Academic Affairs 01/10/20


Medical Assisting
This week, students were practicing laboratory procedures.
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Baking and Pastry Arts
Fancy desserts were prepared this week for both Leadership Lake participants and the Student of the Month luncheon!
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Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology
This week, students are preparing for their industry certification exams. One person passed the first exam (of two) for the CompTIA A+ industry certification and we are well on the way for many others! Did you know…

CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for establishing a career in IT. The content of the two exams is as follows:

  • Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionals
  • Configure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) software
  • Troubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scripting
  • Support basic IT infrastructure and networking
  • Configure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardware
  • Implement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practices

Lake Tech is proud that we are able to offer preparation for these exams so students are ready for employment.



CNC Production Specialist
This first week of the semester, we added a new group of enthusiastic students.  It was a busy week (as always) with lots of instruction and practical hands on exercises.  All of the students participated in a friendly competition with a CNC obstacle course.  Prizes were awarded for the top 2 finishers.  This week we also had a couple of tour groups that competed in the same challenge.
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Automotive Collision Technology Specialist
One of our students in the Automotive Collision program is very busy refinishing a hood on a 2014 Ford Focus.

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Adult Education classes had a productive first week of school.  Mrs. Avelli presented and led a discussion about goal-setting.  Students received a notebook to help keep themselves organized, keep track of their attendance, and to use to record their goals.  Students had to come up with short and long term goals for their studies and their career explorations.
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We’re back! What a dynamic group of students we have this semester, and from many countries: Peru, Bangladesh, Brazil, Japan, Thailand, Haiti, Vietnam, China, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic…and that’s just our morning class!

We’ve gotten busy right away with our advanced and intermediate students practicing pronunciation, specifically the three ways to pronounce /ed/ for the past tense of regular verbs. Our advanced students have been working to identify and use the passive voice, and our Intermediates, reviewing the present tenses in English. Our beginners are getting the basics, starting with the verb “to be.” We’ve managed to include our weekly classes on Job Skills/Career Development and Civics, where we covered the three branches of American government and also talked about current events. As always, our students have participating enthusiastically in group interactions, where, as peers, they do so much to help and encourage each other every day.
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