Academic Affairs ~ 08/14/20


Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration 1 & 2
This summer was spent renovating the HVAC/R lab and classroom. In addition to HVAC/R 1 and 2, Lake Technical College, in partnership with Kalos Services in Clermont, will be offering an apprenticeship program. We are very thankful for the assistance of Bryan Orr, Co-Founder and Vice President of Service at Kalos for helping us install all the new equipment. For information on the apprenticeship program, please contact Laurie Bryant at 352.589.2250, ext. 1828 or email her at bryantL@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email.
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Accounting Operations
Administrative Office Specialist
The Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist programs would like to welcome all the new and returning students. The new school year is off to a great start. The returning students are working on their advanced course work and our new students jumped right into learning new Microsoft Office skills. All the students are excited about their new adventure and are excited about being at Lake Tech.



Pharmacy Technician
This week we welcomed our new students and sent our returning students to experimental learning at their community pharmacy externship sites. Our new students are learning the introductory skills to become and essential healthcare worker and have been working on learning medical abbreviations and the importance of point of care testing. We are looking forward to a productive yet socially distanced school year!
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Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality
The Culinary students didn’t miss a beat as they prepared food and were ready to serve lunch on the first day of school. Following a higher standard than even the restaurant industry standards, all students felt safe and still were able to enjoy the culinary delights offered in the Courtyard Café!
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty, Nails Specialty
It seemed as those the students knew right where to pick up after being gone for such a lengthy period of time. All three instructors felt like this was a spectacular first week back! The returning students definitely brought their “A game” with them, as you can see from the pictures. And our new students have been champs learning the hybrid way. It has for sure been a new way of “back to school” for us in the Cosmetology Department but we all agree it has been one of the best!

So many students have taken the time to send emails or tell us face to face how thankful they are to be back in class and most of all how grateful they are to see all the safety measures taken to keep us all safe and healthy!
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Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology
The new students have started their coursework learning about cables and computer hardware, and many have expressed their excitement about learning about the information technology field. Returning students are again back at it, continuing their studies in computer networking. All students have been great at complying with social distancing/mask guidelines, and been diligently working on their courses. Thankfully, there are two classrooms for the students so they can social distance with ease!
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Welding Technology
The returning students were excited to finally be able to weld again. The new students were acclimated to welding basics and what this new career field is all about!
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Fire Academy, Special Operations
Pictures from the Structural Collapse class held in July. Hard work in the heat – but we are thankful the fire fighters take this training and are prepared for any disaster.
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Florida Law Enforcement Academy
One of the first things the recruits learn how to raise the US Flag properly. The ceremony is conducted each day at the Institute of Public Safety.
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Automotive Service Technology
Students were excited about being on campus and jumped right into the practicing what they have been learning.
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We’re small, but we’re mighty! Some of our students have ventured back to our classroom to learn English this semester, and even more are arriving every day. They come to us from many different places around the world, and we come together not only by sharing a common language but by all that we have in common. Here, goals are met, ambitions are achieved, and friendships are formed. It’s wonderful to witness dreams being realized in any language!

Our students jumped right into English this week by using and comparing the simple present verb tense (usually/habitually) and the present progressive (now). We also practiced utilizing object pronouns in our speech which makes it all flow so much easier. Of course, there were many opportunities for fun, interactive conversations and activities so that we could get to know each other as we begin this new fall semester.
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GED® Prep Throwback Post
Can you solve this problem? Our GED prep students can! Mrs. Netherton will provide the answer next week!


TICKET PRICING Adult (a) Child (c)
Afternoon Show $15 $8
Evening Show $22 $16


A Community group is planning a trip to the theater. There are (a) adults and (c) children in the group. An afternoon show will cost a total of $308.  An evening show will cost a total of $520. The system of equations below represents the total cost for each show.

15a + 8c = 308
22a + 16c = 520


How many adults will attend the show? (Hint:  This system is best solved using linear combination.)

  1. 12
  2. 16
  3. 24
  4. 28


(Question from Steck-Vaughn Mathematical Reasoning Workbook)


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