Veterinary Assisting

Last week the Veterinary Assisting students worked on sketching out a dog skeleton so they can label the bones and vertebrae and the students were cutting up gummy bears to practice their knowledge on planes and direction terms.
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Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R)

This week the Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R) students that are working on their high school diplomas jumped right into the HVAC class and got their hands on tools, safety, and bookwork needed for the foundational skills. Math, science, and social studies were integrated to the HVAC curriculum through problem solving, math word problems and reading of texts. Development of critical thinking and visual adeptness via visual black and white photographs, which then led to discussions on the Vietnam War, Dust Bowl, world governments, and economy. Agricultural and economic effects of the Dust Bowl as well as role of Congress and legislature in the military actions of Vietnam and Korea were also addressed.

At the end of the week, senior HVAC students led the discussion by examining and troubleshooting images taken at a renovation home project. Viewing the condition/age/placement of the existing handler and a/c unit, students gave suggestions for the homeowner on current maintenance, repair, as well as replacement/upgrades of a new system which will be needed shortcoming. With limited spacing to repair/maintenance the old equipment, there was much discussion on whether any cleaning or repair of the unit was beneficial in balancing the effects of particle emissions into the air ducts. This enabled the new P3 students to benefit from the troubleshooting process of more experienced students, and of course, Mr. Bagg.

And….one of the HVAC students came with a brainstorm connecting the invention of the machine gun in WWI to the operation of a coolant system/HVAC unit~ Way to go, Ian!
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Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist

The Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students worked on setting Smart (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-based, and Timed) Goals. The assignment was to write a plan for self-improvement in two main areas: Personal and Professional/Educational. For each area, they included a minimum of three short-term goals and three long-term goals.

In addition to their personal goals, they were taught how employers might ask their employees or a member of their team to set goals as part of a plan for improvement. This assignment will help plan and organize their strategy for improvement and teach them how to plan for future endeavors. These students are well on their way to SUCCESS!



Pharmacy Technician

This week, our Pharmacy Technician students have been learning medical terminology related to the pharmacy practice. In this field, students must learn how to interpret abbreviations and handwriting to accurately process medication orders. Students are also learning the legal aspects of the pharmacy practice, including the Scope of Practice of a Pharmacy Technician and the requirements to fill prescriptions. They are also learning the role of the Florida Board of Pharmacy, the DEA, and ISMP in the pharmacy practice. Additionally, the students have started simulations in retail dispensing process, including processing and handling of prescription orders. Students are entering prescription orders in our simulation lab and accurately preparing the medication for dispensing.

Our Pharmacy Tech III students are continuing their experiential learning at our partner externship sites including AdventHealth Waterman, Walgreens Pharmacy, and Burry’s Pharmacy. They are working with a site preceptor to learn how to process and fill prescriptions, practice customer service, perform COVID Testing, and vaccine administration. Students work in a compounding pharmacy, where they learn additional skills in non-sterile compounding of creams, ointments, suspensions, and capsules and in a hospital pharmacy, where they learn how to prepare and deliver medications to the nursing areas and observe tasks such as sterile compounding and medication reconciliation.



Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality and Baking & Pastry Arts

As usual there was a lot cooking this week in the Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality program. Students whipped up tasty treats and creations to delight the senses! In Baking & Pastry Arts the students worked with Chef Lach preparing yummy desserts this week & finalizing their dessert menu for the Advisory Committee Reception.
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty and Nails Specialty

Senior Cosmetology students kicked off the week with a very informative Color Theory lecture with Mrs. Whalen, followed by a color project where they were able to show off what they learned by coloring wefts & mannequin’s with various types of cosmetic hair color. Later in the week they enjoyed pampering from our new students while receiving pedicures and manicures. These new students are well on their way to accepting clients in our salon – so exciting!

Facials Specialty students learned skin analysis & the steps for a basic facial this week. They have enjoyed practicing on each other and perfecting their techniques.

Nails Specialty students have perfected their manicures and pedicures and are ready to begin accepting clients!
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Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology

Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology students spent this week learning to configure wireless access points. An access point is a wireless network device that acts as a portal for devices to connect to a local area network. This is critical for wireless coverage.
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Fire Fighter/Emergency Medical Technician – Combined

The Fire Fighter/Emergency Medical Technician students were required to take their second timed simulated Candidate Physical Agility Test (SCPAT) last week. The students pictured here came in several hours early before class began to practice and increase their physical abilities. These are some hardworking students!
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Florida Law Enforcement Academy

Over the last few weeks the Florida Law Enforcement Academy students were working on First Aid, CPR, and physical fitness. Carrying the “man down” is a creative way to stimulate oxygen to the brain and increase learning and material retention. It’s hard work to stay in shape, but they are killing it!

They also gave the newest dad in the class a little extra practice as they were learning CPR and clearing infant airways. Congratulations on your new little one!
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Welding Technology and Welding Technology – Advanced

This week the welding students completely fabricated a stand for the cold cut saw. They worked with Mr. Sherwood to design it, draw it, and cut all of the parts out on the CNC plasma. What a great job – we’re so proud of you.
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Automotive Collision Technology Technician

This week the Automotive Collision Technology Technician program features student Jamareon Chapple, who completed a class project.

This project included, prepping the metal for primer, priming, sanding, and prepping again for refinishing. This was his first time airbrushing and antiquing the second layer of base paint using brush strokes. He was given the guidelines for the project, however the colors and antiquing was all his own design. Way to go, Jamareon!!
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Automotive Service Technology

This week new Automotive Service Technology students were getting familiar with their new tools and how to properly use them. They have been working to take this vehicle completely apart for restoration.
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Adult Basic Education/GED® Prep/ESOL

This week in Adult Education, students on the main campus worked on identifying evidence, bias, credibility, fact, and opinion in argumentative prompts in preparation for the ‘extended response’ portion of the GED test. We have lots of ‘students on fire’ as students are taking and passing Ged Ready Tests and subject tests.

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