech campus
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 24, 8 am
- Teacher of the Year Celebration, February 10, 6 pm
- TechXPO, March 12, 5-7 pm, Main Campus
- Partners for Success, March 28 pm
HVAC 1 & 2 – Visitors from Florida State College in Jacksonville, Polk State College, and Orange Technical College were on campus last week to visit the HVAC/P3 program and learn how Lake Tech has implemented this innovative project. HVAC students participated in the week’s topic of refrigerants and how it relates to changes in states of matter, heat transfer, and problem shooting in an electrical unit. These topics were linked to the GED components of: states of matter, the water cycle, heat transfer, physics laws, and reading schematics and diagrams. By integrating the academic and technical curriculum, students continue to make gains in subject areas as well as in the HVAC components.
This unique program at Lake Tech allows students who do not have a high school diploma to enroll in the HVAC program and work on both their GED prep skills and their technical skills in an integrated fashion. This model has proven to be very successful with the Lake Tech students, so educators from around the state are visiting so they will be able to implement it at their institutions. We are proud to share our best practices with them.
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – The excitement over being part the United Way’s VITA program has everyone in the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist program waiting for the tax season to begin. Our students will be volunteering their time to the VITA program this tax season. VITA is a great way for the students to interact and interview clients while preparing their taxes; it’s a great cause and helps the community.
The students welcomed Ms. Vandewater, Career Services Consultant for Career Source Central Florida. She discussed a variety of career related topics including employers’ expectations, positive attitude, and success in the workforce. She engaged all of the students in a fast-paced and an informative session.
Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality – Culinary students were busy making sushi this week. We worked on perfecting our Asian flavor profiles and had absolutely no fun!!
Fire/EMT Combo – On Monday, January 22, 23 students graduated from the Fire/EMT Combo program. The ceremony was held at Tavares Middle School and there were several hundred family and friends in attendance. Robert Chandler, Executive Director of the Agency for Economic Prosperity in Lake County was the guest speaker.
Congressman Dan Webster visited the Lake Technical College Fire Academy on Wednesday, January 24. He toured the facility and learned about its impact in our community.
CNC Production Specialist – CNC Production Specialist class started the week of by learning the basics of the MTS simulator. They learned how to input CNC code and see the results of their efforts.
To end the second week we took a field trip to a local job shop, Eagle Quality Products. The students had a chance to see first-hand the type of work that they will be experiencing in the work place.
Automotive Service Technology – Students currently are working on a manual transaxle. They disassemble it, identify all the components, and then reassemble it. This process is designed so the students learn the inner workings of a manual transaxle, the different components’ names, and the tools used in the industry. Other students were putting the finishing touches on an engine built last semester; they will be ready to have it running by the end of the month.
GED – Several of the part-time instructors attended the Brevard Co-Teacher Academy this past Saturday. Mrs. Avelli was sooo excited to meet Ron Cruz, the man behind the many amazing math webinars. Mrs. Stafford tried to teach us her European math method of subtraction…Mr. Seidner is still perplexed! We had a wonderful day interacting with other Adult Ed instructors from counties all over the state and used hands on manipulatives to compute word problems and visualization of reading texts. Thank you to ACE and Brevard Community Center for offering a fun and informative workshop day!
In reading, students took a crash course on diseases and healthy lifestyle. We looked at questions, such as: What is the difference between a bacteria and a virus? How do we treat each and prevent illnesses? What is cancer and how do these cells mutate and take over organs? Students used various texts and videos to illustrate and explain these topics. The Salmonella virus relating to uncooked chicken video was a crack-up.
Laurie Bryant, Coordinator for the new Corporate and Community Training Department represented Lake Tech last Tuesday at the January Networking Breakfast at Seacoast Bank, Eustis.
On Wednesday, she participated in the Celebrate Literacy Week 2018 sponsored by Early Learning Coalition of Lake County. She read the book Big Al by Andrew Clements to five pre-K classes at the Christian Academy Pre-school in Eustis.
On Friday, she attended the safety orientation at Lake County Detention Center in Tavares and will begin volunteering by tutoring juvenile males in math on Friday afternoons.
- Lake Technical College was well represented at the Community Healthy Living Expo on Saturday. Charles Schrock, one of Lake Tech’s Practical Nursing instructors, along with his nursing students, were present to provide blood pressure testing. They also were able to check out the healthcare related seminars offered at the expo.
Art Seidner, Adult Education Coordinator, was present to assist attendees with any questions and provide information regarding career and technical education programs as well as GED and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs. The overall exposition consisted of health screenings, chef demos, seminars, kids Zone and fun activities, food and craft vendors, live entertainment, and door prizes. The entire event proceeds benefit low income seniors, local children and families. Others who were represented at the event were the Lake County Department of Health, a local chiropractor, various healthy food related vendors, health insurance providers, etc.
- George Alvarez and Morgan Black represented Lake Tech at the Lake County Schools Title 1 Winter Family Day at Clermont Elementary School on Saturday, January 20th
- Morgan Black represented Lake Technical College at the Alee Academy College Day/College Night on January 24.
- On January 25, she represented Lake Tech at Spring Creek Charter School for Career Day and on Friday, January 26, she participated at Treadway Elementary for their Career Day.
Career and Technology Specialist Sonya Rosenglick and Adult Education Coordinator Art Seidner attended FETC (Future of Education Technology Conference) that was held in Orlando last week. This is one of the premier educational conferences and both Sonya and Art learned many new best practices that they can bring back to the rest of the Lake Tech faculty. Sonya was quite excited when she won an Echo! Wonder how she will implement that into her staff development sessions??!
Sonya Rosenglick has prepared a series of instructional technology workshops she is calling “Fabulous Fridays.” Take advantage of one or more of them so you can implement new tools into your programs.
Formative Assessments
Google Forms, Kahoot!, Socrative
Friday, February 2, 2018, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center
Assignment: Formative Assessment
Maker Space Workshop
Friday, February 16, 2018, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center
Advanced Schoology Tools
Friday, March 2, 2018, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center
Maker Space Workshop
Friday, March 16, 2018, 9 am – 11 am in the Career Success Center
Share Your Project
Friday, April 6, 9 am – 10 am in the Career Success Center (CSC)
Following legislative Issues
Diane Culpepper will be in Tallahassee from February 5-7 meeting with legislators.

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