Academic Affairs ~ 08/21/20


Emergency Medical Technician
One of the first graduations of the school year is in the books! The EMT students graduated in the large room at the Institute of Public Safety. Each student was allowed to bring two guests and masks and temperature checks were required. It was a nice evening to be able to congratulate students in person for their accomplishments.
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Pharmacy Technician
This week, we had Mrs. Willey from the Nursing Department assist in overseeing our vaccine administration lab. Although in Florida, only licensed pharmacists administer vaccinations to patients, some states are transitioning to pharmacy technician administered vaccinations under the direction of a licensed pharmacist. We want to make sure our students are prepared in not only the data entry, forms collection, and third party billing of vaccinations, but also understand the process and procedure of the administration process as their roles may transition in the future.

Our returning students continued their experiential learning at their community pharmacy rotations, learning how to assist in pharmacy workflow processes, compound patient-specific medications and assist in the vaccination process as flu season has arrived!
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty, Nails Specialty
We are definitely in the full swing of things in the Cosmo Department! Wow, we are so impressed with our Senior students and their motivation. Our new students are right on track and working through their core curriculum. And we are becoming pros at this Zoom/Socrative thing. If you are wondering what Socrative is, it is an online assessment software tool.

We started our week celebrating Mrs. Holcomb’s birthday; our Day students went ALL out and treated her to beautiful flowers, a baby cake, and a gift card to Chick-fil-A! How special.

This week our Day Seniors practiced their blow-dry skills as well as barrel curls. They then learned how a great blow-dry followed with a barrel curl set can give them lots of volume as well as a great foundation for their updo’s!  They really outdid themselves. Later in the week our “Super Seniors” enjoyed some freestyle time to practice razor cutting, foil highlighting as well as braids! Braids are the trend these days.
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Welding Technology
In addition to developing stellar welding skills, students learn fabrication – a much needed skill in industry. As a class project, both day and night students are not only applying their fabrication skills, but also TIG aluminum and spool gun aluminum welding.
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Florida Law Enforcement Academy
Congratulations to the new Leesburg Police Officers. These officers recently graduated from Lake Technical College’s Law Enforcement Academy and are ready to serve! In addition, all three are veterans of the United States Marine Corps.
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Diesel Systems Technician 1 & 2
The students are back and ready to work. Student Shea Lape is working on transmissions at this point in the program, building a Lego 10 speed transmission and figuring out all the gear ratios for the transmission. Instructor Randy Yates was very impressed by his build as it took quite a bit of time to count all the teeth on each one of the gears. The other students jumped right back in the swing of things and started taking engines and trucks apart.
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Automotive Service Technology
Students focused on electrical boards this week.
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ADULT EDUCATIONFall 2020 GED Academic Affairs ~ 08/21/20opens in a new windowopens PDF file

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