Student Affairs with Lola

Student Affairs 03/08/19

Lake Sumter State College Trio program students toured Lake Tech and enjoyed their visit.   Congratulations to Culinary and Cosmo for ... Read More »

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sonyas tech tips

Sonya’s Tech Tip ~ Doodle Scheduling Tool

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SkillsUSA2 031119

SkillsUSA Regional Winners from Lake Tech 2019

Nine Lake Technical College students received high marks and were awarded medals during the regional SkillsUSA competitions. Lake Tech’s Skills... Read More »

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Lola CAM up close

Friday Update 03/01/19

IN THE WEEKS AHEAD AT LAKE TECHNICAL COLLEGE    LSSC TRIO students on Campus for Tour, March 4, 9:30 – 11:30 Charter Board of Directors ... Read More »

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Academic Affairs with Lola

Academic Affairs 03/01/19

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION    Accounting Operations Administrative Office Specialist The students in the Accounting Operations ... Read More »

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