Category: Campus News

010220 PCT January 2020 feature image kf

Patient Care Tech starting 01/21/20

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121619 COE 45 Years feature image cr

Accreditation – Celebrating 45 years!

LAKE TECHNICAL COLLEGE CELEBRATES 45 YEARS OF ACCREDITATION The Council on Occupational Education (COE) recognized Lake Technical College for complet... Read More »

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121619 Spring Semester 2020 triathlon cr

Open Registration for Spring Semester

ARE YOU READY TO SEE YOUR FUTURE MORE CLEARLY IN 2020? Lake Technical College is now in Open Registration for the spring 2020 semester. Registratio... Read More »

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Veterans Day Breakfast 111519 kf

Lake Tech Honors its Veterans

Lake Technical College held its first Annual Veterans Day Breakfast on Tuesday, November 5th to honor students and staff that have served in our a... Read More »

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Holiday Hours LTC2019 7

Holiday Hours at Lake Tech

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