In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- March is Irish-American Heritage Month and Women’s History Month
- Program Information Session, March 8 at 2:45 pm in the Board Room
- February Student of the Month Luncheon, March 10 at 11:30 am
- Faculty/Staff Meeting, March 10 at 2:45 pm
- Board of Directors Meeting, March 14, 2:30 pm
- Rookie Teacher of the Year Celebration, March 16, 7 pm at Lake Sumter State College
- Spring Break, March 21 – 25, 2016
- State SkillsUSA, Lakeland, FL, April
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Technology
Adrian R. and Alex N. began Digital Design 2 this week, and already, exciting opportunities are happening for each of them…
Ken Bragg, former Director of LTC, was touring programs during one of Lake Tech’s 50th anniversary events, and was so taken with Alex’s goal to use his graphic design skills for promoting himself and others in the music industry, that he is giving 4 tickets to Alex and Ms. Johnson for the Lake County Symphony! We are incredibly grateful and excited about attending!
Adrian was just invited to participate in a co-op with Jim Budzynski at Tip Tops of America, in Eustis, where he will realize his dream of combining illustration skills with a variety of production techniques including Direct to Garment (DTG), embroidery, and screen printing to produce very cool apparel designs for organizations and companies throughout the country! Jim only hires the best, so this is exciting for both Adrian and Lake Tech.
We’re very excited to have Kelly Taylor (Kelly Taylor Photography) to join our program. Kelly is the aunt of this year’s graduate Alysa Rocker, who is now a graphic designer at Ford Press. What a wonderful thing it is to have “family” in our Lake Tech “family”!
Health Sciences
Practical Nursing – The day Practical Nursing students have completed their first milestone – Nursing Assistant! A special ceremony was held to honor them.
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Nursing Assistant – The January Nursing Assistant students graduated this week. Instructor Joanne Nieves is very proud of their hard work and is looking forward to staying in touch with them as they enter their chosen career field.
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Medical Assisting – The Medical Assisting students are selling T-shirts to raise money for SkillsUSA. They are $12 each. Please see instructor Beth Thornton or an MA student for more information.
Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts – Could you turn a cantaloupe or a watermelon into a work of art? Creativity at its best.
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Human Services
Cosmetology – The Cosmetology students had the opportunity to learn from Lake Tech grad Shelby Lewis as she demonstrated a clipper cut.
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Law & Public Safety
Law Enforcement Academy – Correctional Officer / Current Night Law Class – The class finished up the Criminal Investigations block of instruction are preparing for their exam next week. Their physical training seems much easier for them as they all have come a long way.
New Day Law Class – With First Aid completed, the class now begins working on the Legal block of instructions. Physical training is coming along and they are getting used to life as a new recruit.
New Night Corrections Class – The recruits finished up their Introduction to Corrections block with all passing their first exam. As they move on, they have become settled into their classroom and work pattern.
Diane Culpepper and Jack Miller will be touring Ashland Technologies in Orlando on Friday, March 11. This company focuses on manufacturing cutting edge thrill rides including roller coaster chassis and amusement park equipment. This tour is sponsored by the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida. Lake Tech is a silver sponsor of MACF.
Student Affairs
Career Boot Camp will be held April 4-7 and April 11-14. Students must attend one 20-minute session each day for the two-week period. This boot camp will prepare them to land that dream job. Students can win movie tickets and be eligible for a Kindle Fire or a Laptop if they attend all eight sessions.
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Graduation Regalia goes on sale beginning March 7 through April 29. Graduation will be held June 23 at Lake Receptions.
The Students of the Month for February are:
- Culinary Arts – Grace Relyea
- Cosmetology (AM) – Kimberly Fox
- Auto Collision – Martin Carrasco
- HVACR – Jeremy Trickey
- Digital Design – David Wooster
GeorgeFest Parade Float – The Lake Technical College float won First Place for Best Parade Theme. Congratulations to all the faculty, staff and students who worked on designing it and getting ready for the big event.
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Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
Upcoming Workshops:
- March 15: Seminar on Criminal and Family Law. Judy Stewart, a local attorney, will be speaking to the students specifically on the topics of sexual harassment and expungement of records. More information to follow this week.
Remaining Workshops Scheduled for Spring 2016:
- Wednesday, March 16, 2:45-4:00 pm, Linkedin Workshop
- April 4-7 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- April 11-14 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- Monday, April 18, 2:45-4:00 pm, Resume Workshop
- Monday, May 9, 2:45-4:00 pm, Job Interview Skills Workshop
- Wednesday, May 25, 2:45-4:00 pm, Professional Skills in the Workplace
Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone or email. (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855 or rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email
Office of Student Success
If you would like to schedule a study skills, test taking, or stress management workshop for your students any time during the semester, contact Dr. Lindamood. Or, you might like to invite Dr. Lindamood to make a brief appearance in your classroom to introduce herself to your students and explain her role as Student Success Counselor. She can assist your students with anything that may compromise their success: academic challenges, personal problems, and/or financial issues. Dr. Lindamood is a great resource for instructors and students.
Tech Tip

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Click the image to see the tip!In the Community
Eustis Chamber Wellness – Three teams from Lake Tech will be participating in the Eustis Chamber Wellness Challenge. The kick-off meeting will be held at Cobb’s Tractor Showroom on Monday evening. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 pm, the Lake Tech teams will participate in a Wellness Group Walk. Even if you are not on a team, you can walk with us! Contact Lilliana at extension 1820 for more information on the walks.
Be sure to support and cheer on the Lake Tech teams!
Hips Ahoy
- Barbara Szasz
- Lilliana Guardiola
- Tina Brucker
- Lorraine Foster
Calorie Crunchers
- Lana Payne
- Mai Yang
- Ila Knight
- Debbie Guercio
Wishful Shrinking
- Lynette Evans
- Beth Thornton
- Diane Culpepper
- Kerrie Johnson
Kim Frazier represented Lake Tech at the Lake Business Leaders Expo last Tuesday night. It was held at the Tavares Pavilion.
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Back in the Day….
As we begin to celebrate our 50th anniversary, it is fun to reminisce. Can you guess the years?
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Sharing Our Story…
- On Monday, Eustis Middle School students came to visit Lake Technical College. They toured EMT, Auto Service Technology, Auto Collision, Digital Design, Cosmetology, and got to meet Susie in the SIM lab. Though they are a few years away from enrolling, they were really interested in learning about the career training we offer at Lake Tech and how they can become dual enrolled students one day.
- The mayor of Leesburg, Mr. Jay Hurley, toured Lake Tech on Tuesday.