The Pharmacy Technician program is a 1,050 hour program where students learn to formulate, measure, and dispense drugs as a key member of the professional health care team under the direction of a licensed Pharmacist. This program offers students learning experiences through interactive labs covering a variety of pharmaceutical environments along with field trips, and externship opportunities.
The next start date for Lake Technical College’s Pharmacy Technician Program is October 15th. Prospective students should apply online at www.laketech.orgopens in a new window and sit for the TABE test at the main campus in Eustis. For more information regarding the application process, please contact Lake Tech Admissions at 352-589-2250.
Lake Technical College is a public, post-secondary institution that offers high quality training for many promising careers. The main campus is located at 2001 Kurt St., Eustis. The Institute of Public Safety is located at 1565 Lane Park Cutoff, Tavares. Visit the website www.laketech.orgopens in a new window, or call (352) 589-2250 for more information. “Like” Lake Tech on Facebook, facebook.com/laketechcollegeopens in a new window, or “follow” on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/LakeTech.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Christine Robertson at 352-589-2250 Ext. 1835 or email at Robertsonc1@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email.