Category: Campus News

CCT Classes Spring 2021 featuring 101821 lb

Enroll for CCT Courses ~ Spring 2022

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Success Story Automotive Collision Errin Gill Ford Focus 022221 kf

Success Story ~ Automotive Collision

Here at Lake Technical College, we welcome hundreds of students each year into our 30+ career and technical programs. It has been our mission and pr... Read More »

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Elevate to Essential Scholarship feature image 3 112320 kf

Amazing Scholarship Opportunity!

Are you seeking a career with competitive wages and a definite career path to further your education? Are you looking for a career where your specif... Read More »

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William and Rachel feature image 10 100720

Success in 2020 – Culinary Arts!

  So many people entered 2020 with high hopes and dreams. In fact, as the New Year’s ball dropped, they vowed to make this the best year of their ... Read More »

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LTC & LSSC partner with FLDOE for new workforce education initiative

Get There positions career and technical education as solution to workforce needs LAKE COUNTY, Fla. – Lake Technical College (LTC) and Lake-Sumt... Read More »

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