Academic Affairs 09/27/19


Accounting Operations
Administrative Office Specialist
This week the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students participated in four presentations on key job searching components. Instructor Hayes taught the importance of a well written cover letter, follow up letter, letter of acceptance, and resignation letter. Students were introduced to these basic employability skills hoping that it will be beneficial with finding employment after they graduate.



Practical Nursing (Part-Time Class)
Students finished their check-offs on their Head-To-Toe Assessment with their instructors. The Geriatrics unit is complete and everyone passed the exam. This week, the students will have a Nutritional/Culture Pot Luck on Monday.
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On Tuesday, Lake Technical College held its annual Advisory Committee and Business Partner Reception. As one business partner stated, “this is really a Lake Tech Food Gala!” Enjoy the pictures from the event.
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Welding Technology
The Welding students, along with the Auto Collision students, went on a field trip Thursday to AirGas. They participated in welding demos, had lunch provided by the AirGas staff, talked to the representatives, and learned more about the various welding machines and products that are supplied by AirGas.
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The Lake County Board of County Commissioners are making an official proclamation for Manufacturing Month. Diane Culpepper will attend the meeting on September 24 at 9 am to accept the proclamation.

Lake County Manufacturing & Construction Forum 2019, sponsored in part by Lake Technical College, will be held on October 16 from 8-11 am in Tavares.



Fire Academy, Special Operations program
The VMR-Ops class was well attended by fire fighters from around the region. These advanced specialized classes for those in the fire service are offered throughout the year and fill up quickly. Thanks for the donation of vehicles from TheCarStore in Minneola as 24 cars were used in this training.
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Adult Basic Education  
GED prep and ABE
This was National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.  This is a time to raise awareness about the need for and value of adult education and family literacy.  Every day, we serve students who have the need to work on reading, language and math skills.  All of our adult education programs, including ABE, GED, and ESOL, celebrated literacy with several lessons, and we had a little fun at the same time.

We started off with math literacy.  Mrs. Girard read a story, “Math Curse” that demonstrates how there are math word problems that we deal with every day.  After the story, students were challenged with making up their own word problems.  Each group had to write out the word problem, draw a picture of it, share it with the other groups, and then everyone tried to solve it.  Everyone worked well together and came up with some great word problems!

Next, Mrs. Netherton read a story by one of her favorite authors, Dr. Seuss.  She read “The Sneetches,” a story about how star-bellied sneetches thought they were better than plain-bellied sneetches, and in the end they found that they weren’t so different at all.  Dr. Seuss wrote this to teach children about discrimination.  Though, it has many lessons for all ages.
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Finally, Adult Education students embarked on a “figurative language scavenger hunt.”  Published authors, Colleen Avelli and Laura Ross, assembled a collection of poems and text and had students work in groups to identify and explain poetic terms and meanings. Each group worked collaboratively and moved from station to station every 5 minutes. The activity included bonus questions and prizes!  Even a song video was played to incorporate figurative language in music.  Here, student were given 5 extra bonus points if they danced…we have some smooth dancers in ESOL and ABE.  Hats off to all students who poured diligently over the texts to answer questions and unearth meanings.  It was a wonderful experience for our students.  They built needed skills for daily communication interaction as well as tackling a highly-stressed skill on both the TABE and GED tests.
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