Fall is in the Air…
New Classes Available – Let Your Students Know!
Microsoft Word – 10/2-10/23, $75
Microsoft Excel – 10/30-11/27, $75
Resume Writing – 10/11-10/18, $35
Academic Affairs
Arts, Communication & AV Technology
Digital Designers were tested on final typing speeds, sitting positions, and keyboard knowledge. Fastest time: 126 WPM! Smokin!!!
We had an odd encounter with one of the monitors. We weren’t sure whether to call IT or Ghostbusters… Bill Johnson came to the rescue and to our dismay; it was only a partially connected cord. (green screen)
Instructor Kerrie Johnson and the Advisory Committee meeting table – she wasn’t sure if she would be judged on OCD details like pad positions, pen angles, distance from the edge of the table… but she gave it her best shot and exclaimed, “Boy am I glad this week is over!”
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Business, Management & Administration
The Business Management cluster programs had the opportunity to hear from and talk with three members of the COE team. After hearing about the preparations for weeks, several members of the class expressed that they were pleased to be part of this process.
One of the many functions of the today’s Administrative Office Specialist (AOS) is to maintain a variety of office equipment including the office printer. Pictured are several members of our AOS class who are studying how to determine when to change and then how to change selective printer cartridges. Following that, they created a log for tracking and reordering the cartridges.
In addition to learning how to select, order, and change printer supplies, the members of the Administrative Office Specialist (AOS) class met several times to plan an inventory control sheet to identify how many cartridges we have on hand and when to reorder. This gave our class an opportunity to discuss what information we need and don’t need. It was a good exercise. Later this information will be placed into a spreadsheet.
In our classes students are helping each other by preparing presentations on a variety of topics that are used in business.
Health Science
Evening LPN Students are learning about peripheral vascular disorders, one specifically, Arteriosclerosis Obliterans. This disease affects the small to medium size arteries of the lower extremities. A prudent nurse will assess many times in the shift the presence of pedal pulses. The markings on instructor Rachel Weaver’s left foot were the possible options for a quiz: where are you assessing for the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses?. The markings on her right foot were the landmarks and correct answers. Cheap and Easy… though Ms. Weaver indicated that the shower last night and this morning didn’t really do the trick!
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Nineteen Medical Assisting students received their keys. They completed the health core and have now begun their journey in the next phase of the program.
Law, Public Safety & Security
On October 23, the PT Challenge will once again be held between the Fire and Law students. Mark this day on your calendar – it is a fun event for everyone.
The Law Enforcement program is on course as expected. We could not ask more of our Recruits. We have attached some pictures from last week’s spray day, hope all enjoy.
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We are gearing up for the Corrections program. Thursday was orientation and Monday was “Day One”.
On September 11 the Welding program hosted Harris Products who provided a torch safety workshop for all the Welding, Auto Collision, and Diesel students.
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Transportation & Logistics
The Auto Collision program entered a nationwide car hood design contest sponsored by LKQ. The Lake Tech hood was selected as one of the top five! Our hood will be displayed at the SEMA Automotive Show in Las Vegas in November of this year. This is a nationwide recognition for our school.
Career Pathways
Exciting things are happening in Adult Education. Did you know that our enrollment is up 50% from last year? The word has gotten out about the fantastic job our instructors do to change lives. We don’t just teach fractions. We don’t just teach subject-verb agreement. We do a lot more. We connect adults with their career path of success — total transformation.
Adult Education has seen the largest enrollment increase in ESOL. Our enrollment is up over 100% from last year. Did you know we serve students from all over the world? Just this week, on our main campus, we realized that five continents were represented in our ESOL class: Africa, Asia, North America, South America, and Europe.

This week, 19 of our instructors will be headed to the Adult and Community Educators (ACE) of Florida conference. Brent Stubbs, Coordinator of Adult Education, will be giving two presentations, the first of which will be assisted by Dr. Culpepper, Pam Netherton, Trudy Dailey, and Gloria Balogh. The presentation is entitled, “From Student to Customer: Making the Tuition Transition in Adult Education”. Martha Garzon, president of m5 Design Studio, will be the co-presenter.
GED…it’s just the beginning!
Staff Development
New iTunes University content available to help you learn – it’s free!
Some things to think about…
From CNN’s Donna Krache, Schools of Thought –
Flipped classes –What if students could learn the lesson at home, and then do their “homework” in class with the help of their teacher? That’s the idea behind flipped classes, not a new concept but one that is gaining popularity. The practice caught on in part because of the success of websites like Khan Academy, which was started by former hedge fund manager Sal Khan, who devised a way to tutor his cousin remotely in math.
Students learn the processes after school, watching videos or online explanations that they can pause and replay. When they come to school, students then demonstrate their understanding of the material by doing their homework under the watchful eye of their teacher. Some schools have reported higher attendance rates and test scores as a result of flipping. But some say the practice doesn’t work for all subjects and that student accessibility to technology at home should be considered before instruction is built on flipping.
Gamification – is “the use of game-like thinking and elements in places that aren’t traditionally games,” according to GamifyingEducation.org. For example, teachers might incorporate online badges or leader boards into lessons to motivate students or use gaming techniques and applications to engage students in learning content. Proponents of gamification argue that it’s unrealistic to expect the video game generation to sit quietly in class and absorb information; the old “chalk and talk” method doesn’t work for these students.
One way to engage students and help them learn, say gamification advocates, is to deliver the content in a game format. But there are questions about gamification: Is it a student achievement game-changer (no pun intended) or does it undermine intrinsic motivation?
Newly Redesigned LINCS Website Offers Additional Resources for Adult Educators
The Office of Vocational Adult Education has re-launched the landmark adult educator information website http://lincs.ed.gov/. The new enhanced website provides a collection of quality evidence-based online resources for adult educators nationwide.
One of the most exciting changes to the site is the creation of an online community with 16 topic area groups. These virtual communities provide an opportunity for on-demand professional development and networking.
Get involved in the conversations in the LINCS Community, get informed with the latest resources and publications, and get inspired by the new professional development opportunities!
Bob Zehner continues to lead the charge in pulling wires for the wireless and new phone system. Check out how neat the wiring racks are – COE even got to the wires to clean up their area!!
Bill Johnson has been busy preparing the testing lab with a new browser so that the TEAS test and the Florida Ready to Work tests will be available.
Tech Tip of the Week (click on the picture)
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Out In the Community
The marketing team is out spreading the word about Lake Tech. On Thursday, September 20th Art Seidner set-up a display at South Lake High School’s first 1st Annual College and Career Fair. He spoke to several potential students who were interested in Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts, as well as several other programs.
On September 25, Betty Jones attended a focus group sponsored by the United Way to help determine how the projects United Way funds can make even a bigger impact.
On Monday, several Lake Tech adult educators will be participating in a focus group sponsored by OPPAGA, the policy and research arm of the Florida legislature. They are interested in learning how adult education tuition and residency laws have impacted our programs.
On Tuesday, Diane Culpepper will be participating in the district’s technology advisory committee. The main topic of discussion is BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology). At Lake Tech, we are in the process of preparing for this latest trend in technology.
On October 3rd, Megan Sines will attend the Domestic Violence Workshop and Community Resource Fair.
On October 5, Diane Culpepper will have the opportunity to meet the new Workforce Central Florida President, Pamela Nabors.
Please tell your students to plan to attend the Leesburg Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. Trudy Dailey will set-up and represent Lake Tech. There is a small admission charge; however, there are restaurants that will have samples of great food. The event runs from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. on October 11 at Lake –Sumter Community College’s gymnasium.
Lake Tech will be participating in the school district’s “Education Innovations” which will be held at Leesburg High School on October 16 from 5:30 until 8 pm.
On October 19th, Lake Tech will have a display at the Community Resource and Job Fair to be held at Venetian Gardens on Friday, October 19th. Also, please notify Trudy Dailey about interesting things happening in your program and she’ll help get the word out!
New Classes:
Forklift Operator – The last Friday of every month — $125
Class “D” Security Guard – Contact Lt. Chris DeLibro at 352.742.6463 for schedule — $199
Artistic Welding – 10/23-11/13, $318