sonyas tech tips

Tech Tip ~ How To Filter Emails in your Inbox

How To Filter Your Emails in your Inbox It’s easy to suffer from inbox overload with all of the email messages we receive each day. But you can act... Read More »

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Funny of the Week 082120

Funny of the Week ~ 08/21/20

Funny of the Week     Which instructor had the funniest COVID brain story? Maybe the one who came to school with two different sh... Read More »

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EMT Graduation 2 082120

Academic Affairs ~ 08/21/20

HEALTH SCIENCE Emergency Medical Technician One of the first graduations of the school year is in the books! The EMT students graduated in the large... Read More »

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Ice Cream Social 2 082120

On Campus and in the Community ~ 08/21/20

ICE CREAM SOCIAL It is tradition to have an ice cream social the first week of school to welcome students and allow them to get to know each other. W... Read More »

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sonyas tech tips

Tech Tip ~ Searching Your Emails in Outlook

Searching Your Emails in Outlook There are times when I need to find an email that was sent a few weeks back or one that had valuable information tha... Read More »

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