Academic Affairs ~ 10/09/20


Accounting Operations
Administrative Office Specialist
Every day there is a reason to celebrate something good, and this week, we were able to celebrate Shelby Van De Bogaert achieving Student of the Month. Shelby does a fantastic job staying on top of her work; her dedication has undoubtedly paid off. Everyone in the class is proud of her for receiving such an outstanding award.

This week the student leaders prepared a fun and ghoulishly Halloween related team building activity. The business students got to use their imagination and turn glasses into unique characters and designs. With the unique limitations of social distancing, we are finding ways to build morale and have fun activities for the students.
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Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician I students have been refining their data entry skills and learning retail pharmacy dispensing practices by participating in pharmacy simulation. Student must be able to interpret sig codes and calculate dosages and day supply of medication to process a pharmacy claim. Students practice proper professional skills when interacting with a diverse patient population, being sure to protect patient privacy of healthcare information under HIPAA. Tasks include customer service, data entry, selecting correct medications for counting and labeling, cash register operations, and telephone inquiries. Students also practiced how to log a pseudoephedrine sale through and locate over the counter items at patient request. Additionally, students are expected to complete tasks in a set period, and are working hard to meet their data entry goals. Congrats to Harrison Langlais, Adriana Rosas, and Cristina Perez for passing all of their competency skills tests!

Our Pharmacy Tech III students prepared for their final experiential learning rotation by learning how to practice aseptic technique, including proper handwashing, garbing, and proper LAFW cleaning practices. Students practiced withdrawing medications from a variety of vials, ampules, and powdered vials and learned proper technique to prepare and label IV medications, including safe handling of hazardous drugs and the components of TPN, total parenteral nutrition. We wish these students the best of luck as they learn from hospital preceptors in the coming weeks and prepare for graduation.
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Baking and Pastry Arts
Wouldn’t we all love “cookie competencies?’ After only three days in the program, the new Baking and Pastry Arts students have already made some yummy creations!
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty, Nails Specialty
Nail and Facial Specialty students have been very busy adding more new skills to their “toolbox!”

Nail Specialty students have been practicing the Monomer/Polymer ratios to prepare to begin sculpting acrylic nails. Of course, that is both very exciting and a little frustrating for them but they are doing really well. They are also continuing to perfect their manicure and pedicure skills.

Facial Specialty students have learned how to perform the basic facial and diligently are working to perfect their knowledge on how a well-executed skin analysis will get them on the right path to not only a facial that feels wonderful, but also benefits the clients skin type as well as giving them instant results of radiant skin.

Day Cosmetology Freshman have been extremely busy! They are working on the practical and theory aspects of Cosmetology and learning to navigate through it all. They are perfecting their manicure, pedicures and this week received a demonstration of a proper scalp treatment and shampoo. Let’s just say our freshman have some squeaky clean hair as well as a stimulated scalp and luxuriously moisturized hair. (Insert hair flip here. lol)

Day Seniors are busy as well; they are wrapping up the last of their testing to prepare for State Board exams. They are knocking out those practical’s and services to get course completed! Because December will be here before we know it!! It has also been a little bittersweet for them and for the instructors as we have said goodbye to some of our “Super Seniors” this week. It’s sad to see them go but also exciting to know that they are stepping into a whole wide world of fantastic career avenues and opportunities.

Evening Senior students are perfecting perm wrapping skills and loving every single minute of it…..haha…NOT! This is one of the not so loved (and smelly) skills they must learn. However, as my cosmetology instructor used to say, “Smells like money too me!”

Our PM Freshman are doing wonderful perfecting their mani’s, pedi’s, shampoo’s and scalp treatments! They are so elated to be on the lab floor building a lasting relationship with, Sam, Barbara and Joslyn, that would be their mannequins by the way.

And the most exciting part of the week was giving the day and evening students their AWESOME new kits!! It was like Christmas! As instructors, we love to watch them explore and look at all the new “toys.” Then it is off to the lab to try them out!
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Fire Fighting/Emergency Medical Technician – Combined Program
Graduation for the Fire Fighting/EMT was held on October 7 at the Eustis Community Center. Captain Sean Sacco from the Clermont Fire Department was the graduation speaker. Recruit Richard Vanderstreet earned the highest GPA award and is pictured with Chief Ron Williams.
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Fire Fighting/Special Operations
This week, firefighters from all over Central Florida participated in the Vehicle Machinery Rescue Tech training at the Institute of Public Safety.
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Diesel Systems Technician
Students this week learned to replace the fuel injection pump on one of our firetrucks for the Institute of Public Safety campus. They also spent time learning how to rebuild automatic transmissions and how to service rear axle bearings and seals on one of trainer trucks.
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“English is crazy.” It’s an expression we often use in our classroom. It’s light-hearted way to convey the frustrations we may feel while sorting through the many exceptions and contradictions of this complex language. It’s difficult to learn and to speak, but such an important language, an internationally recognized language, the language of technology and travel and popular culture. More than that, it’s a vital tool for our students to be able to communicate, to assimilate into American culture, and to improve job skills and employment opportunities.

Having said that, our students are making wonderful progress conquering “crazy” English. They are active and enthusiastic participants in their own learning. We create dynamic opportunities daily for students to read, write, listen to, and most importantly, speak English. Just in the last few weeks, our students have been learning about a variety of verb tenses, pronouns, modal verbs (should, could, would) and gerunds and infinitives. They have also learned how to locate and read job advertisements and how to have a successful job interview. They were even treated to an informative job interview workshop with Sonya Rosenglick, our own Career and Technology Specialist here at Lake Tech.

Yes, these are crazy times, and English is a crazy language, but that doesn’t mean our student can’t make great strides toward the goals they want to achieve, and have fun doing it, too.
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Adult Basic Education/GED Prep
This past week provided wonderful opportunities to learn new and exciting methods of teaching the adult learner in both our GED and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) programs. The annual Adult and Community Education (ACE) of Florida conference was held with our instructional team in “virtual” attendance. Because of concerns related to COVID-19, the conference venue was not hosted as a face-to-face event. In previous years, it was held in Southwester Florida, the Florida East Coast, and here in Central Florida at resort hotel conference centers. It has been in those times great to network with colleagues as well as obtain ideas and “how-tos” on becoming more effective in the classroom. It has also been a time to get the latest updates regarding accountability and regulations so as to gauge the overall progress and effectiveness of public adult education across the State of Florida and at Lake Tech. While the personal touch was lost due to our current health concerns, this virtual conference was a fabulous learning opportunity. Our instructors attended several workshops such as “Engaging Educational Extras! Be inFORMed about Sway and Nearpod,” “Tips to Take Your Blended Learning to the Next Level,” “A Bridge to the Future: Adult Literacy from Prison to Prosperity,” and “Ready, Set, Collaborate: Changing Student Lives Through Engaging Financial Literacy Instruction” only to name a few. What is a plus is that most of the workshops were able to be more easily recorded using the virtual venue. Now we’ll all be able to go back and review other workshops that were missed because they were offered at the same time as others; I guess one cannot be in two places at the same time.
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