In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- GeorgeFest Parade, February 27
- Eustis Middle School AVID students visit Lake Tech, February 29, 1pm
- Tavares Business Expo, March 1, 6-8pm
- Goodwill Job Fair in Clermont, March 10, 10am-3pm
- Lake Tech presentation to students at Hampton-Dubose Academy in Zellwood, March 11, 9:30am
- Eustis High School AVID students visit Lake Tech, March 17, 9:45am
- Monday-Friday, 3/20-3-25 – NO SCHOOL Spring Break
We Have SkillsUSA Winners!
- Martin Carrasco, Automotive Refinishing Technology, 3rd, Postsecondary
- Luke Carson, Collision Repair Technology, 1st, Postsecondary
- James Cefalo, Diesel Equipment Technology, 3rd, Postsecondary
- Amanda Crosby, Job Interview, 1st, Postsecondary
- Dominic Dobson, Job Skills Demo A, 2nd, Postsecondary
- Anthony Dynia, HVACR, 1st, Secondary
- Ami Fischer, Culinary Arts, 1st, Postsecondary
- Norman Fuhrman, HVACR, 3rd, Postsecondary
- Jay Gause, Diesel Equiptment Technology, 2nd, Postsecondary
- Wyatt Hardwicke, Automotive Refinishing Technology, 3rd, Secondary
- Joseph Laforce, Collision Repair Technology, 3rd, Secondary
- Michael Logan, HVACR, 2nd, Postsecondary
- Rocio Miramontes, Medical Assistant, 2nd, Postsecondary
- Olivia Neal, Esthetics, 2nd, Postsecondary
- Alex Nelson, Pin Design, 1st, Postsecondary
- Candace Perkins, Medical Assisting, 1st, Postsecondary
- Adrian Redinger, T-shirt Design, 1st, Postsecondary
- Christopher Reed, Cosmetology, 1st, Postsecondary
- Grace Relyea, Commercial Baking, 3rd, Secondary
- Bryan Smith, Diesel Equipment Technology, 1st, Postsecondary
- Paige Waters, Job Interview, 3rd, Postsecondary
- Kalvenisha Williams, Job Skill Demo Open, 1st, Secondary
- David Wooster, Job Skill Demo A, 3rd, Postsecondary
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Academic Affairs
Architecture & Construction
Introduction to Construction – Experts from the construction industry met at Lake Tech on February 23 to finalize the topics and instructional materials needed for the new Introduction to Construction class that will be offered this fall. Students will be prepared with an OSHA certification, safety information, and the basics for entry-level employment in the construction industry. Coordinator Christina Grain is currently working on developing the curriculum utilizing the information provided by the industry experts.
HVAC-R – Students in Steve Bagg’s HVAC-R program helped prepare the SkillsUSA float for the George Washington parade this weekend.
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Health Sciences
Diane Culpepper, Melissa Stephan, and Kathy Perfumo will be attending the Health Science Summit sponsored by Lake Sumter State College on March 1. This summit will provide an opportunity for Lake and Sumter County health partners to discuss the employment needs for the health science workers in our community.
Hospitality & Tourism
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – The students were enjoying the carrot cake class today! (Who wouldn’t enjoy that…)
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The Lake County Board of County Commissioners and the Lake County Economic Growth Department hosted the Manufacturing Summit, a business to business networking event on Feb. 23 at the Tavares Pavilion on the Lake.
The goal of the meeting was to give local manufacturers and the companies who support them a greater understanding of the resources available to help them grow and prosper in Lake County. Speakers at the summit will include Lake County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Sean Parks, Lake County Economic Growth Director Robert Chandler, CEO of FloridaMakes Kevin Carr, Board Member of the Manufacturers Association of Florida Al Stimac, Executive Director of the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida Sherry Reeves, Lake Technical College Director Dr. Diane Culpepper, Director of Business and Professional Services for CareerSource Robert Quinlan, Florida TRADE Grant Coordinator Annmarie O’Brien, and Enterprise Florida Regional Manager for International Trade Development Paul Mitchell.
On Thursday, Diane Culpepper attended the Manufacturing Summit that was held in Jacksonville at Vistakon. The skilled worker pipeline was the topic of discussion.
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Law & Public Safety
Law Enforcement & Corrections
Night Law Class – The recruits completed the Criminal Investigations block and started their next educational block; Crime Scene to Courtroom. All passed their previous block test with a class average of 94%! This week they got a special treat when the Lake County Sherriff’s Office SWAT team brought over their command truck for the recruits to explore and ask questions.
Day Law Class/Night Corrections Class – Both classes have settled down and have begun to settle into their routine. The corrections class begins with Physical training and then classwork. They are currently working on the Introductions to Corrections with their block exam coming up next week.
The Law Enforcement recruit class completed their first exam this past Monday with everyone passing and a class average in the low 90’s. All studied hard and it paid off. They continued working on their first high liability class with the First Aid block. Coupled with all this, they all completed their Physical Abilities Assessment. It involved setting a benchmark early in the academy experience and will be completed again at the end to see how much they have improved.
Advanced/Specialized Classes – Lock Picking for Law Enforcement – We had a guest instructor from out of state teach a lock picking class for our area Law Enforcement officers. Held every year, the informative and hands-on class teaches the basics for lock picking.
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Public Safety Telecommunication (911 Dispatcher) – The Spring 911 Dispatcher class graduated last week. This program is 232 hours and includes both hands-on and classroom experiences. The program is taught in partnership with Lake County Sheriff’s Office and Lake County EMS.
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Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Auto Service Technology – We want to congratulate our students that have passed an ASE test! The students were even featured in an article in the Orlando Sentinel which made them feel pretty good about themselves. Again, congratulations to them for their hard work and dedication. Attached are pictures of four out of the six students that passed the test and the link to the Orlando sentinel’s article.
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Adult Education
Since last Monday was President’s Day, we discussed the role of the President of the United States as well as the branches of government, U.S. Constitution, and voting rights. Students took a stroll down memory lane with some oldies, but goodies, on schoolhouse rock and various videos and interactive websites. We then connected the information learned to the current news event of President Obama appointing a new supreme justice and its implications with the election year and balance of votes within the current supreme judges.
Also discussed, as it is Happy Heart Health Month, was blood pressure~ Kathy Girard led the students through a presentation on blood pressure: what is it? what do the numbers mean? how do we maintain a healthy lifestyle? what are the do’s and don’ts for when you have your pressure taken at the doctor’s office? We all learned a great deal and are now more aware of our blood pressure and why we should monitor our sky and dirt numbers (systolic and diastolic). After taking blood pressures, we will use the numbers in math lessons on data analysis, making and interpreting graphs, mean, median, mode, percentages, etc.
Many students have already tested and increased their scores. Some have even completed a subject area and moved onto other subject areas. We had a student complete his TABE requirements (in less than 3 weeks) and will move into the GED classroom on Monday!
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Student Affairs
The Career Expo was a big success! Over 200 students, parents, and business partners attended to learn more about the programs offered at Lake Tech. Scholarships were awarded as door prizes.
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Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
On February 23 a representative from BMO Harris Bank gave a workshop on personal finances that covered topics such as: retirement accounts, budgeting, credit, what makes your credit score and how to increase it. There was a full house with the Medical Assisting, Auto Repair & Refinishing, Accounting Operations, Administrative Office Specialist, and the Digital Design students attending.
A drawing for a laptop bag was won by a Medical Assisting student.
Remaining Workshops Scheduled for Spring 2016:
- Wednesday, March 16, 2:45-4:00 pm, Linkedin Workshop
- April 4-7 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- April 11-14 (M-TH), Lunches, CAREER BOOT CAMP
- Monday, April 18, 2:45-4:00 pm, Resume Workshop
- Monday, May 9, 2:45-4:00 pm, Job Interview Skills Workshop
- Wednesday, May 25, 2:45-4:00 pm, Professional Skills in the Workplace
Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone or email, (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855 or rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email
Office of Student Success – If you would like to schedule a study skills, test taking, or stress management workshop for your students any time during the semester, contact Dr. Lindamood. Or, you might like to invite Dr. Lindamood to make a brief appearance in your classroom to introduce herself to your students and explain her role as Student Success Counselor. She can assist your students with anything that may compromise their success: academic challenges, personal problems, and/or financial issues. Dr. Lindamood is a great resource for instructors and students.
Tech Tip
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