Category: Executive Director’s Blog

Adult Ed7 101119

Academic Affairs 10/11/19

ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology Instructor Steve Bagg stresses the theory portion of the prog... Read More »

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Academic Affairs with Lola

Student Affairs 10/11/19

Career Success Center On October 15 at 10 am, there will be a student seminar on ID Theft. Jeffrey Lanning from Thrivent Financial will be the sp... Read More »

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Construction2 101119

Corporate & Community Training 10/11/19

Introduction to Construction The new Intro to Construction students had a great Saturday project working on city-owned apartments in Leesburg. Studen... Read More »

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Holy cross9 101119

In the Community 10/11/19

Diane Culpepper will attend the Manufacturing of Central Florida (MACF) Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, October 16.   Melissa Step... Read More »

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sonyas tech tips

Sonya’s Tech Tip ~ Glogster

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